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Jun 2014 · 427
curious reflections
RA Jun 2014
The girl in the mirror-
you look so inquisitive
like you might just want
to be friends, but scared, like she
just bite you.
May 28, 2014
6:20 PM
Jun 2014 · 637
Catch Me If You Can
RA Jun 2014
But maybe you'll catch me
on a day like today
when the world is languid, when
the very air hangs around us, stifling all
words but mine. You see, today
I am glorious. I am filled with fire
and purpose. Oh, you
who I have not yet forgotten
or know, wait till you catch up
on a day like today. My laughter
is bright and my eyes are clear
and I am so full of energy you will
ignore the one off note
in my symphony, the one aftertaste
you can't quite place.
on days like these I am
effulgent, magnetic, insanely, wildly tempting,
I am the siren call in the storm, promising
a safe harbor from the tempest you have
failed to notice I am creating.
On days like these I will beckon
and you will come, ignoring the bitterness
I leave on your tongue
and the clamminess I leave on your hands and
the dead look in my sparkling eyes.
On days like these I am running headlong
blind, willingly unseeing, heady with unspoken promise
to my distruction. If you want
you can come along for the ride.
May 28, 2014
3:13 PM
     edited June 9,  2014
RA Jun 2014
You're gonna tell me
you miss me
and when I don't answer, hope
I didn't get the message
I didn't check my phone
anything, anything but the truth.

You're gonna tell me
you miss me
and when I don't answer, maybe
understand why, but more likely
wonder what's happening
after all, we worked out our problems

You're gonna tell me
you miss me
and when I don't answer, know
(even though you won't relize)
exactly how I felt every single time
I tried to tell you
I love(d) you.
You're gonna miss me
          by my words
I used to miss you
          and it hurt
Oh, you're sure gonna miss me when I'm gone.

May 28, 2014
12:10 PM

I'm sorry
Jun 2014 · 435
Darling II (time to leave)
RA Jun 2014
I understand that you never wanted
this, never asked to try and fight
hating me. That my actions push you to
the ends of your abilities, that
my personality will not let you
rest. Love, you can try and hide
disguise this latest in the long list, but
know that I can see you
through the cracks in your armor, when
you turn away or your face
freezes in the painful semblance of
a smile yet again.
I know you are adept at hating from afar-
as adept as you are at intimate disgust.
But I must beg your forgiveness
for the only way I ever learned
to ask for amends
was by disappearing.
May 25, 2014
3:32 AM
edited June 9, 2014

letters to my darlings collection II
Jun 2014 · 562
Darling I (Only You)
RA Jun 2014
Only you, darling
could make me dance
that ancient, almost forgotten waltz
of self doubt and hatred.
Only you, love
could make me move
digging my fingernails into flesh, available
in a way I have not in months.
Only you, gorgeous
could make me speak
freeing my tongue and breaking down
long-hardened walls, and then shut me up again.
Only you, bird
could make me sing
songs I had stopped, of my love for you
and songs I had almost forgotten, of my abhorrence for myself.
Only you,
darling, love, gorgeous, bird,
May 21, 2014
12:45 AM

letters to my darlings I
Jun 2014 · 714
Alarms (haikus)
RA Jun 2014
Though your love is a
truth, it remains one that I
need to hear from you.

When you are not here
to help me fight my fears, I
run from them- and you.

I am losing this
battle, the one to stay here
against my instincts.

You set off every
alarm bell I have ever
rigged up against pain.

Every alarm bell I
constructed against the world-
never intended
for you.

May 19, 2014
4:40 PM
haiku poem
Jun 2014 · 439
Revelations (10w)
RA Jun 2014
Accepting your words
           I needed
as only fear-
           I'm crumbling.
May 19, 2014
4:22 PM
Jun 2014 · 334
Guided Words
RA Jun 2014
All my life I have
dabbled in telling people precisely what
it is I need to hear, and tried
to convince myself the words I planted
in their mouths came
to them, unbidden inspiration, sentiment, however
you want to call it. All my life, I have
hated how what I need
is false, lies, trickery, never
true. All my life
I have wrestled with acceptance
of how my needs never coincide
with others' words. All my life, how
was I to know that I could never
prepare, never ready myself for
the shock of you
saying what I needed
to hear, unasked
How ridiculous of me to think
just because I never vocalized
you wouldn't know and
to forget that strangely you know
to read me better and
to think that this time was any
more special than any other.

