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301 · Apr 2015
The Stars
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
Our lives are like constillations
Sure we're in space, nothingness in its fullest meaning
And we have no clue where we're going
But still we are something
We exsist as who we are
And that gives us a form
But what makes us a consteillation is something different.
We are a consteillation because fate has created imaginary lines that lead us on a path we follow till we meet another star.
And that star makes life better for being there
Because if they weren't there hidden among all the stars it just be that another star in the sky.
With a consteillation, you feel whole.
299 · Jun 2015
heaven and hell
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
I think heaven and hell collaborated on one thing before they gave up on each other.
Because heaven and hell are the only things you feel when you're in it.
For the record i don't believe in god but those two ideas make a good example
298 · Jun 2015
the Musician
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
Whisper sweet lyrics into my ears as I crave the words falling from mouth to my ears based on old memories of infinite times. Just fall Into each line
with a soul beatin faster than a heart
And love of what you've created and now you can a sing a song
297 · May 2015
Moments of True Love
Annabel Lee May 2015
People kissing
Two hands intertwaining
A tender finger tracing patterns on skin
Two pairs of eyes meeting for the first time
Talking about nothing that is everything
Clinging to one another as if separating would **** them both
Being hugged tight enough to be molded into that person
Promising to never let go of the infinity they created in those moments
I promise
295 · Jun 2015
opening doors
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
Oppertunity is a door.
It won't come knocking, but if you knock on it, it will open.
285 · Apr 2015
The High Road
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
You wanna know why it's better to take the high road?
There's less trafic
You know why?
Because no one ever takes the high road
Pick the right choice
284 · May 2015
Heroes 1
Annabel Lee May 2015
Please never hate us for we need you to save us
Please never turn your back on us even when we turn on you
Please believe in humanity even when we lose our faith in you
Please believe in what the world can be rather than what it is
Please believe we need you despite what everyone thinks
And please
Please keep believing in the good instead of the bad
I know its hard for a hero to believe when all the world does is tear them down but know there would be no world if it wasn't for you. So thank you for always believing in humanity. It won't fade because of the people who are/do this. They are the hope we have left.
This won't be a list
279 · Apr 2015
Get Lost
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
I wanna get lost with you
Just so we can find each other
I want you to find me
So we can save each other
I want to fall with you
Just so we can catch each other
I wanna chase you
Just so we hold hands together as we run
I wanna get lost
But first, that means you have to find me
Inspired by Henry Morgan speaking Heimingway
276 · Mar 2015
The Future
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
I don't want to worry about college.
Not yet at least
Because if I do, that means I'm more worried about how I'm going to live my life
Rather than actually living my life
If all I can do about the future, which is something that changes in a second or be destroyed easily, is worry about it, that means all of high school will wasted on worrying about something I can't change
And I don't want to waste my life
So, no I'm not going to think about college
Moral of the story: if your to busy planning your life you'll miss living it
275 · Jun 2015
sunlight and shadows
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
The darkness hides monsters in the night
The lighting blinds us from them during the daylighting
So which do i pick to fear?
The sunlight or the shadows?
Title is stolen from a book
268 · Mar 2015
What I Was
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
I was Marge to his Homer.
I was Lois to his Peter.
I was Francis to his Stan.
So I guess we were about as real as those people.
All animation ******* characters
265 · May 2015
Quiet In The Morning
Annabel Lee May 2015
I know this time is precious
I know these quiet moments are valuable
I know that the time right before everyone wakes reals like home.
There's no time to think about worries then
Or be concerned about the future
Or be worried that I don't know who I am yet
I don't worry about these things in the quiet of the morning because this time right now is peace.
And peace is worth fighting off worries.
I don't really know the point of this yet.
263 · Apr 2015
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
What the hell is it?
Where does it exsist?
Can it exsist?
How is it formed?
How do you get it?
Is it even possibly to have?
Why does anyone want it?
251 · Apr 2015
Can We Live?
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
How can life amount to anythinng when we don't know how to live it?
Do we just keep pretending to live, like it's our fate to live a half life?
Do we just pretend that that is normal and what becomes of those who are?
Or can we change that?
Can we live full lives?
Can we live every moment of our lives alive?
Can we be alive everyday of our lives and know we'll have no regrets?
Can we truly live to be who we are?
Can we truly live?
Our time is ours and what we do with it is up to us but sometimes I feel like I waste my moments of feeling alive.
245 · Apr 2015
The Wide Open Door
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
I think the demons would knock down the door
If it weren't already open that is
I think they would hunt me down
That is if I was hiding
I think that their thinking for me
That is if they knew how to think
Fight them.
234 · Apr 2015
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
If I catch your eyes promise me you won't look away
If I hold my hand out to you promise me to grab it and never let go
If I fall in love with you promise you'll be there to catch me
If I get a broken heart from you promise that you will unbreak it
If we get forever promise to take it with me and we'll both be the best of you and me
But just promise me this: When we kiss you won't run away from me
Just promise
233 · Mar 2015
Listen To The Soul
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
You should listen to your soul
Your mind can change its opinions
And your hearts feelings are to fickle to keep
The soul and everything kept there
Is immortal
So your thoughts can change
Your heart can stop loving
And your soul can lose the flesh that holds it
But your soul will always remain
And so will the feelings there
222 · May 2015
Annabel Lee May 2015
The mad man asks questions
The sane man doesn't bother to think of questions.
So you can call me crazy all you want
That doesn't mean I'll stop asking questions.
221 · Apr 2015
The Way
Annabel Lee Apr 2015
The way they talk
The way they act
The way they are
The way they will always be
Is the same
So why does it bother them that I'm not the way they are?
205 · Mar 2015
They said I love you
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
A random couple
They said the words I love you to each other
They wake up the next day say it again just to make sure it was real
That they really loved each other
They say it again the next day
And the next
And the next
How are they different on Friday then they were on Sunday? They're still the same people
They loved each other before they said the words I love you
Why is it just those words that matter to be heard?
Seriously why?
Why does that change?
Why is love altered so much by simply expressing it?
Inspired by Lloyd and Dianes break up in say anything
158 · Mar 2015
what we should consider
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
We shouldn't  have to consider what we take from the world
But consider what the world is willing to give us instead

— The End —