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Mike Winegar
Bluff City, TN    I like to write because words allow a certain freedom, much like a painter's canvas or the sculptor's block. I am happily married, have several …
Marcus Logan
Life is a teacher. I write what happens in and around my life. I write what makes me think. I write for the people. I'm …
Sansara Justinovich
In my own words, I am silent.
Washington    Just another sad girl
Beryl Starkovic
A person exploring the truth beneath the surface
Charlotte Greenstock
I'm not sure what to write, I am experimenting with writing poetry and would like to see what other people thought.
Louis Brown
Bremen, GA    I was born in Columbus, Georgia in 1953. I graduated from Georgia State University in 1975. I graduated with a BA Degree in Sociology I …
I'm an old-school, pre-web published poet, painter and arts promoter. My background in the arts are eclectic -from the visual arts, classical music, opera, theatre …
I have often defined myself as one who 'has no choice but to write'; as if this passion had chosen me--for some unknown or perverse …
Here there and everywhere   
Galman Frederick Ferguson
Galman is an irish writer who writes poetry in english. ''I can't keep up, you're moving too fast, Deep holes and darkness, these things will …
eileen mcgreevy
I am divorced with three children. I have had a horrid upbringing (living in Belfast in the seventies) and i try to derive from that, …
anilkumar parat
61/M/Kerala, India   
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
Hemel Hempstead    Poet and short story writer. My short stories are mainly horror. I was attacked in 1997 and my left leg badly burnt which led me …
David W Jones
Las Vegas, Nevada    David is a writer, author, and blogger who enjoys creating literary expressions about everyday life. His poem "Touch of the Artist" is published in the …
Michelle E Alba
30/F/Oregon    I write as I breathe, without either I would cease to be.

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