May 18, 2014
6:23 PM
edited May 19, 2014
May 2014 · 1.3k
empty reassurance (10w)
RA May 2014
To reassure you
I won't leave
you have

to care.
May 14, 2014
12:39 AM
May 2014 · 441
On Top Of The World
RA May 2014
My perch up here is so
precarious. Though you led
me to this now, so surefooted upon
the steep trails we have
not dared broach for
these long months, I am scared
the warm sound of your voice
will soon fade, and here
on top of the world without
a hand to hold, though now
I am giddy, it will grow cold. You see,
on top of the world makes
it so much easier
to fall.
"The higher the leap
The harder the ground."
-- Indigo Girls, Center Stage

May 17, 2014
1:09 PM
     edited May 19, 2014
May 2014 · 378
Secure Slumber
RA May 2014
Tonight I get to sleep
curled up around the warmth
the singular taste on my tongue
of the last words you said to me.
And then I woke up.
May 16, 2014
2:10 AM
RA May 2014
What a cruel trick
of my own nature
that you would have to build
me up spectacularly
and then come back and tear
me down crushingly
and make me question if
you ever loved me
until I could for the first time feel
I can speak to you honestly.
May 15, 2014
11:47 PM
May 2014 · 489
Ode To Aderall
RA May 2014
Jagged little pill
smooth little pill
soft little pill-
           fill my head with cotton
                 but make everything clearer.

Square little pill
round little pill
oval little pill-
           paint the world in shades of binary
                 a collection of dualities
                       a simplification of choices.

White little pill
brown little pill
orange little pill-
           fuel the fire inside my belly
                 but exhaust me
                       take away my hunger for life
                             outside of the lines you have drawn.

           of all the little pills every morning
                 the ones the doctors prescribe and question
                       the ones I am never sure if I can feel
                             the ones whose effects are dubious and enigmatic
                                   you are the most quantifiable, and the only one
                                         with whom my relationship is Daedalean.
I'm not sure anymore.
May 15, 2014
6:30 PM
May 2014 · 1.0k
RA May 2014
Kerosene eyes
everywhere you
look, sparkling-
deceptive, I think
I would like to dive
until I sip
and burn my tongue on you.

Stong shoulders
everything you
support, worlds-
dependable, I think
I would like to rest
until I lean
and you dissapate like summer mist.

Feverish fingers
everyone you
brush, warming-
blooming, I think
I would like to thaw
until I touch
and suddenly find myself blazing.
May 14, 2014
10:20 AM
     edited May 19, 2014

Inspired by Where Do My Bluebird Fly by The Tallest Man On Earth.
RA May 2014
Shrinking from you-
Clinging, drowsy
The wall's cold
Plaster embrace.
May 13, 2014
3:27 PM
May 2014 · 512
typical night (haiku)
RA May 2014
The screams coming from
downstairs are shredding my ears
and stealing my sleep.
Unintentional haiku.
May 7, 2014
1:30 AM
May 2014 · 437
Presence (10w)
RA May 2014
I squeezed
myself smaller-
around you I
am not legitimate.
May 12, 2014
11:08 PM
May 2014 · 414
Sorry (10w)
RA May 2014
is so inadequate
do I acknowledge
your pain
May 12, 2014
9:16 PM
May 2014 · 413
Things Change VI
RA May 2014
So long ago, I raised
this up, all of my
expectations piled up like
so many building blocks.

now I sit here, trying
to find all the hope
I had constructed
my expectations of.

