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Apr 2017 · 4.7k
For The Bruised Peaches
Gidgette Apr 2017
You know who you are
Bruised Peaches
Those hit, hidden
Belittled and bitten
By the very people we loved most
For staying with the bearers of our
We warrior spouses
Some of the peaches are lucky
we rolled from the pain baskets
Others have to stay for seedlings
This particular peach
After years of bruises
Nearly got squished between the fingers
of a bruise bearer
And I'm bitter mush
But I'm still whole
And all the while
He whispered,
I love you, I love you little peach
He gave me a seedling
She grew
and with her
My knowledge grew
It took the kingsmens axe
To cut me from that dead tree
But thank God
This peach, is free
It's the hardest thing in the world to leave an abusive relationship. We're often made to believe it's our own fault. Even after one leaves, the lawyers, judges, counselors even, make you feel "less than".
I rarely write of my awful marriage. Even today I'm ashamed. And I know that it wasn't anything I did but that fact escapes me sometimes. My love to you all. Especially the Peaches.
Gidgette Apr 2017
The stone Angel fascinates me
and repulses me
It stands about 8 feet tall in a fountain
Its made of white fake stone
It pees
He wears a gown and has wings
His white hands gather around his middle holding a far too small water jug
Unless your within 2 feet of it
You can't see the little stone jug
It stands at the Corner of Tennessee Avenue and Beech Street here
in front of an ugly little strip mall
I walk by it and we smile together
That Angel and I
I said to it one day," How lucky you are to get to eternally **** on this MayBerry Hell"
He smiled back
He pees as the children play by
As temporary lovers hold hands
He pees as the old people hobble by with their canes
When giving directions, people here actually say,"You know, it's down by where that Angel pees." ***
Sometimes I wish I were he
Just a passing thought. Not very well written but it suits my mood today. Pissy.
And yes. This ******* Angel does exist.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
White Chiffon At A Funeral
Gidgette Apr 2017
I drown in the careless glow of the moon
He bares me an eternal wink
And I sink
in the forever fading,
blue velvet sky
Grasping for the faintest hope of
The sins I cling to,
make the stars gasp
My face burried in White skirts
As I have the strange tendency
to wear white chiffon
To funerals
Apr 2017 · 774
Sun Tears
Gidgette Apr 2017
Cherry blossoms
The moon
         cries aloud
while the
twinkle on
        scattered ash
   Of burnt
    Its called
   Music plays
Until it
Only in back ground
          White Noise
And the Universe
Seedlings sprout
        with the spring
         Who cries not tears
And we
          Bask in
Sun tears
Gidgette Apr 2017
I attend the funeral of hope,
Watch the birth of despair
I think God has gone deaf,
atleast to
my cries
People look at possessions as
They aren't
They're stones tied to souls
making sure we all drown with the
we all so long to keep up with
Oh yes,
those Jones' are falling to the
Depths of "stuff"
far faster than we Smiths
Good Lord
All day, Everyday,
I see and hear the "upper class"
About the stupidest things
Its appocalypse if the Jones' buy
while the neighbor only owns a Cadilac
I see these things and hear these silly conversations daily
"Oh did you see how fat Pam's *** looked in that Vera dress at yesterday's luncheon?"
"Yes! All that money spent on lypo! Haha!"
Disgusting ****
like sulfuric acid poured into my ears
And the road on the way to this Country Club and Gated Community called
Is lined with falling down trailers and houses without glass in the Windows
