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  Feb 10 apricot
Am I free?
Can I do anything I want,
and I'm still free?

Free is a big word,
it has been used since the
ancient times.

Still using in a
modern era of
free times.

But am I have
freedom in this

I want to travel,
But no means.

I want to eat foods,
But can't afford.

I want technology,
But I need a payment.

So, I must find a job first.
Become slave just to earned,
just to fill my needs.

Freedom is a must,
But cash is the needs.

My question is,
Am I free?
  Jan 29 apricot
You were red and you liked me because I was blue
You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky
And you decided purple just wasn't for you.
I really love this song and I really connect with her.
apricot Jan 29
Live in LA now
Hard without you
I'm missing you miles away
Said I need space but
I don't need space
I need you
to come to me
apricot Jan 24
Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?
Was it obvious to everybody else?
That I'd fallen for a lie?

The questions echoed in my mind,
Haunting me, day after day.
I thought I knew what I was feeling,
But now, it all seemed to sway.

The love I thought was true and pure,
Turned out to be a facade.
The help I offered, so willingly,
Was met with a deafening nod.

Everyone else, they saw it coming,
The signs were there, plain to see.
But I, blinded by my own emotions,
Couldn't fathom the reality.

A lie, so carefully woven,
Ensnared me in its web.
I trusted, I believed, I fell,
Only to be left with dread.

Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?
Was it obvious to everybody else?
That I'd fallen
for your
I used lyrics from the song "No time to die"
  Jan 23 apricot
i'm breathing fast
i'm seeing the past
things i don't want to remember
hit me like a blast

anxiety rising
breath denying
i'm hearing their words
i feel like i'm dying

their words hit me like a stab
i crunch like a crab
that they stepped on
i feel a jab

words bleed out of my chest
as i remember what i don't want to
i'm not ready
wait... just let me

  Jan 23 apricot
I don't know
maybe it's because
no matter how light or dark
it's still the same color
red and purple get lighter and turns pink
orange and yellow get dark and turns brown
I just don't like green don't ask why
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