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 Nov 2012 amt
Alice Kay
Let this music blast me to hell

I honestly don't care where it takes me,

as long as it's away from reality
 Nov 2012 amt
Kalon R
 Nov 2012 amt
Kalon R
This ocean breeze
Lightly slapping my face
The palm trees 
Standing tall swaying in its place
Oh Florida, how romantic you are
With your view of perfection 
Every one here has a connection
Only because you have brought us here
Oh Florida, how bipolar you are
Day time you are hotter than hell
Night time you hit me with cupids spell
Down here, seeking love
Take my heart on a flight like a magic rug
You really are a lifetime of memories
Only thing is I want a love to share it with me
 Nov 2012 amt
Alice Kay
I might not be a straight A student

Sure, I can always get the perfect grades you want me to get.

I understand you're trying to make me do what you didn't
so I have a "better life" or whatever....

But so what?
Maybe I am just like you were
And you turned out fine
You have a good job and a big house

What's one grade going to do to my life?

What if I don't want to go through med school like you want me to?

I honestly don't care what you think,
8th grade isn't gonna **** the rest of my life
If I get one bad grade
...or two
 Nov 2012 amt
Tom Orr
Not about love or life.
Not about sun and snow.
Not about hate or politics.
What more ought we know.

Not philosophy, psychology or history.
Nor horror, adventure or mystery.
Whether on sea or land,
it will not stand
in the vast oak court of reality.
 Nov 2012 amt
Alice Kay
 Nov 2012 amt
Alice Kay
I guess you really did it this time
Left yourself in your warpath
Lost your balance on a tightrope
Lost your mind tryin' to get it back

Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?
Always a bigger bed to crawl into
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything
And everybody believed in you?

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been.
You're still an innocent,
You're still an innocent.

Did some things you can't speak of
But at night you live it all again
You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
If only you would seen what you know now then

Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?
When everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you
Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep
Before the monsters caught up to you?

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been
You're still an innocent
It's okay, life is a tough crowd
32, and still growin' up now
Who you are is not what you did.
You're still an innocent.

Time turns flames to embers
You'll have new Septembers
Every one of us has messed up too
Lives change like the weather
I hope you remember
Today is never too late to be brand new

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been
You're still an innocent.
It's okay, life is a tough crowd
32, and still growin' up now
Who you are is not what you did
You're still an innocent.
You're still an innocent.

Lost your balance on a tightrope.
It's never too late to get it back.
this is by Taylor Swift. I've recently been completely obsessed with the song, and for some reason, I get a lot of poem ideas from it. Hope you check out the song for yourself.
 Nov 2012 amt
Cortney Michaels
Wide-eyed and goofy

a little girl,

with only

good intentions to offer.

No cares

no worries,

except what’s for lunch

or what cartoon is next.

She has no control,

she doesn’t need any.

Her smile

never leaves her face.

Her dreams

are never too big.

She’s not afraid

of what people think


of who’s watching.

 Nov 2012 amt
Anon C
Lie To Me
 Nov 2012 amt
Anon C
Tell me I am beautiful
That I make one touch the stars
Tell me I am pure
That my existence makes the world bright
Tell me I am lovely
That I feel like satin sheets
Tell me I am wise
That I soak up knowledge, understand all
Tell me I am sweet
That if lips touch mine nothing matters
Tell me I am kind
That with me here naught can feel pain
Tell me I am the only one
That no one else could make you feel this way
*Lie to me
I need to hear lovely lies
I was singing Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac in the shower today. Great song.
 Nov 2012 amt
Cameron Godfrey
I've learned to love, at least, three things
God, myself, and my kin.
But I have grown to love so much more
To laugh, to learn, to sin.
I laugh with my friends
I learn from the best
I sin by mistake
And I love all the rest.
I laugh at my struggles
I learn from them too
I sin for myself
But my love is for you.
Not for a specific person. For my friends, family, and peers. I love you guys
 Nov 2012 amt
Tom Orr
It’s been three years since I took my last photograph. Photography had lost its appeal and there were no longer moments I wanted to capture, to freeze in time. I only wanted to move on, just to walk... Besides, my camera’s broken and I can’t for the life of me be bothered to get a new one. I’d rather spend the money on a trip to Brussels, that’s next on the list.