Clothes hung on ancient strings because the wearers can't afford a dryer
Or the electicity to run one
Children filthy and barefoot playing with
hand-me-down toys
in hay field yards
Still cleaner and more pure
than the
Filthy Rich
I wavered in my original intent with this one. I just got So angry today at work. These rich people in their multi-million dollar homes behind a coded gated community are complaining about the "eye sore" homes of these poor mountain people. Rather than help them, or try to see from both sides of the gate, They'd rather the city take the land and tear down these peoples homes. They would rather human beings be ******* homeless, than have to drive by any imperfect thing on their way to their 12 and 13 bedroom, lake front, mansions!! Seriously! They are actually petitioning for this devilish act. I spit at them! Better educate these people and give them a chance to do better. Knowledge is wealth and power. And knowledge should be given freely. The public schools here are awful. The children share books And the local high school only has three computers in the inadequate library. I won't deny being lucky. I went to a private school, as will my Stella. But know this, I donate frequently, And when I taught the dance, I taught more than one girl for free. I could rant about this all night but I have Easter baskets to fill. I love you all. Happy Easter<3
Gidgette Apr 2017
The enjoyment they gather, from each
Black feather,
So carelessly
from my oiled wings
They smile as pieces of me are worn
upon the brows of faint hearted paper mache
I'm served daily
Silver platters,
with a side of flame
No extra charge
They smile red,
Placing my feathers in
Mine own hair
They like that
Those demons I serve myself to
I'm at the country club working right now. Yay me.
Gidgette Apr 2017
To hold hope is a dangerous thing
Memories and dreams lacking colour,
living in the glint of light in tears for brief,
and painful seconds as they fall
only to be absorbed by my skirts
Each holding false hope in secret things,
bound to a twisted finger of cruel fate
I hide my face from light and sight
as I breathe life into shadow figures of
Once was, wasn't, and will never be
Undecided if reality is dreamt up by
a cruel child who derives its pleasure by
pulling legs from lady bugs and wings from
And being the escapist that I am
I play out my grey dreams in the fake lives of a family I seem to have imagined
And drown the rest in flowers and filth
Apr 2017 · 774
Her Onyx Hair
Gidgette Apr 2017
She stood, barefoot,
at his burial
It was August and hot
Her onyx, knee length hair, hung loose,
blowing in the storm she was conjuring
Hailing from the eastern skies
Her burnt oil eyes, dry
She had no need for tears,
Heaven would cry for her
Born the first of 13
in a long line of darkened blood
300 years bread from Ireland,
to the Cumberland mountains and rolling hills
Every first before her, Born with a caul
Each generation striving for 3 daughter's and seven sons
Seventh sons born water witches
Each first daughter a
"Seer", amongst other dark blessings
Cauls kept, and buried at midnight 'neath willow branches for blessings
These first daughters,
bore one of three hairs,
raven black, silver, or gold
from birth
Never greying
I watched her
stayed with my grandmother
beside her husband's grave
Till night fell
Her hair, never went grey
Gidgette Apr 2017
I stood watching her from the left of the lights
Tiny arms and legs
She was
My little Swan!
I danced in shadows
As she danced in light
Mother and daughter
She is magnificent!
Her golden curls flying
Tights sparkling
Toes, barely touching the stage

