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Nov 2021 · 883
Anna Veronica Nov 2021
Let my grave be unnamed.
Let it be unrecognisable too.
Let my haters remember how I wronged them.
Let the people who love me remember me without a plea.
Let my grave be unmarked,
Let me be just a passing thought.
Let my grave be unmarked,
So all those who pass mark it without a farce.
Let their feelings towards me ,
Of contempt or of respect,  be a prospect.
Let there be no doubt when you flicker your gaze at me ,
When I sleep for eternity,
Or till my souls redeems me.
Let my grave be unnamed,
Let my  people name me.
A liar , a deceiver , unloving child
A lover , a foe , a friend with no friends.
Let my grave be unnamed ,
Let my soul be unclean.
For all the thoughts that cross your mind,
Let those be with what I am remembered by,
Never the good , not the bad but the ugly truth with which I passed .
Let my grave be untouched,
Without grief , as their is no one else to cast your burden upon.
Let me go all alone,
As no one stood by me when I brimmed with life.
With all  my  love to share
Your hatred holding onto  my love
Let my grave be unnamed .
Let my peace be on loan
Let my soul be unmarked
Let my sorrow never follow through
Let me be without a tomorrow.
Oct 2020 · 108
Anna Veronica Oct 2020
You see the face that I show you , all the things you believe and want it to be.
The layers of make-believe that made me,
Never ceased to ease the pain burning within.
The faces that you seek, and the faces that you see.
Hide all the fire held in me.
Feb 2017 · 448
Happy Prince
Anna Veronica Feb 2017
Lights gazing
Shadows pass by
Whispers and murmur
Never reaching my prize
Multitude of chaos
Altitude of difference
Even amongst the crowdy mob
I stay amending my angry sob
As drastic as the light and night
Will I always seem like an unreliant ghost
Never bothered or cared
As i stand alone with a silent stare
Days pass by
Seasons glide by
But still am like the Happy Prince
With metal tears to be covered till brims
Alone and ghostly I will ever stay
My story with just a bit of a change

— The End —