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ARI Dec 2013
Today I saw you,
Possibly for the last time.
Shock was written clearly across my face,
As you walked through the door and into my arms.
My face was buried in your neck,
Your warm arms gripping me tightly to your body.
Ive missed you more than I could possibly explain,
No words were spoken as we stood there.
Your hands gently pulling me away,
Guiding my lips to yours.
Such sweet slow intensity,
Filling me with longing and the fear of losing you forever.
Locking your fingers with mine,
You smiled sadly and walked through the house.
Later as you said goodbye,
You promised me you would come and kiss me one last time.
You promised me you would hold me one last time,
Before you were called back.

ARI Dec 2013
Lost within herself
Hiding in a darkened corner.
Heavy footfalls across the carpet
Causing her to silently shake.
His smile filled of malice
Her heart drowning in fear.
Maniacal laughter poisoning the air
Her ear drums threatening to burst.
Wrapping his demonic hands around her wrists
Seeming to burn her to the bone.
Tears rushing down her cheeks
Screams ripping from her lungs.
Clothe forced between her trembling lips
Ropes embedded in her skin.
Bruises conquering her every limb
Her eyes swelling shut.
Fingers slowly crushing her throat
Her life slowly beginning to fade.
Not many people consider what happens
To a lost girl in a hotel room.

ARI Dec 2013
Im just a little bit broken right now
Torn into so many pieces.
My heart is calling out your name
But isn't getting the answer it wants.
I know I should leave you right now
Since I always have to whisper when im around you.
But its easier said than done
Guess Im just gonna have to suffer.

ARI Dec 2013
Time slowly slipping by my tired eyes,
With every drop of medication dripping through my IV.
The doctor tells me he doesn't know,
When my body will be healed enough to leave.
Needle after needle puncturing my bruised skin,
The taste of chemicals on my tongue.
I quickly grow weary of waiting,
On the pain to finally go away.
Nurse after nurse coming in,
To check my pain and vitals.
Im tired I say just leave me alone,
But they tell me I am not well enough.
The smell of latex suffocates me,
Drilling itself into my memory.
Wires and tubes stretching everywhere,
Ive forgotten where they end and I begin.
What a terrible thing to feel trapped,
In such a clean sterile environment.

ARI Dec 2013
Legs twisted
Arms bent
Body broken
Head limp
Eyes empty
Fingers tensed
Voice cracked
Grace gone
I am
Just another
Broken dancer

ARI Dec 2013
Let me go,
Don't hold me tight.
I cant be near you,
Because this isn't right.
You tell her you love her,
Then leave her for me.
Then make me the bad guy,
When shes as mad as can be.
I loved you I swear,
But you broke my fragile heart.
You were mine for a while,
Then your lies tore me apart.
Don't claim you are mine,
Then tell her your not.
Stop kissing my lips and saying you care,
‘Cause Ive found you don’t want me in the ways I had thought.

ARI Dec 2013
Usually it seems to be,
It would be the older writing to the younger me.
Id be old, bitter, and lonely too,
Then id sit down to write a letter to the younger you.
But in this hour of which Im in,
Iv’e decided to justify my greatest "sin".
To explain what is done will always be done,
And to tell of the things I have lost or have won.

To start off first let me ask you this,
Remember the girl who shared your first kiss?
And how you loved that her vibrant smile,
Seemed too stretch on for a million miles.
One night It seems I had made a "mistake",
The moment I heard my body did shake.
I was blamed for the changes to her beautiful figure,
And cursed on the night she pulled the blackened trigger.

Though now as I sit with my son right beside me
His sweet little presence sets my soul free.
So small, fragile and innocent he is,
I know I need to make the world his.
I spend every hour searching high and low,
To insure my son will always grow.
Not just in a strong physical way,
But into a man he will be proud of from day to day.

Ive thought long and hard about what I gave,
To the mother of my child I couldn't save.
She blamed me for making her body grow,
All the love I had for her never seeming to show.
She blamed me for always letting her be wild,
and for not letting her **** our unborn child.
She claimed her want to destroy him was true,
though it became something she couldn't do.
On the day she went to hand over our newborn son,
She couldn't do it and decided she was done.

I received a saddened call one night,
From a woman telling me my son was alright.
His young mother had written a letter that day,
To explain why she had taken her own life away.
My son was given to me in the morning,
along with a terrifying custody warning.
Though my sins have brought me great pain,
From them my saving grace I did gain.
So never wish to erase the past,
Because for me I want it to last.
I love my son more than anything,
And I would never risk changing a thing.

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