Mother passes the light
To the dancing daughter
And all is as it should be
She caught but a glimpse of me
In my selfish shadows
Dancing in her glory
Our eyes locked for the briefest of seconds
She danced on........
Stella had her spring recital. I couldn't help but try and dance in the shadows behind the curtains. She saw me. I'm so very proud of her.
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Ebony and Pieces of Eight
Gidgette Apr 2017
I dwelt under the red current of the River Heartbreak
A black stone, polished by time and tears
Tossed to the depths by a cruel child for a passing glimpse of his entertainment
Pieces of Eight saw the dark shine of times polish
He bent, lifting a single broken piece of Ebony from the hearts blood
Smiling at the shining blackness so opposite from he
And while the Ebony stone no longer dwelt in the red
It was still
And he was still
Pieces of Eight
Pieces of Eight is a synonym for gold and a metaphor for something non-existent.
Gidgette Apr 2017
I've been at it for 13 hours in whisky and whining
I'm afraid
I speak more to the poets here than my own blood
And everyone is ready to leave
I handled a divorce better
If you all go
I go
What is this FUCKERY?
A joke?
Please fix it back
Most poets don't like change because no change for us has ever been for the better
Some of you, I've written with, cried with, spoken with, and yes
for years
You go,
I go
You jump ship
I jump ship
I ******* LOVE you all
I'd like to put a heart but it's only gonna show up as &it:3
Eliot York has an account here. Search Eliot York and message him. Please...
Sorry for the language. I'm deeply disturbed.
Gidgette Apr 2017
In the stillness of night they whisper
Telling secrets of all that will never be
Drowning out star chatter
The eyes painted upon the wings of the
Luna Moths
See much
But a fleeting seven days of life
Borne of the moon
Green as emeralds shining in lunar light
Resting in hands of dark dwellers
Eternally lusting for glow
From a moon they can only flutter for
And whisper of things
Never to be~A
Luna Moths are beautiful. Being the cruel creature that I am, I have many of them dried and pinned to pieces of coloured velvet, framed and hung on my walls. They have no mouths. Their only objective is to mate. Which they do. For hours on end. <3
Apr 2017 · 854
Deeply Disturbed!!
Gidgette Apr 2017
I woke up this morning thinking "Ooh, pretty poetry, wonder what lovely words graced the screen while I slept."
I woke to THIS! More crap I can't understand. What the hell? I can't work this. Now, I'm gonna go to my crap job and with out a single pretty poem to occupy my raving lunatic mind because I don't know how to work these new changes! Its 6:57 am and I'm going to have a drink!! Good day!
It doesn't matter if you comment because I can't ******* see it!
Apr 2017 · 471
Hey "HePo"
Gidgette Apr 2017
These changes aren't good. Please, Mr. York, change it back. We love your poetry site. But we love the way it WAS.
What the hell?! I'm mad. I don't even know how to work this **** anymore. ****! I'm having fits!
Apr 2017 · 609
Gidgette Apr 2017
Standing, in the gathering darkness
in the fading light of the bleeding sun,
Hooded and cloaked,
amongst the dying trees
Golden cursed tears of scattered forever,
Falling from white eyes,
ringed in black
Decisions to stay held
A leaf blown through out time on the breeze of
To wake a heart, cursed with forever
That the bearer of such a cursed heart
Will fade, as the colour of a rose lain upon an immortal grave
Dying trees can't speak
and reflections held in mortal tears
Apr 2017 · 754
Tinkerbell's Curse
Gidgette Apr 2017
She loved Pan,
Adored him,
Wanted so much for him to
Within her
But Tink,
so small
And Pan,
Well, he was Pan
He loved the Wendi Bird
was happy for the mere chance
to rest
in Pan's pocket
And he carried her there.....
For you, my Pan. I'm happy, just to rest in your pocket and see you as I wish;)
Gidgette Apr 2017
I knelt,
beneath the weeping maple
watched its leaves for a time
It bleeds
Dragons Blood, its very name
Star shaped leaves
They unfold
as the moon waxes
The dogwood blooms
as lovers unfold held souls
To hold another hand
Paper hearts
to wrap, and keep another heart
And the moon
unfolds for you
A passing notion as I drove home then sat under the weeping Japanese Maple in my yard<3
Apr 2017 · 436
Do It Up Right
Gidgette Apr 2017
It doesn't matter
What they say or think
Whether they like you
Hate you
It's a show
One long *** dance
and I didn't forget my tutu
or toe shoes
Its a fight,
every breath,
every night
Smile Amanda,

