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5.8k · Apr 2015
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Write and right
Look how good the words are together
1.5k · Feb 2015
The Tell Tale Heart
Annabel Lee Feb 2015
Bump bump, bump bump
Heartbeat there under the floor
Bump bump, bump bump
Heartbeat there, right by the door
Bump bump, bump bump
Heartbeat there, where nobody cares
Bump bump, bump bump
Heartbeat there, beat there
Bump bump, bump bump slower
Slower, slower beat so slow
Bump     bump     bump      bump
Heartbeat  there, please care
Bump                     bump
1.4k · Apr 2015
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Understand this
Understand me
Understand something no one can see
Understand how I write
Understand that I'm without light
Understand the things I see
Understand that without that I'm not me
Understand who I am
Understand that I am me
And that there is no one else I would rather be
Be whoever the hell you want to be
Annabel Lee May 2015
We fall in love with each others souls
The way we see the soul is through the eyes
So when your heart broken think this:
Change blue eyes to brown
Brown to green
Green to hazel
And hazel to blue
That way you'll find the right pair of eyes to look at you
And find the right soul to fall for
1.3k · Apr 2015
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
What's the best super power?
The power to read minds?
To fly?
To have metallic claws?
To have blue skin and be anyone you want to be?
To fall in love?
I'm pretty sure it's the last one.
The greatest power in the world is the ability to fall in love.
Aside from invisibility all of the powers are main stream mutants
No offense to them
1.1k · May 2015
Trust Issues
Annabel Lee May 2015
Freedom is trust.
Trust that you won't ***** up.
Trust shows that you believe in someone.
That you trust them to do the right thing
And clean up their own messes
And not let fear control everyone elses life.
Trust is freedom.
It's the freedom to believe that what I can do is greater then what others think.
Its the freedom to hope that my life can be better.
It is the freedom to believe in hope.
Freedom is hope.
If hope is freesom and freedom is trust then why don't I have any of the three?
1.0k · Mar 2015
Dear Mr.Right
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
You don't have to be perfect
In fact it would be weird if you were
You just have to be right for me
I've always believed that there's a difference between the right person and the perfect person for you
Well I want to get it right and be with you
The guy who's right for me
Not the perfect guy
The right guy
960 · Feb 2015
10 Languages Of Love
Annabel Lee Feb 2015
I just said, I hope, the word for love in 10 different lanuages.
If that doesn't send a global message I don't know what will.
Spread the love people.
805 · Jun 2015
Tomorrowland Morals
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
We need to believe we can exsist.
We need to believe that we can stop destroying the world.
We need to believe that we aren't the flaw the world created by mistake.
We need to believe that we need to be here.
We need to believe in ourselves and our meaning.
We need to believe in the hope that we could get better.
We need to believe.
Because if we don't, there will be nothing left to believe in.
783 · Feb 2015
The Soul
Annabel Lee Feb 2015
My soul is different then yours.
Mine is old, yours is young
Yours is light, mine is dark
Mine is a cage, yours is a latch
Yours is fire, mine is ice
Mine is a lightning flash, yours is a moonbeam
Yours is the Sun, mine is pluto
Mine is scars, yours is music
Yours is pages on a book, mine is a poker game
Mine is my own, your is not
Fire/ice,lightning flash/moonbeams inspired by Emily Bronte
Scars/music inspired by Christopher Poindexter
756 · Mar 2015
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Up there you are, glittering bright
But for some reason only at night
Maybe your hope
Giving strength when there is no light
Glittering bright
An attempt at rhyming
749 · Apr 2015
The Path Of Lovers
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Why does it matter where two people come from
Or what paths they're on
Or what direction they're going
As long as the paths lead them back to each other?
Why does it matter if they're different people
With different lives
And different carrers
And jobs
As long as they both work hard for each other?
What makes them so different?
They have the same heart and soul
So why are they different?
711 · May 2015
Dare To Defy
Annabel Lee May 2015
Defy all you want to be
Defy what is seen
Defy your dreams and hopes and reach the stars
Pass the clouds and soar among the night sky
Defy to fly
Defy to be passed by
Defy to live in the world you want
Defy what is you
And then defy who you should be
Its the only way to become what you want to be.
Title stolen from cw ad
653 · Feb 2015
Annabel Lee Feb 2015
They spent every moment together alone.
They didn't need anyone else.
Just each other.
They were each others worlds.
They were each others universes.
They were each others reason for living.
