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 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
Listening to your songs have always been personal and intimate. It's like inhaling your favourite cologne. It has you imprinted in it. You embedded in my brain.

Your songs; they're like a secret gateway to your mind and personality. It's getting to know you in a raw, honest way. Through beats, lyrics and riffs.

It's a way to understand your  emotions and thoughts running through your head when you connect to songs you listen to. It's you subconsciously choosing particular songs for every moment.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
when did i become like this?
saying sorry, over and over.
apologizing for things that
i didn't even do. feeling so
guilty at the tiniest things
even if i am not part of it.
the things i couldn't even
control yet i feel so bad,
i start scolding myself.
who taught me that? who
made me turn this way?
did i get hurt so many
times, i turn to blaming
myself for every little
inconvenience caused?
when will i stop saying
sorry when it does not
concern me? i'm sorry.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
Find a person with a broken piece,
I'll hold them and assure them peace.
I say "I'll be here for you, I won't leave
I'll be your anchor, won't let you adrift

I'm the glue, you see.
I'll fix you for free.
No matter how long it takes;
No matter how rough it gets.

I will fix you when you're undone,
I'm the shield to keep you from harm.
And when you're healed and strong,
this is the part where I don't belong.

Cause I'm the glue, you see.
You'll leave when you're free.
I wish I didn't get too attached, but that's just how it goes.
I'll carry a piece of you and I'll miss you most.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
They knew you
from all my writings about you,
though they've never met you.

They knew your personality,
your scent, your touch. Simply
because I carved you in my poetry.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
Some people find
solace in words,
some people find
solace in music.
Some people find
solace in paintings,
but I find solace
in your voice.
You reciting stories,
slow and steady;
luring me in
with your eyes
and waving hands.
I am hopelessly
trapped in your
hypnotizing existence.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
To me, it is both
a blessing and a curse
to fall for a writer.

If they love you,
they'll paint the prettiest words for you.
But if they don't,
they'll slash your insides with words too.

To me, it is both
beautiful and terrifying.
I'll keep reading them anyway.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
I found a piece of writing from two years ago, asking if there's a guy out there with specific characteristics. I listed them all out. When I read it today, I got chills because I found him. I forgot that I wanted to be with a guy like this. Somehow he matched all the traits I wanted. He ticked off all the characteristics that I was looking for. It was unexpected but I found him. He's real.

The sad thing is, I can't be his because someone else is lucky enough to get him first. I'm happy for them but it's a tragic affair for me. My ideal guy is right in front of me and I can't even do anything. My wish came true but it wasn't made for me. It's like playing slots and I hit the jackpot but they gave the money to someone else in the room. And I could only watch them celebrate from afar.

 Jul 2017 aiya
galaxy of myths
I hope that when you sleep tonight
your chest will hurt a little less,
your tears won't reach the pillow
and hope will bloom in your heart.

Honey, after everything you've gone through,
you deserve to have a good night's rest.
Minimize the volume of that sadness
and heal yourself. You deserve better than this.

I know your heart went through war
with emotions. That you feel things deeply
and I love that about you. But tonight,
I want you to make peace with yourself.

To Ray. I hope you'll remain strong in the tide of waves. I love you :)
 Jul 2017 aiya
Colour Blind
 Jul 2017 aiya
If I was colour blind,
I'd probably see red as blue.
Just like how I believed your lie,
And accepted it as the truth
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