So long ago, I watched
as we crumbled, all of us
and everything we were falling
down like demolished children's toys.

now I sit here, trying
to understand why, if I watched
us fall apart, knowing the end,
I am still disappointed.
May 11, 2014
     edited May 16, 2014
May 2014 · 372
Depth Over Distance
RA May 2014
And depth over distance
was all I asked of you
but as the distance grew deeper
I felt us fall through.
And strength over sorrow
was all I begged, too
but as my sorrow grew stronger
I knew I would lose.
May 12, 2014
4:22 PM

Inspired by a song of the same name by Ben Howard.
May 2014 · 353
gentle ambush (10 w)
RA May 2014
"Having friends
is so hard."
Suddenly you,
next to me.
May 11, 2014
8:59 PM
May 2014 · 717
Pieces Of You
RA May 2014
Softly, softly
we step into your mind
quiet and reverent
in our solemn intent.
- words I wrote for you
- books I have read
- places I have been, both
with and without you
- a drawing of my happiness
- your words, to encompass
my pain
I find all of these
where you reside, and as always,
as you are, so much
more than I will ever understand.
when I step out, pieces of
you, cotton-soft, cling to
everything I touched you with. Though
I would love nothing
more than to have stepped lightly in
and out, to not leave a mark
to not sully the purity
of what was before me, I know
this is not possible. The shreds
will cling to me, and I
will cling to the shreds, because
even though I would rather take
nothing, change nothing, be
as inconsequential as nothing, circumstances
have led me to the great
and terrible beauty
of the honor to carry with me
pieces of you.
GL, thank you.
May 11, 2014
8:22 PM
     edited May 15, 2014
May 2014 · 441
Things Change V
RA May 2014
And then I watched
as your smile stiffened
(imperceptibly, you thought)
and your embraces grew shorter
(I wouldn't notice, you told yourself)
while your laughter rang, forced,
(at least you were trying)
and when we fell asleep,
(you thought this would be)
I saw only your back.
*(more comfortable.)
May 10, 2014
8:20 PM
May 2014 · 8.7k
Honour And Loyalty
RA May 2014
Two things I had never
asked for, not these things
not from you. Honour
and loyalty are pledges
oaths taken to one whom fealty
is owed, a king or master. Loyalty
and honour, not always given
willingly, freely. Honour and loyalty
are stiff, hard, formal words-
a debt you feel you must pay.
If this is how it is to be, know
your debts are paid, you are
absolved. I once had your love
and friendship, but in lieu of those
do not endeavor to fill this space
with what you think is necessary. Your honour
and loyalty, save, for those
more worthy, for those who want this
from you, for those who do not know
how infinitely more you are capable of.
May 9, 2014
2:35 AM

And no, I don't usually spell honor with a U. This being a response poem, it matches the original text and felt fitting.
May 2014 · 420
Once Coveted (Panic)
RA May 2014
Don't say that, don't
say that, not anymore, I can't
think when you say
those words, they choke when
I inhale you saying
those formerly craved syllables they
block my throat when I try
to say them back, say I-
no, I cannot I
will not I refuse to hurt
myself again for you, haven't
I hurt enough even
as I sit here and my panic
hovers like a cloud on the
edge of my mind this
stormcloud will soon soak
and flood everything in drops
of liquid terror will leak
from my eyes don't
say you miss me.
Panic attack
May 7, 2014
9:15 PM
May 2014 · 283
Once Enough
RA May 2014
Sitting here again, I feel the ghosts
of our memories layed around me
now, intertwined. So long ago, this
would have been enough- warmth

from friendship and from our bodies, that
was enough- quiet breathing, maybe
contented smiles, maybe not, only
peace all around us.