They were each others souls, inseparable.
651 · Mar 2015
The Yellow Brick Road
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Life is just this yellow brick road
Its filled with stumbles and cracks that make us fall with no one to catch us
And we can only enjoy it when we get to the emarald city
Why can't we enjoy the road, the journey?
Why can't we stop and enjoy the scenes the journey gives us rather than just  looking forward at the emarald city?
Why follow the road to the city when all we have is the road?
We can't stop walking down the road
But why can't we notice it and everything it gives us?
Why is it that only the end matters when we can enjoy the journey there?
Why can't we enjoy our lives rather than just walking along the yellow brick road?
Emarald City- death
Sorry if there are any inacurate things, never read the book
Inspired by Kate & Leopold
636 · Apr 2015
Lightning = Love
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
What if lightning wasn't just a flash?
What if we could experience that much light
That passion and heat forever?
What if lightning didn't flicker on and off
And leave clouds grumbling a sob
And raindrops that pour like tears?
What if the lightning stayed?
Would be so wrong for the flash to be quicker than a moment?
Why can't that moment last
Just a little longer than a flash of lightning?
No one anwser this literally
Love is just as violent and passionate as a storm
Love just happens to last longer
583 · Mar 2015
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
The founders created a perfect world.
Full of people obessed with keeping the world like that.
The divergents are problems because they don't fit into that world.
And yet the divergents weren't the problem themselves.
The divergents were the cure.
You see, in a perfect world no one has a choice
But they did
They were forced to try and make themselves fit into a world they didn't belong in
But that world wasn't the right world
The founders created the divergents so humanity would know when there bubble needed to be burst
The divergents had free will unlike everyone of the fractions
So I guess I'm saying in a perfect world no one has free will or a choice
Now, will someone please tell me why everyone wants the world to be perfect?
557 · Jun 2015
Out of my Grasp
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
Your just an arms length away, within grasp of my finger tips Down a long streching runaway making more of an appearance that seems like a mirage rather then a finger tipped length away.
I reach out and grasp nothing. A thin, empty air is all I feel in return.
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Wrong social media I know but I don't have facebook or twitter and that's how you post what you feel on foxs website
Glee has given me this sense of family is supposed to be.
Its ups and downs that people actually resolve
Its not always a happy ending but having happiness
Its always being there for the people who are always there for you
Its through every heartbreak and happy ending you always have a family to support you through both
Its about making incredible friendships that no one in there lives would ever forget
It has and will forever give me so much hope
I will mourn the loss of this show forever.
It has helped me so much.
It taught me unity, never to judge anyone before knowing how they are,
Always chasing the stars and never giving up
This show has me a large part of who I am and I don't feel ready to give it up but I know I have to but I really really don't want to.
It made me feel like I belonged, and as everyone knows
I don't
So thank you so much glee, you have made my life great for 6 years and I can never repay you for that
So just
Thank you
I don't care if a single person reads this, just know glee is amazing and inspiring and if I could I would be a part of the family they are.
543 · Jul 2015
The Promises of Always
Annabel Lee Jul 2015
Always is a promise
To never leave
To never run
To never go when it gets tough or painful
To fight through things side by side
To alway be there
To love forever and never stop being there for the person you love
Always is a promise.
Do you?
You broke it. You broke it.
476 · Nov 2015
Life Span
Annabel Lee Nov 2015
Children- don't know who they are but don't care because they don't know any better
Teens- don't know who they are but have to because they are expected to
Adults- try to pretend they know who they are but really don't
Old People- know what they have known they're entire life: that we never really figure out who we are
466 · Mar 2015
Hope 1
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Hope is ingrained into the soul.
It doesn't matter if it temporaily fades or not.
It will ALWAYS be there.
This poem will not be the first poem in a list of poems about hope. This just happens to be the first one.
459 · Apr 2015
Thorin Oakanshield
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
"If the world cared more about home than gold the world would be a jolly place"
Maybe if everyone else thought the world wasn't gold
It could be a home to a jolly place
A tribute to the king under the mountain
451 · Jun 2015
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
You know I see all these people
They drink
They smoke
They do drugs
They cut
They physically **** themselves inside and out
And you know what I do?
I write on my arms
And every single one of the people above judge me for what I do
Anyone else see the irony?
