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 Mar 2018 Apricot Sky
The constellation of Leo I manifested through.
Ever since my birth my heart belonged to you...

Caught in the endless loop since Its inception but perfection made me move,
Now behind the fabric of deception I see the truth, Its so tragic. They've hidden her, my Aquaris.
In the womb of Atlantis.

Thats just how my story goes, you could of just said sorry. I would've accepted your apologys.
Now they ought to put me in orange clothes.

Ready for adventure but our relation forced me to stay at home.
Deja vu when your psycopathic needs reminded me of places from before.
I've been taking detour after detour only to meet ****** that changed my lore to eeyores.
Now I daydream to feel free,
or cry to let of steam because It seems that memories is the only thing that means anything to me anymore.

There's no more purpose to act ******* the surface my life is worthless.
In fact. The shortest straw is in my hand because I always allow myself to draw last
and no matter how many sticks I gather from my past I still cant seem to reach the camels back.

My fire that burned with the disire of hope is now learning its becoming nothing else than smoke.
Translucent like a ghost..
Everyone came to see my roast where God attended as the host.
Reviewing my life while everyone laughs like its some sort of a big joke...
 Mar 2018 Apricot Sky
Ciel Noir
 Mar 2018 Apricot Sky
Ciel Noir
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
 May 2017 Apricot Sky
We'll meet in our life's afternoon
As the morning's all but gone
Lessons learned, small scars, big tears,
but no regrets at all

I'll share the bread and wine I've brought
Half or more, I have enough
I built small castles 'long the way
Money and its comforts
this time easily they came

I'll be merely who I am
I stopped pretending long ago,
to be something that I'm not
or caring what the critics say
When writing of me in the times

And so I'll meet you free and clear
Mind and body, both are sound
Thanks to yoga, and reflection
About life's meaning and that of love
One and the same they seem to be

Please don't rush; I will be here
Take care to learn your lessons well
Arrive too soon and you'll still be searching
For the self you've yet to find

How lovely though that day will be
And all they days from then till night
Walking hand in hand
No concern of other lovers
or casual friends that want us just the same

And we will have the love
that lovers always dream of
but never preserve to find
and exiting too soon
wind up miles from the spot

I'll meet you by the rising sun
And somehow will just know your name
As you will mine, and hair and eyes
While moving at the spend of sound
My lover, soon is soon enough
 May 2017 Apricot Sky
Joel M Frye
The question is not when we meet our end,
but how, and how does not mean what you think.
Should it be fought, or welcomed as a friend?
To that I say, live to the very brink
however you have lived to now.  Each one
who walks though shadowed days finds their own pace;
some stride, some cringe, some stumble, others run.
What each can handle is what each will face.
If talking seems to help, then speak.  Or you
might soldier on, clad in your armored will.
No one can tell another what to do,
just what they've done, for better or for ill.
The path, if smooth or bumpy, is your own
and should you choose, you need not walk alone.
Some days all I can do for another is pray...and at the time, it never seems like enough.  Kol tuv.
 May 2017 Apricot Sky
It's been storming since I got back
Raining enough to turn streets to rivers
And the air
Like trying to breathe in cotton *****
All sound muffled by water coating every surface
It's like sitting under one of those weighted blankets
And I'm grateful, I think
Because while I'm not one for physical affection,
I feel wrapped in a prolonged embrace

It is when the night comes
And the temperature dips
And the air does not feel so heavy anymore
That I realize just how empty this bed is.
Your half, cold and so shriekingly strikingly void
Threatens to swallow me up like a black hole
Throwing me into nothingness

And sometimes I let it
Let the buzzing numbness wash over my chest
Relief from lungs squeezing out every bit of air
Like my sorrow is a cloth to be wrung out
Yes. Absence is preferable.
But not yours.

But maybe I'll get lucky,
And the clouds will hold vigil
And the rain will still sing
And the sky will continue to fall
Until you come home again.
All of the words can't portray with the same meaning
Your arms hold me and your legs carry you here
But the words to describe them are always unclear
English cannot explain the thoughts
Running through my mind
Maybe I'll find them
Maybe in time
the tingling trace
of your prickly face

down my neck
followed by soft pecks

like the whetted dry grass in the summer
that we laid on until we heard thunder

you were so ******, such a clutter
and i was the lover that had to suffer

you stabbed me and i apologized
after all it was my fault that i fell for your disguise

— The End —