I suppose I’d say I have one true fear in the world and that’s staying still. My mother used to say “Oh Alfie, you’re like one of them AHDD children” and after I correcting her, I’d usually just shrug as if to say “Well, what do you expect me to do about it?” It could be said that my mother was one of those people who just had no time for the world, society was not her priority. One time a member of a local charity knocked on our door asking for a donation. My mother stood there, cemented like a gargoyle and poured out a flurry of very high decibel palaver about how her husband was in the marines and how she owed the world nothing because of it. I have to admit, it was a pseudo-logic that I’ve, to this day, not quite decoded.

My father made the decision to enter the Royal Marines at the age of 19 and my mother hasn’t forgiven him for it since. Perhaps that’s why she’s so sensitive about the whole “I owe society nothing” thing. I used to argue with her about it, about how it seemed right that he made his own decision to fight on behalf of his countrymen, but part of me has always despised his decision. I’ve gradually developed a cliché, but not inaccurate, view that soldiers are merely puppets for rich men’s wars and that glorifying the armed forces is just a sickening way to try and justify ******. Of course, I never shared this view with my father, even if I had, he’d have long forgotten. Whenever he comes back from service, I’m usually in some other part of the world, sitting in an outdoor café, preferring my life. It’s thoughts like this make me feel that I'm more like my mother than I primarily thought. I suppose some may call it selfish, but I merely believe it to be good observation, and therefore an intelligent alternative to what society wants me to believe. We’ll stick with arrogant.

My excuse is that arrogance was part of my job; I had to be correct, all the time. I was in that awkward career position, where I wasn't quite high up enough to be able to fully express my own views and so I had to stick to the hard-line “everything has to be extremely left-wing” approach. Journalism: the home to those who mould the minds of the world; or the breeding ground of *******, if you will. Personally, I was lucky enough to have no permanent boss; essentially I was my own. I wrote my columns for Liberal newspapers all across Europe and they edited them at their own will. It paid the bills, but like my views on my father’s military situation, I still possessed that distaste for the immorality of it all. I still remember my first article. I was 17 at the time, the writing type, enjoyed all things politics. It was for a moderately popular newspaper/magazine company in Western France, named “La Quotidienne”. I’d written a piece on local traders not receiving fair deals for their produce and as a result, the editor had asked me if I’d like to have my own regular column. The column was named “Teen Activist”, which nowadays I deem to be relatively patronising, but it was rather humbling all the same.    

I probably ought to explain some geography. I was born in Surrey, England in 1981 and lived there until my mother decided to move us to France in 1985. The military weren't too pleased with the move, because of course, this made us spies. The whole ordeal was a bit messy, but not really worth noting. We moved to Rennes, which is where today, I would consider home; although I haven’t actually seen home for a good 5 years. I guess the important thing is where I am and where I've been, but as I said before, I’d rather concentrate now on where I'm going. To Belgium, my suitcase is packed once more and my tired passport taped like an extra vital ***** to my wrist (because despite my relentless travelling, I always manage to leave my passport in some unsuspecting hotel room by accident). Blame the occupied mind of a ceaseless traveller.
This is NOT a poem - please feel free, however, to read and comment - every opinion is valued :)
 Nov 2012 amt
Tom Orr
 Nov 2012 amt
Tom Orr
She makes the sand,
the sand seep away.
Little locket on her chest,
with her steps a gentle sway.
Though her eyes cast
a tender gaze,
her fiery heart sets the sky ablaze.

Dry rain and dry puddles,
never will she stop.
'Til she stumbles to her knees,
the dusty ground, fiercely hot.
She cries out in pain
and laughs through tears,
a withered smile
of withered years.

She sees me.

Her faces relaxes,
her lungs give out,
her limbs betray her
and with one final strain she says:
*I can't hate.
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