And then we got up. We decided
peace and warmth were not
enough, we forsook these
for teasing conversation, later

for barbed words, later
even these would be replaced
by stiff silence. Once
you comforted me as I shook here

and wiped my tears away
as they fell. Now,
I sit here still, and wish
to live in memories.
May 2, 2014
2:22 PM
May 2014 · 327
Things Change IV (10w)
RA May 2014
I'm learning differences
between you

and the friend you were.
May 4, 2014
4:48 PM
May 2014 · 390
Things Change III (10w)
RA May 2014
What was
Was never
Is now
a minefield.
I don't get this whole 10w thing well enough to do it, but I'm playing with it anyway.
May 3, 2014
2:05 PM

I was thinking about how the words mine and minefield sound so similar... and isn't that essentially all we all are? delayed-reaction minefields?
May 2014 · 620
Sky-High (10w)
RA May 2014
Two inches
between us.
I am


through this
May 3, 2014
1:30 PM

things change.
May 2014 · 393
Things Change II (10w)
RA May 2014
Unlike then
we lay (t)here, adjacent
but utterly sepparated.
I don't get this whole 10w thing well enough to do it, but I'm playing with it anyway.
May 2, 2014
7:40 PM
May 2014 · 387
Things Change I (10w)
RA May 2014
I sobbed

upon leaving.

your greeting-
I weep.
May 1, 2014
7:30 PM
May 2014 · 443
patience (10w)
RA May 2014
They say
your face
will fade
with time.

I'm waiting.
I don't get this whole 10w thing well enough to do it, but I'm playing with it anyway.
May 1, 2014
4:59 PM
May 2014 · 568
4 AM fragments
RA May 2014
4 AM is the only hour
when I will ever allow myself the luxury
of crying for you. This reservoir of brine
I have dried into desertland painstakingly, siphoning
the smallest tears from their ducts,
has suddenly sprung up again, surprising
overwhelming everything-
April 29, 2014
May 2014 · 358
Abandoned Melody
RA May 2014
I lost you purposefully,
dropping shreds of you on
every step I took
back for myself as
I walked away. First, the songs
you sang in the shower,
testing your lungs, dissipated
like the faint sheen of water
adorned you upon emerging,
a full-body halo. Next,
the songs you would hum to me
quietly, when I couldn't sleep, ends
trailing off as I surrendered to slumber-
I let their unravelings reach
the middles, now, until they fell from me,
the trappings of a life gone, threads
moths of forgetfulness gnawed
from around me, until I stepped
out of what was once
my only covering, protection,
and walked away. Finally,
I tried to reclaim the songs we
had shared, the songs I had loved
and you had loved me
with, the ones you had quoted
to try and convince me how true
how faithful you would be, the melody
I could always return to, the melody
I could always rely on.
I failed. They will always
remain yours.
I lost you purposefully, and with you
went bits of myself.
April 25, 2014
8:27 PM
     edited May 11, 2014
May 2014 · 1.3k
Don't Belittle Your Pain.
RA May 2014
Don't belittle your pain.
Don't bottle it up
Unless small parts shove
           themselves out
Like a collection of knives
Inside a (breathing, living)
When the knife
Breaks through
With its harsh, sharp gleam,
Don't push it back in
Or say it's nothing
(with a pain(t)ed smile).
I see the stains
of denied blood
Against the shine
of cold steel.
And if you say
it's nothing
How can I fix you?
Another old one.
September 20, 2013
May 2014 · 431
Sometimes My Phone
RA May 2014
Sometimes my phone is on shuffle
and one of those songs you sent me
way back then
Starts playing
and pulls back bittersweet memories
(More bitter
than sweet
so far.)
Sometimes my phone rings
and it's not you.
Why would it be?
Sometimes my phone
is full of people looking for me
Clamoring with the chimes and whistles
of our technological age.
But never are you
in those Sometimes My Phones.
Something old I forgot about.
From before when I got passable at writing this crap.
October 22, 2013
May 2014 · 515
Samson Revised For You
RA May 2014
You were my sweetest downfall-
I loved you most
I loved you more
than I ever should have.
The taste of you;
honey-sweet in my mouth
heady on my tongue
left me giddy and floating.
And when my senses returned
to be only my own,
the absence of you
which I had known, intimately, and forgotten
was suddenly bitter, though tinged-
the saccharine aftertaste
of a sweetness lost.
And now you try, but you
cannot part my lips
the way I thirsted for
everything you were- for
you are different, love, your sweetness
is now contaminated, though
you are here, you taste bitter,
the taste of your absence and my tears.
I lay myself before you, before
everything you were, before
you arose and walked away, before
my walls rose to protect me.
I tried to bring them down, before
I realized I now have need of them.
You were my sweetest downfall-
I loved you most, and now
I have to go.
I have to go.
Based on the song Samson, by Regina Spektor

