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Dear ____

I found a letter the other night that I had written to you years ago.  The note said that you were my soulmate and that one day* you would realize it and come back to me and I'd wait for you forever.  So here's another letter that I will send...out here in this space where anyone can read it and interpret it as he may...

You will never realize I'm the one for you because you can't see who you are.  Underneath the layers of skin and bones, you're more.  That heart that beats and those addictions you crave glaze the truth in your soul and distract you by keeping you deep into the ground instead of planting on top of it.  I'm sorry that you never got to reciprocate the love I gave because you will never know a family, a home, or a future that surpassed your greatest dreams.  You will know mediocrity.  And to be honest, that makes me more sad than you could ever imagine....

And really, I don't care.  I do, but I don't because I feel like I ought to and that's the only reason I still even entertain these thoughts.  Do you understand?  I guess you can not give a **** and that's fine but there will come a day (it always comes) when you  see me (bump into me perhaps?) and you will apologize and see that I was right.  But I will be living the extraordinary life and even your disquiet will not dim my light.

We chose before we were born into these human, frail bodies - our souls would do this dance.  So, thanks.  For teaching me exactly what NOT to do. And for being the beautiful ******* that you are

Love always,
I don't recognize that face -
there is no memory,
of him and me -
it's erased hastily -
smudged as my makeup
from my eyes.

how many broken promises
fill the emptiness
in a life; and the fear
of being alone
is like a watchful dog
she sits and stares into the spaces
that cannot be atoned.

Which voice lies silent
when shades grow brighter
than light?
Remorse taste like metal
or **** as artificially sweetened lips.

Familiar places will fall
just as you will,
fall into patterns of willful deceit -
their shapes twist into grotesque masks
that quickly transform to smiles
when you look - see.
A black hole is a region of space-time from which nothing can escape, even light.
This may sound strange, but it is possible.
To see why this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball, the faster it is traveling when it leaves your hand, and the higher the ball will go before turning back.
If you throw it hard enough, it will never return because the gravitational pull will not be able to bring it back down.
The velocity, or speed, the ball must have to escape is known as the escape velocity. Earth’s escape velocity is about 7 miles a second.
As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational pull increases, and the escape velocity gets bigger.
Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape.
Eventually, a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not traveling fast enough to escape.
At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light.
This is... my soul.
Falling in love was once hard for me
But falling for her I wanted to see
The waking of my baby and people letting us be
Nothing is better than seeing the tiny feet
Maybe a boy maybe a girl
protecting her will be my deed
In her life I will do my best to succeed
As a mother of one baby and a teen of speed
Growing and growing we will truly be
The mother's that let our little girls see
That nobody is perfect
*not even me
Sitting here thinking
Can't do anything but blinking
Hating the human race
Being the biggest disgrace
In my heart there is a fire
Which she is my desireThis is the cause
Breaking all the laws
Inside my room I show razors and saws
To bleed through the night
I lied and said I'll be alright
This may not be perfect but neither am I
One day I will be with the angels soaring high
You Think you know "her"
But there is just a few things she hides from the world,
She's good at hiding,
Its what she does.
Under Her sleeves,
Down her thighs,
Up Her Sides,
Scars that could ****,
Leaving trails,
Nobody would understand,
You think You know "her"
She is so scarred,
Tears that could drown you,
You say you understand,
But do you?
Do you know her fears,
Do you know what she hides,
More less do you care?
She has a name that could shine,
Its Chastity,
Did you know?
#helped #Lost @Queen-Holly
i always wanted to write about the true heroes
It's not about hockey stickers or football kickers;
face punchers, these million-dollar-heroes, they manifest no social change
It's about us the people, it's about you and me
It's about free givers who give of themselves for the good of mankind
It's about free changers who freely make change for the good of mankind
That's it, hmmm, changers and free givers?
Oh yes! Free changers in the face of diversity
and against any form of oppression,
never be apathetic to what is right
Never become fearsome in knowing what is right
Stand up for all your brothers and sisters,
here on our delicate planet earth
Say never to the numbskulls, who disbelieve in change,
even at times trying to educate some
When hearts go forth and attach to others
is the beginning of a selfless human being
When the sun never seems to rise,
join other heroes along the way
Everyday count your blessings what you and I fought for
Altruistic motivation is the greatest catalyst for real heroism,
take advantage of it my heroes and potential heroes;
i love you guys, keep on truckin'
To all my poet colleagues and regular writer colleagues:
Write more to inspire more.You have the gift literally in the palm of your
hand. Reach towards positive change; be that hero you are meant to be...
PS no insult to anyone partaking n sports I love sports because it is needed to build strong bodies which help to
build strong minds
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