Do it up right

Lye as still as the earth
in winter
Let him be the snow
Give a red lipped half grin
turn your face
say GO

Do it up right

Be all you should
never could
Dance For him,

Do it up right

Spread your legs
with grace and style
Point your toes
red lipped smile

Do it up right

Arch your back
moan just right
whisper of things
They all wanna hear
Set a silk trap, spider

Do it up right

And when they ask
how your bills are paid
Comment, on how your legs are splayed
Tell them,

"I do it up right"
I realise how I used "lye". We do what we have to. Right?
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
Rehab For The Dead
Gidgette Apr 2017
Some dead things just won't lay down
We keep walking
Long after we've died
Wreaking havoc upon the living
what little of ourselves that remains alive in
Tears and shame
Throwing up on sidewalks
Bringing the occasional young stranger home
To get that little drip of pleasure
From his heartbreak at dawn
But apparently
This kind of "self help"
Isn't working
Tomatoe juice with celery sticks
And people behind desks in
Ugly polyester suits with framed papers on their walls and a prescription or two
Is now
Rehab for the dead
Gidgette Apr 2017
We are but art
Our words
Falling in love but a thousand times daily
No less than worded Geisha
Black Butterflies to flutter the ears
Dark diamonds to dazzle the eyes
Though we lie and hope
Hope for dryer setting normality
It may break even our own hearts,
that we so desire all that can NEVER
be attained
We live in shadows of shimmering dreams
We may write for you, speak for you, display our talents
Flutter our blackened wings
But we can never really be touched
Our dark diamonds slice flesh and dreams
We can never love more than page and pen
Causing hurricanes with a mere fluttering of a black wing
We love
But never give ourselves
Only our words
We are poems unspoken
Black Butterflies
Dark Diamonds
Ladies of Poetry
Oh yeah! For all my Ladies of written heartbreak, insanity, tears, longing, hatred. My very own Bella Mafia! You. I love you. You've held my hand in cemeteries, whispered in my ear, let me cry on your shoulders, we have wandered through each other's dreams and nightmares. Thank you, my black butterfies, my dark diamonds.<3
Gidgette Apr 2017
I let a stranger in,
to ******* bitter fruit
I silenced his gun,
Told him to shoot
Gave him my body
Wrapped him in my vine
Kept my dark heart
It's black, but it's mine
We danced our skin dance
Till we saw the sun rise
I feel no shame
No need for more lies
I'll do as I will
An it harm none
I've been set free
My will,
Be done~A
Apr 2017 · 670
Gidgette Apr 2017
I'd like an explanation please,
If you wouldn't care to take the time
Tell me why I drink so much
And feel life isn't worth a dime

Please, take just a few seconds
Realise I'm sending out a plea
I'll pay you for your time,
If you'll just listen to me

Understand my whispers
Are really hidden screams
Reality is so visceral
But nightmares replaced my dreams

Tears have turned to blood
In the ocean they drown
No matter the number of prayers
My soul remains hell bound

Please explain this darkness
Why the sun will never shine
And why it is that I give
But no heart will ever be mine

Can you sit with me a moment
And not see the ugly I hide
Just speak of smiles and truth
Could you kindly abide?

And when the sun passes
over this weeping tree
When the dark of night takes over
Could you just maybe remember me?
Gidgette Apr 2017
Black butterfly,
Lacking even the blue dots,
worn upon the wings
ripped off by smiling children at play
I dwell in the shadows of low light
I'm forlorn and forbidden
My feast,
contains saline and salty tears
Grasped by unpoetic hands in the stillness of midnight
No matter how pretty
How soft
What expensive things I decorate my unholy self with
I dwell alone
One of many
Forlorn, forbidden things
Gidgette Apr 2017
I spoke with the Lady today. She said you were coming back. I won't work with you. I refuse to spend my time pining over the likes of you. I don't wish to see you everyday. However, I will not be responsible for your lack of employment. The destruction of all you hold dear, yes. But your unemployment, is beneath me.

"You was told wrong. I have a new job. I like it where I'm at."

WERE. You WERE told wrong. Good God man. Learn proper English. You owe me. If money is not in My hand on the 24th, I'll collect your teeth as payment with that pink shiny bat I carry.

"I'll pay you. You're dark and ****** up. So little and pretty. A Manson Barbie. You need medication you know."

*******. I want what's mine. It's unadvisable to be late. I'll send her every picture, every text. I'll knock on your door during family ******* dinner. No one wants that ****.

"I said I'd pay you back. And blackmail doesn't look good on you. You're insane. Seek help."

I told you I was insane from jump.

