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 Jul 2015 Amberlyn Walsh
 Jul 2015 Amberlyn Walsh
do you erase
the demanding thoughts
that float around
your mind

do you stop
the howling wolves
that run around
your head

do you dim
the frightening scenes
that replay in
your eyes

do you release
the haunting cries
that reside in
your heart

do you forget
the grueling monster
that lives in
your soul
 Jul 2015 Amberlyn Walsh
I can never think of how to start these things
Because starting something means risk
My best friend told me I would fall in love within my 10 months of service
And I'm glad I fell in love with you
Now I know you will read this
So please read carefully
Thank you
I know it has taken me a long time to reach a point of peace
So I am finally able to look back at our relationship
You gave me confidence I never had
You held me up when I was falling
You brought back love that I thought was buried 6 feet deep
I know we talked about forever and that didn't happen
But I would do those 2 months all over again
I know you are in a difficult spot right now
I understand
But know that none of this takes away how amazing you are
Love is one of those things that's unexpected
Thank you for being my favorite surprise
I know I can't take back what was said in the past
But know that I will make up for it in the present and future
I still believe things happen for a reason
I'm not a perfect person
Nothing can ever be perfect in life
But looking back
I still believe that those 2 months were pretty close
I don't want you to think I'm writing this to try and get you back
I'm writing this because we are friends again
And I was always hesitant about that
Until now
Happiness is something we both deserve
Journey's can take a lifetime
But perfect moments are short
I'll tie a ribbon
My finger
And add you
To the list
Of things

— The End —