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1.7k · Mar 2016
Amilah Marzuki Mar 2016
A simple gesture
Touched my heart
Now I wonder
If being apart
Means I'm not for you
And you are not for me

But I hope and I pray
One day
You'll be by my side
Through high and low tides
To love undyingly.
Please don't be married yet.
756 · Jan 2016
Amilah Marzuki Jan 2016
You came in and abruptly fit,
Making the candles all lit;
Sharing your inner wits,
A bit like my first aid kit.

I'd loved you much,
Like a child of my future;
Your goods and bad and such,
Enlightening me on being mature.

But perhaps we didn't have
An actual camaraderie.

My free wills
and your austerity;
My acerbity,
and your hesitancy.

Your capriciousness
and your harshness
is too much to take,
even for my own sake.

It's such a paradox of me
to give up on people,
but there's a wisdom I've yet to see,
surely in all of this there's a couple.
For Sham, whom I thought would be my friend till I grow old.
582 · Apr 2016
Amilah Marzuki Apr 2016
"Friends forever,"
Something worth to endeavor.

But what if
Life gets in the way;
And words spoken no longer weigh;
And distances just makes
The well-baked cakes
Go sour?

What if
You realize that you're alone;
And the birds sing a melancholy tone,
Perhaps it's better
To run than to chatter;
To save yourself from attachments
So you won't endure detachments.
487 · Jun 2016
Amilah Marzuki Jun 2016
To stand on my own two feet,
To dance in the rain,
To have courage on what I believe,
To argue my opinions,
And to not conform to the black and white world.

To chase after my dreams,
To explore the deepest corners of my heart,
To understand the vast wisdom life offers,
To find my true potential,
And to live up to my expectations.

To imprint a mark on the bare lands,
To strive farther than imagined,
To have the audacity to err,
To captivate myself and others,
And to always see beauty in the ugliest of things.

To remember to find a different perspective,
To inspire,
To live by example,
To be contented with every step,
And to be comfortable in my own skin.

That is who I want to be.
A promise to never lose myself again.
452 · Oct 2016
Hollow and Cold
Amilah Marzuki Oct 2016
Some nights
I find myself
Staring into space
And coming back to reality
As if theres a knock on my head
With my heart
Feeling a little less full
A certain part gone missing
Hollow and cold
And i think of you
Of where you were supposed to be

Some nights
I wish we'd talk
And let the broken pieces
Mend their way back
But there's just too much hope
And too little gut
And too little courage in me
To drive myself into it
Wish I have the answers as to why it all goes back to you, HR.
414 · Feb 2016
Amilah Marzuki Feb 2016
I'm in a cage
I cant be a sage
Every corner
filled with darkness
There isnt a canvas
Where i could express
All of my stress
It eats me slowly
And painfully
Until i cease
To exist
As who I knew I was.
326 · Feb 2016
Do We Forget
Amilah Marzuki Feb 2016
What is this feeling
That creeps inside of me
The memory box there telling
Saying to me it will be

When the crystal clear
Reality is that
You are not present here
We're just strangers that met.

Do we forget
All the laughter, all the fun;
Should i forget
Your smile under the sun

Do we forget
The words said
And the promises made
And the things we planned

Should i forget
H. R.

— The End —