"I didn't think you was serious. Have you tried ******?"

WERE!! I didnt think you WERE serious! Look, as much as I enjoy this ***** fit argument, I have important business to tend to. Your gold tooth will look good as a charm on my bracelet, though I prefer silver. Don't be late.

"You're one f-ed up lady. I love you, you know."

Apparently not enough. I can't love. Not you. Not anyone. I gotta go. Until the next explosive ******* bomb, I bid thee adue.....

A real text conversation I had with a *****. And yes, I received payment;)
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
Spring Rains
Gidgette Apr 2017
Tulips catch sky water for the fairies today
Late blooming March Bells,
the only sun
Dandelions dance, taking even the breath of The Almighty
In their glistening glory
Weeping Cherry tree sways, as though she's a ballerina,
Covered in perfectly cut crystals
Oil on the street,
becomes a rainbow with fragments of light,
stolen from heaven
As I watch,
Heaven falls
Making love with every earthen thing
giving shine
Spring Rains
My love to each and everyone of you. Really<3
Apr 2017 · 635
Gidgette Apr 2017
The need to feel,
So I wandered
Till I found wild innocence
Dressed his young lips in liquor
Filled his youthful ears with dark whispers
His sense of smell with chanel
His lust with my skin
And for the briefest of moments,
I felt
Shame with the sunrise
But still

I sent him away
with the opening of the sun's golden eye
Resting alone.....
Gidgette Mar 2017
I envy your heart,
Its beating

I lost mine
By piece
A dried up and dead rose
All that remains

No matter the amount of blood I've spilt
Trying to fill my veins

I see you have rosy cheeks, a smile
May I borrow them,
Just for awhile?

I may return
More likely burn

But your rosey cheeks,
How they invite

I'm hungry
Give me just
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Black and Grey Rainbow
Gidgette Mar 2017
A fragment of mist contained within a black and grey rainbow
Drop of acid rain
Scent of sulfur on a sunny day
The thorn that ****** the finger of the rose given Lady
A speechless recording
Out of tune song, sang by crows
Hair on a starving mans plate
A childs screaming nightmare, at the witching hour
Golden haired sinner amongst the feast of all saints
An oldie. I really hate my work. Blah
Mar 2017 · 724
Feed Me Fear
Gidgette Mar 2017
I don't know the realisation
of a vacation
of motivations

My own

Truth is rude
reality crude
Beauty eludes

This zone

So aviated


Time escapes
Protruder rapes

I can't think
Thus I drink

There is no hope
To cope
Eternal rope

A necklace

A brace
Losing race
Hard case


Was YOUR vacation


I was your


Biting bed bug


I can't fight
Not right
Can't take flight

Bottle of *****
Won't win just lose
Shades of blues

I cry
Wish I'd die


Feed me
I was given words today by the side of the road. Its funny, what and whom, we pay no mind to. Maybe someday I'll post those words for you all to read. They were odd. And for me. On the way to get something for my grams. I was stopped. Odd.
Mar 2017 · 505
Salvation From Me
Gidgette Mar 2017
I have this tendency to somehow stay caught
In the in between
And I can't avoid the realisation
Of never reaching reality
I dream
I sink in the ureality in which I dwell
My whole life is lost
I fight daily with a past that chases me
No matter the amount of sweat
I pour
I'm found
I can't make sense
I'm senseless
And I can't help but like it
Cry at it
I've no hope of salvation
From me
I tried to have a small vacation. It lasted nil. You can't take a vacation from yourself. So,....
Mar 2017 · 743
Yellow Haired Servant Girl
Gidgette Mar 2017
"A Robert Palmer please, and two ultras for my friends here." sais the over weight man in pink golf shorts.
Of course sir
"I bet she purrs like a kitten between the sheets. Haha!" whispers the man sitting next to the pink golf shorts
"Look at that ***!", laughs the grey haired checkered shirt
"I'll smack it when she brings our order, bro.",replies pink shorts
Here is your Robert Palmer sir.
And two ultras.
They laugh