April 22, 2014
6:09 PM
     edited April 22, 2014
May 2014 · 359
RA May 2014
When I heard you say those words,
I knew nothing less would do.
And now when you won't sing the song that I crave,
I find I can do without you.
April 22, 2014
7:33 PM
edited May 8, 2014
May 2014 · 342
Kind Of Wonderful
RA May 2014
How do I tell you
I find it kind of wonderful that
when I say
"I'm going away for a bit"
you instantly know
it's because you're reading
something I had written.

I find it kind of wonderful
that once in a while, you
let me help you-
even though I'm inept,
and not usually there
when I would most like to hug you.

I find it kind of wonderful
that something you planned,
took the time to plot exactly
has blossomed into friendship
as stunningly unprecedented as you are.

How do I tell you
I find it all kind of wonderful
and I'll say this a lot, but
when I say "it all"
if you read between the lines,
you'll find your name.
thank you so much for everything, I couldn't do this without you. I love you, and this is even more relevant than when I wrote it.

April 22, 2014
7:10 PM
     edited May 8, 2014
May 2014 · 263
Snippets Of Letters IV
RA May 2014
When I can't remember what I've
told you, know
I have spoken truths, and
spontaneous ones
at that. The words I mean most
are the ones I have planned least.
April 20, 2014
3:45 PM
edited May 8, 2014
May 2014 · 402
RA May 2014
I cannot remain here,
where I stand,
for very long. I feel myself
slipping, regressing, I am falling
back into your
waiting arms. All the ground
I gained, lost
because for two minutes
I was not headstrong
enough to fight the tide of my subconscious
inherent gravitation, pull
towards everything you were.
April 14, 2014
6:32 PM
May 2014 · 443
RA May 2014
I thought I could live through
this. I can live through this,
and I will. But small reminders

of how much I loved you burn long
after I think I'm fine. We
crumbled then, we fell

apart, but these stones are
too heavy for me to lift
alone and there is no one to help

me try and rebuild us. In that absence
I will try and rebuild myself

and ignore the holes left over when you
are no longer here, when I
scan myself and find myself lacking.
April 9, 2014
5:44 PM
edited May 1, 2014
May 2014 · 400
Death Made You A Thief
RA May 2014
Death made you a thief, love.
While in life you gave
everything, selflessly and endlessly, death
has made of you
a thief, stealing and taking-
back- all that you were

taking back everything you graced
to our world- your laughter
and angers, your happiness-

you take everything
I (never thought) was (yours)-
my sleep, my happiness
my heart.

Death made you a thief, love,
but even in death
even as a thief
you have my love.
Inspired by a different poem I read on here a while ago.
I'm only publishing this one because SR thought it was good. I don't. It's presumptuous and trite. I'm sorry.

April 23, 2014
11:03 AM
     edited May 7, 2014
May 2014 · 385
RA May 2014
A shining portal, shimmering
in tiny glints that enchant us. We
plunge in, emerge exilerated, dripping, free
having removed and placed aside
all the trappings of our daily lives, all
the tiny disguises we wear
daily, unthinking, all the walls we construct
to keep the world at bay. At this bay
we surrender, immerse, maybe secretly hoping
that the salt water will sting the eyes
watching you, so that you are not seen
fully, after you have removed your surreptitious armor.
Later, we will wear it again, dressing
in the clothes and glasses and jewelry
we have built our visible selves from, more comfortable
now that we are covered, protected.
But the vision of you uncovered, plainly yourself
will not leave me for a while-
it has seeped through my cracks
and is staying like those tiny grains of sand
I can never completely wash off.
April 9, 2014
2:04 PM
May 2014 · 415
Do Not Forgive Me
RA May 2014
Do not forgive me.
I do not want your forgiveness,
I don't not want to think I might need it.
Do not forgive me.
I do not want doubtful thoughts,
thoughts that maybe you are right, I have wrong.
Do not forgive me-
I do not want to give you this chance-
the chance to feel gloriously magnanimous.
Thinking about Nora from A Doll's House by Ibsen

