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 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
We're waiting for something,
we're waiting for something.
Winter is coming,
it's already here.

This is what we've waited for,
Song under the hardwood floor.
You are a solstice
between cold and warm.

This is what we've waited for.
As a child
I loved cherry lips

and still do.
Cherry lips are hard jelly ( jello) sweets and more recently sweet kisses
An old man once said to me,
Don't stand too deep in the sea.
Not because the sea may pull me away,
But because it may not let me leave its bay.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Stu Harley
now that
i am old and gray
alone everyday
death i weep
for you
to come
my way and
i shall say
death come my way
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Alice Kay
No matter how well
we think we've guarded
what is most dear to us

a secret will never be hidden

Some say that you compliment me.
Which is true.
That's a great compliment to you.
Concerning me.

Some say.
You'e the better half of us.
You have the exactly portion of love.
That would keep any man happy.

I agree.
You're the better part of me.
There are times you must question yourself.
To why you tolerate the worse in me?
Besides the fact I'm the one to make you smile.

I know no one see the good in me like you do.
Or go on defense when placed up against the wall.
Or guide me when I'm about to fall.

No one.
No one.
But you.
Who's the better half of me?
A butterfly falls.
The freezing season
With great reverberations.
Oh, my love
If you were at the level of my madness,
You would cast away your jewelry,
Sell all your bracelets,
And sleep in my eyes.
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