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ARI Dec 2013
Beauty beauty,
All around.
In the sky,
And on the ground.

Beauty written,
On a child's face.
Beauty filling,
This world with grace.

ARI Dec 2013
Seeming to fall from the sky,
Tears of an angel,
As pure as the innocence of a child.
Soft droplets,
Cool against my burning eyes,
Caressing my already wet cheeks.
My tears and sorrow mixing with the rain,
Seeping through my skin and drowning my soul.

The sound of the rain hitting the pavement,
Sounds to me like weeping children,
Searching for their loved ones.
Am I a lost child,
Where are the people I love,
Are they ever looking for me?

My heart sinks for those children,
For the ones who hurt,
For all those who are lost.
I cannot see them nor can I find them,
But I can hear them,
I can feel their pain as if it were mine.

ARI Dec 2013
Another sleepless night Im having
Bothered by these unfair thoughts.
Crippled by the guilt im feeling
Destroying my once lovely dreaming.

Every time I see her face
Fear rips through my tightened chest.
Gentle laughter now forgotten
Hatred for myself still blooming.

I feel as though Im always followed
Jumping at each and every noise.
Keeping to myself and crying
Learning to hide from my nightmares.

Maybe one day I'll be just fine
No longer blaming myself.
Or perhaps I will never change
Possibly only becoming worse.

Quizzical is my way of thinking
Ridiculous I have become.
Sulking in my darkened shadow
Teetering on the line of insanity.

Unwanted pain fills my soul
Vanquishing my beautiful memories.
Withering away from everybody
Xenophobe I now have become.

Zealous I will never be again.

ARI Dec 2013
Such a simple word.
Though it carries such meaning
For a broken little girl
Such as myself.

Im sure is how I seem.
For the nights I cried alone
With red angry liquid
Dripping from my arms.

Is what I began to feel.
When I found poetry spilling
From the bruised pores
Of my twisted mind.

I no longer felt.
For as long as I had a pen and paper,
I was always safe and free
I no longer screamed.

Became my saving grace.
As they formed in the wet ink
I put onto my paper
I could write forever.

Is how my poetry is seen.
People always ask me if I am alright
I tell them it should be obvious
That I am.

That is what I take my anger out on.
I no longer hate myself
Because poetry taught me
To always write it out.

ARI Dec 2013
You take my hand,
And Ill take yours.
Give me one last kiss,
Take just one last breath.
Walk to the edge,
And smile big.
Don’t look down,
Just jump right in.
Fall into the cleansing water,
Together we will resurface.
We will bob in the water,
And smile to each other.
Our laughter will fill the ocean,
As our tired souls are renewed.

ARI Dec 2013
I seem to be
yet again,
trapped by your voice.
Your words acting
As a spindle
Wrapping me tightly
around your finger.

Your "love" seeming
to be,
as a hour glass.
Quickly flowing
Yet slowly dwindling
And soon to come
To a forever ending.

You always leave me
Feeling like,
A doll left alone.
My marble eyes
Shining yet empty
As you gaze at me
From a far.  

ARI Dec 2013
So many times I've come close to dying.
Its gotten to the point that it seems like death,
Is this horrid creature hiding in my shadows.
She is stalking me,
Pushing me,
Teasing me,
And constantly punishing me.
The few times I barely made it,
I kept waking up with the picture of my best friend dying.
Seeing him become a cold,
Stiff slab of flesh,
Laying on a hospital bed.
I hear his sisters screams ringing through my ears,
And feel her blood dripping down my arms,
From where she held her simple silver razors.
Death has become a tease.
I am tired of waking up with these images,
Destroying my once peaceful thinking.
I should be the one 8ft under,
And I am ready for death to take me.
I am tired of living,
And I am tired of these darkened thoughts poisoning me.

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