April 9, 2014
1:36 PM
RA May 2014
Don't try to pin me down. Instead,
let me flutter gently around the twinkling lights
that look intriguing to me at the moment.
Don't try to catch me. Instead,
watch me keep my distance and try to understand
that I can still exist happily in the freedom of solitude.
Don't try to predict my changes. Instead,
know that even I cannot usually do so, and try,
if you so wish, to weather with me my changing seasons and summer storms.
Don't try to immitate me. Instead,
realize how beautiful you are as yourself and furthermore,
I am not something you should immitate, want to be.
Don't try to change me. Instead,
accept me as I am. Though your forced changes may indeed be better
for me, your acceptance will make me want to better myself.
Don't try to explain me. Instead,
internalize that some things are inexplicable
and that my reasons for being this are so much uglier than you see.
Don't try to justify me. Instead,
remember that even those who are hard to grasp
make mistakes, even horrible ones, and sometimes need someone not to forgive.
Don't try to destroy me. Instead,
listen to me when I warn that many have tried, purposefully
or otherwise, and I am not so fragile as I look. You will end up burnt.
Don't try to push me away forcefully. Instead,
ask me to go. I will understand, I promise
I only want distance to be a respectfully created space, not a hidden minefield.
Don't try to reel me in. Instead,
if I come to land near you, bear in mind that this is rare
but, too, bear in mind you have no obligation to want me here.
Please, don't try to pin me down.
If you ever do., I will be a dead thing of former splendor
pinned to your corkboard, and you will finally understand me
when all of my entrails come spilling out, displayed to you
and I lay, helpless.
“She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the faintest scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to a corkboard like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew.” --Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl

April 9, 2014
~12:14 PM
    edited May 4, 2014
May 2014 · 403
RA May 2014
All the best nights of my life
have faded with time into the air I breathe
have solidified with time into the foundations
upon which I build my life. All the laughter
and sometimes tears, all the embraces
and the early morning chatter which is so abstract
and yet so real, I will never remember exactly
as it was, but they make me love you
all the more, nonetheless.
April 8, 2014
12:45 PM
RA May 2014
I am not going home.
You can try to pull me back
Tell me all the reasons you love me
Remind me of all my duties and obligations
Call to the moral compass that never points north inside of me-

The one you planted in place of the heart you stole.
But I will not come back, not to the house
That is called "home" through sheer force of habit.

Name a wolf "sheep"- he will turn on his "brothers"
Name a devil angelic- he will cause the downfall of heaven
Name a leopard a lapdog- his spots will not change.

I named you loving, tender, gentle.
I called you moral, caring, I dared to try and call you mine.
I have spoken falsely, the sheer force of my want
Making me liar, a false prophet.

I am not going home-
My home is in my own heart
And you are not in it.
Trying something new.

April 7, 2014
1:43 PM
     edited May 1, 2013
May 2014 · 3.0k
RA May 2014
Your glances in my direction
are ants under my shell-
they tingle and make me more aware
of every inch of my skin
and just when I think they are teasingly flirty
they bite.
Trying something new.
April 7, 2014
1:43 PM
edited May 1, 2014
May 2014 · 444
RA May 2014
To reach out
and touch your cheek,
thistledown-light finger
upon the peach-fuzz softness
that is your skin.
I am quiet, reverent
not quite daring to believe
that this sleeping human (you
are so much more than human
and yet your flaws are compliments
to your other-worldly perfection
that root you solidly
to my terra firma) could ever exist
let alone exist here and now-
sleeping so soundly, so peacefully-
and you are mine to touch
as gently as I please.
I'm trying something new with my writing. I don't know if I like this.

April 7, 2014
12:38 PM
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