443 · Jun 2015
Infinite Moment 1
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
City lights capture hands in the darkness giving shadows to a perfect silhiloette. Eyes meet as the diamonds overhead sparkle with passion. An unaturally warm breeze blows, giving the air a tender feeling. They see nothing for a moment, only each other through a scoping vision that makes everything else disappear around them. They don't see the glistening stars shining or the magestic city lights off in the distance. All they see are each others eyes. All they see is each others soul wrapped in a peaceful gaze. All they can see is each others heart melding into one soul. All they can see is what they have created together.
All they see is all that they want to see, their love
It won't be a series but there will be more than one.
442 · Mar 2015
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Our DNA literally is incomplete
We have half of what we are inside us,
Then someone else is the other half
The part that completes you
We are literally meant to find someone to give ours hearts to
Without them we are incomplete
As a whole
440 · May 2015
Annabel Lee May 2015
This doesn't matter if you read the book or not

Winston and Julia got an infinite moment when they held hands.
This forgetten romantic gesture caused a lapse in time.
They got forever holding hands.
By being two pieces of a puzzle and connecting, they got infinity.
Just a small romantic gesture but they did it.
They got an infinite moment.
Wrong thing to focus on but it's the only thing I can say right now
Also the reason we root for them is because of their love
432 · Apr 2015
Love is a Dream
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Love is this un-unstandable dream
That when anyone in the world wishes to dream
All they have to is wake up
Look around
And wait for someone to catch them
As they fall through endless bouts of time
And live in the infinity of a dream
That no one wants to wake up from
Sorry if its confusing
430 · Mar 2015
Famous or Remembered
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Being famous doesn't mean you'll be remembered
It just means your famous
Being remebered doesn't mean your famous
Infact most famous people probably won't be
The world has made it hard to be remembered by the universe
You have to try to take over the world or a planet or discover a cure for cancer or discover a three hearted cyclopes
That's the rediculous standards the universe holds for being infamous
Being remebered?
All you need for that is someone to love you
So which would you rather be?
Famous or remembered?
426 · May 2015
What Defines Family
Annabel Lee May 2015
Family is bigger than what's in our blood.
Its the people we feel at home with.
It's the people who you hide nothing from,
aside from maybe a few white lies about haircuts or clothes.
It's the different world you enter when you're with them.
They're the safe haven of your life
It's the place where you only have to be you
And they don't expect you to be anyone else
And they always will because they're your
422 · Jun 2015
Coming And Going
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
I think I'll come back to you
But I need to know it first.
I need to know.
Know that you will finally stay instead of leave.
That you seek instead of hide.
That, finally, you will see rather than be blind.
How I feel isn't going away.
So don't treat me like I am.
But first I need to know that you won't either.
421 · Jul 2015
Lust is Blindness
Annabel Lee Jul 2015
Lust is blinded by desire but love looks with clear eyes.
411 · Jun 2015
Rainy Day
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
Rain is falling.
Tap tap tap
A constant beat
Just like a heart.
Thump Thump Thump
As it is
Nature is the true constant.
Not the heart.
Love the rain
400 · Feb 2015
Annabel Lee Feb 2015
Peace is like sunlight
The warmth is there
The light is there
But whenever you try to reach out and touch it
Its not there
Just the thin misted vapor
That disappears when something tries to touch it
That just disappears
387 · Apr 2015
Clear Sight
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
I think the only way you can really see yourself is through someone else's eyes
It doesn't matter who's eyes you look through
Weither or not they be the love of your life
Or the bane of your exsistence
It just matters if they see you
Because if they do
Then all you need to do is look through and see you for you,
Because apparently, it's everyone else who knows you better then you do
And they are the only eyes that will ever look at you clearly
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Why does a vain, crass, hideious little rock represent love?
Yes a diamond leads to marriage
But marriage doesn't always lead to forever
So why put everything on the stupid petty part of the relationship?
Why put everything on the ring?
Why put all your emotions into an unfeeling thing?
For some forever is already set
Without the ring
So why push it?
What is so great about ring?
Forever is bound by what's in our hearts
Not what is in your back pocket or what is on your finger
Sorry for the misleading title
Nothing against marriage just the rings
378 · May 2015
A Bird's Freedom
Annabel Lee May 2015
A cage, that was gold spun metal in the form of searing hot bars formed a gilded entrapment around the bird and its wings and in addition to the searing pain when ever it touched the bars, every time the anxious head tried to pop free it was stopped by barbs and neddles and thisles protruding everywhere. It didn't want to escape, it just wanted freedom. The ability to spread its wings and fly, the rush of the wind under soaring wings amd ruffled feathers,  the feeling of togetherness that gave, that's was it wanted, freedon.
