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ARI Dec 2013
Move with me
Follow me into my spins.
Where the strong smooth texture
Of worn, loved dance shoes
Soften our graceful landings.

Close your eyes and smile
And dream my dream of wonder.
Where the music wraps around our bodies
Guiding our every move.

Laugh with me
Lift your eyes to match mine
Watch me as our sorrows flee
And as our nightmares forever leave.

Move with me
As our tired hearts begin to weep
And our broken souls finally heal.
As the pain turns to peace.

Follow me into my spins.
Where the moon forever shines
And we forever dance.

ARI Dec 2013
She sits and waits
Begging for that boy to prove them wrong.

He’s never going to come
they all say.
You’re too good for him!
they all say.
You’re wasting your trust.

Please she pleads
Please don’t abandon me.

She waited for him for hours
And sang for him forever,
but in the end
That boy never came for her.

ARI Dec 2013
I traveled the world today,
With little Ms.Maryk.
We snuck through all the shadows,
And found a magical way.

We climbed to the tallest tower,
And stayed ‘til the latest hour.
We marched ‘cross the murky river,
Then went home to take a shower.

We went to every city known,
To see all of their treasures shown.
We finally met Petter Pan,
He said to never be all grown.

We swam through the wild sea,
And ran from a giant bee!
Oh the fun we had today,
Just ‘lil Marykate and me.

ARI Dec 2013
Her eyes were darkend pools
of twisted torment.
Her lips were broken lines
of lovely lies.
Her chest was tight and cold
from her heavy hardened heart.
And her legs were
Slender sticks of secret scars.

ARI Dec 2013
You’re the song stuck in my head,
That plays across the strings of my heart.
You’re the beat I tap with my hand,
The melody I get lost in.
You’re the notes loud and strong,
The notes I cant help but sing to.

ARI Dec 2013
Don’t forget her,
the girl that waited for you.
She is the one,
the one who saved you.
Don’t forget,
She is the reason you are still alive.
She gave up her life,
So you could keep yours.
Don’t look,
She doesn’t want you to see her drown.
She doesn’t want you to see what you did to her.

ARI Dec 2013
I smile as it seems to be,
The wind came to play with me.
For I lay in bed,
Ill for what seems like forever.
I cannot move or dance myself,
So the wind and my dreams dance together.
I watch as the humming birds made of lace,
come alive before my eyes.
I love to watch the sweet caress,
Of the lacy blinds against the open glass.
I love to watch as my dreams take me,
Dancing me out my small window
To the open land and tall trees,
To the light in the skies,
And the smell of the seas.
I laugh as I slip away into my dreams,
Now I can dance for myself.

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