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amrutha May 2014
My mind is an amusing place -
A notebook of handwoven paper
Each memory writes itself down
Adorning the plain amber paper.
How, then, can I forget you?
You constitute my mind
I only turn pages
It takes too much to tear them and rebind.
amrutha May 2014
When you feel hollow
Like just space without the celestial
Please remember me
My purpose is you.

I am your shadow
You don't see me when it's dark
But when there is light, you realize
That I have always been there.

You don't know how precious you are
You are a beautiful pearl
Hiding in your oyster's shade
Well, I am always on guard.

You make me gasp
At how beautiful you can get
In just seconds you transform
Into a miracle, upside down, reset.

Strengthen your heart and hope
But do cry when you need to
Live the life of your dreams, warrior
I will always know how delicate you are.

I am the Earth beneath your feet
I am the air that you breathe in
I am the twilight that heals you
I am that tiny flickering light of hope.

When you feel unworthy
Like just space without the celestial
Remember what you mean to me
My sole purpose is you.
amrutha May 2014
I believe in magic
I have faith in the insane
Everything is real to me
I believe in the impossible
Because my mind is a crazy place
Beyond humanity's imagination
Everything is real to me
Because I know how real yet unreal I am.
amrutha May 2014
Stretching onto the sun-kissed miles
Seemingly endless like love
The invisible wind sweeps off your skin
Sometimes what's real is something you can't see.

Carefree landscapes left to wander
Under the burning sun overhead at noon
The amazon road bearing mirages of water
Until bathed over by the full moon's twilight.

The gushing wind deafens you completely
Too strong to open eyes, too mild to taste
But the feeling you get when you smile out the window
Is yet another paradise, it cannot be traced.

A journey waiting to reach people
A journey through a people-free lane
A journey which ends when it's goal begins
Journey, the very soul of destination.

Capture the moments
You have beautiful eyes
Frame what they see
In this photographer's paradise.

Reinvent your imagination
Re-establish your dreams
Dear dreamer, dear wanderer
Seize the moment just as it seems.
amrutha May 2014
Holding a lantern, walking myself out the dark
I found life in the very depths of darkness
Consuming that darkness into me
I feed my burning soul, I satisfy her heart
I see that this soul of mine
Knows everything my mind would dream of knowing
And yet, it sits back and watches me fight
Like a warrior, this material desire
In a world which is wonderful and deadly
Shining like the bright evening star on black
Generous, cruel; Stupid love, blind faith
To tell you, beautifully confusing.
Kindling within me, she screams at me
For every thing I do, confusing me
Now I know not the difference between ugly and beautiful
Pain and pleasure, they have made me numb
And I am just a bud,
Just a bud somewhere on an undiscovered species.
Fighting my own shadows,
Letting myself drown, fall, in love and cry
What do I know now?
Nothing, yet everything
I know everything yet how young I am
So, I know nothing; That young I am
In a world so beautiful, I tell myself
Not to fall in love with souls which cannot give to me
Behind my smile, I am dying
How beautiful you are, how beautiful all this is
Is this a blessing? What kind of a curse is this?
Please, I am tired of falling in love
Fighting back my tears like a lifeless weapon
I tell my soul that my heart is not numb
Do not play with it
I scream "Leave me alone"
How beautiful you are, how beautiful all this is
Is this a blessing? What kind of a curse is this?
Please, I am tired of falling in love.
What do I do with all this inside me?
I cast it upon myself
What would I do with this undying loyalty and hope?
I bless myself with all I have
Do not play with it
I scream "Leave me alone"
How beautiful you are, how beautiful all this is
Is this a blessing? What kind of a curse is this?
Please, I am tired of falling in love.
So, this soul insists that I move on
With a heavy heart, She tells me I am worth
With a smile on my face, I am weeping inside
But this soul inside me insists that I move on
I have a million more galaxies waiting to be explored
No time to waste
No time to sit and cry
I have a million more galaxies waiting to be explored
So with an immortal hope that you would turn,
And accept to take what within me does burn
I hold a lantern, walk myself out the dark
Finding life in the very depths of darkness
Consuming that darkness into me
I feed my burning soul, I satisfy her only heart.
amrutha May 2014
The blood is running wild in you
The blood wants to find a way out
And when you try to help by letting it flow out,
Not even the ones who love you like it
They say it is bad for you
And you know that it is more of bittersweet.
amrutha May 2014
I ask myself this
For yet another time
Why I always lie
Towards the extreme.
I know they say
Too much of anything
Can make one sick
And me, I was never
Less than too much.
In me, I store love
Too much, once again
As unconditional as oxygen
As Logicless as miracle,
As huge as the massive sky
And to any ordinary man,
Anywhere among mankind
That amount of anything kills.
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