370 · Apr 2015
200 Years
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
We live in the past presnt and the future
This is how I know:
200 years ago this was the future.
200 years from now, this was the past.
And the present part, we live with the present life.
So the only way we don't live in the present is if we live in the past or the future
Which I guess I a problem
Because we already do
Proof that you are more then what you think you atr.
366 · Mar 2015
I cant breath
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Fine no more laughing
It makes me choke
Fine no more singing
The line gets cut short anyway
Fine no more smelling the flowers
My nose is to clogged up
Fine no more breathing
My throat feels like its closing
Fine no more air
I can't breath anyway
The flu *****, my lungs and ribs hurt a lot
365 · Apr 2015
Love Is Magic
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Love is like magic
Its a spell cast on you
It's not a curse
Or an evil omen
Or anything like that i swear
It's a spell that makes you the happiest person on the planet
Or maybe the universe
That spell cast is a joyous union of unending bliss that can't be bought or sold, only obtained by holding two different hands around it
So tell me why no one believes in magic?
If true love is a spell then why does no one believe in magic when that's all true love is.
People  need to believe in magic even if just for the sake of true love.
Meant to be romantic.
364 · Apr 2015
Can Anyone See?
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Look where hate has gotten
War, which can only **** the values that are left of humanity
Disease, the test of how much the masses can endure
Poverty, shows how far we've come just to destroy ourselves
A world on the brink of destruction
The world can't even focus in what it hates
It has become this emassive amount of hatred for what?
Why does no one see how they've destroyed the world by changing it from what it was?
353 · Jun 2015
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
I'm waiting.
Hey, inspriration, I'm waiting.
Oh, who the hell am I kidding?
I have no freaking clue of what I want to say.
Writers block is a *****.
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
You have long hair and I have short hair
You where t-shirts and I wear tank tops
Your arms are clean and mine has writing on them
You have facebook and I have Hello Poetry
I carry around 6 books and you don't
I pay attention in class and you don't
The best years of your life will be in high school
And mine will be the rest of life
So you want to know the difference?
There's plenty more reason, I just don't feel like listing them.
I'm not like the masses.
353 · Mar 2015
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
You can't hold a memory close
It'll disappear, like a shadow
Always evading the grasp of light
Cause the memory isn't supposed to live now
It's ment to be in the past
Not the present
We are not ment to relive
Just to live
345 · May 2015
Will You?
Annabel Lee May 2015
Will you love me when I have snot dripping from my nose and when I'm sneezing my head off?
Will you still love me when my bones creak with old age and my skin withers away to nothing but wrinkles?
Would you still love me if I started sceaming like a mad women and never stopped?
Will you still love me when you see what I am instead of who you think I am?
Will you love me through everything life can throw at us and all the madness underneath?
Will you love me forever and never let go?
Will you?
342 · Apr 2015
How To Breath And Bleed
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
The lungs and the heart are the most important organs
They're the only ones that need extra protection that isn't skin deep
They're the only ones with a cage around them
They need the protectiveness
Want to know why?
They're the only things that requires another person
Because you need someone else to breath for
And you need another person to have your heart beat for
So why not be safe?
Oh right
They're still in a cage
Meant to be romantic, sorry if no one takes it that way
341 · Mar 2015
He Has To Fight
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
If I leave he has to follow
If I hide he has to seek
If I go he has to look for me
If I run he has to chase me
If we break each others hearts, then it has to be our souls that glue the broken pieces of our hearts back together
If I leave he has to fight for me
Inspired by the guys who are actually in love enough to fight for the one they love
339 · May 2015
Annabel Lee May 2015
See what we be or
See who we need to be
See what we are or
See what we aren't
See the beauty or
See the flaws
See the bad or
See the good
And see everything that we should be
Not everything that we are
Everyone needs to see beyond themselves and think long.
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
As I layed my head down on my pillow I knew I was no longer safe
That when my dreams cames they would lead me away
They would drown me and suffocate me
Bury me in the past
Leaving me where I could not stay
Forcing me to feel what I want to forget
Making me exsist in the past
And never be able to leave it
Nightmares ****
Title stolen from Romeo and Juliet
316 · May 2015
The Rabbit's Hole
Annabel Lee May 2015
Each book is Alice's rabbit hole
A long hole to another place
A place with hope, wonder, imagination, belief
Every new story gives me that
So why should I ever stop reading?
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