Head dropped
Tears fall
Shame felt

Yellow Haired Servant Girl
I work spring, summer, and fall at a country club. I'm a waitress. As a single mother I put up with this rude behaviour on a regular basis. Next time you're out to eat, be kind to your waitress. She's a person too. And please, forgive my darkness as of late. I'm trying....
Mar 2017 · 560
Gidgette Mar 2017
My paper boat is sinking
In the mile deep salt
I'll drown soon
The moon
Only watches
for the
What a drag I am this day. I promise, I'll try to be bright.....
Mar 2017 · 1.4k
Gidgette Mar 2017
I walk these streets,
of which, I don't belong
Ever carrying the scent of
and vintage whisky
A visceral and demented
MayBerry hell
It is here, in which I dwell
Everyone plays their part,
Pays their bills
A mere ghost
haunting these wooded hills
A house,
I possess  
I lack
I wander
I belong no where
Just not here
And so.....

I wander
And belong to no one
A wanderess.......

It's my birthday. It rains.....
Gidgette Mar 2017
I've knelt,
for moons upon moons
Tears flood and drown me
Gravel, dirt
in my knees,
worn as
mere decoration,
collected by Time
in an
Paper heart,
Upon moonlit
Paper heart
Time is
And there is
No answer....
Mar 2017 · 529
Moonlit Minds
Gidgette Mar 2017
doesn't everybody just love a poet?!
Poets love poets
And poets don't love poets
What poets do love poets,
Can't be together
We're all nuts, insane, delusional
The lot of us!
Peering into souls,
dreaming about
"filth and flowers",
as my best poet friend says
Making **** up in our
Moonlit Minds
Bending to every breeze in spring and summer
Praying to every cloud that passes!
Dwelling in bubbles blown by children!

Beautiful Insanity
Loved, lusted for,
unloved, lonely

Who loves a poet?
Someday, I'm going to do a sound cloud recording of this particular piece, and ya'll are gonna be like,"***! Chicks lost her mind!"
Mar 2017 · 1.8k
Paper People
Gidgette Mar 2017
It's night again, darkness calls
Rubies fall from cut paper,
Like the Nile river at sunset
Painted visceral eyes, pour forth diamonds
as a spider web
with fresh morning dew in June,
dripping from lashes drawn with

Still, ticking continues

Even for paper people
Mar 2017 · 707
Scorched Women
Gidgette Mar 2017
We are but scorched women
Giving away pieces of our worn,
Paper hearts
Only to watch them burn with daydreams never lived
Crying tears of soot
Leaving trails of black
on once rosey cheeks
Our kisses, but ash
Painted red smiles
our masks
Souls of ebony,
traced with scarlet
We sing unheard songs
of glowing embers
Falling on deaf ears
Hearts not to be held
or touched
Ash falls apart with the softest breath

Scorched Women
For all we with scorched hearts.<3
Mar 2017 · 663
Where The Daisies Tripp
Gidgette Mar 2017
When sleep can't find me, I guess because I'm camofluoged and fit too well in the night
(After all, sleep does have its eyes closed)
I make the 25 minute drive down to "L" street.
I sit on my old bench in that ****** fake park with the lined up giant rocks and the one weeping cherry tree. City counsels gift to the street ******, rapists, thieves  and drug peddlers.
  I watch, I listen and sip my whisky. L street is the worse part of town here. There's an asylum on one side of the corner, a bank on the other. Red light number 3. People are always lined up in front of the asylum. I suppose for little blue pills.
  Further down the row of crumbling bricks, is a cafe that plays live music on Friday and Saturday nights and across from that is a pool hall that sells green hotdogs. On the other side of the pool hall, is an empty building with my tobacco lady painted on the side of it. And my "bitchs bench", as I call it, sits beside that.
My mother has always raised immortal hell about my going there. Day or night. "You'll get *****, hooked on the "L" pills or murdered. Dont come crying to me when it happens", she sais. But as much time as I've spent there, I've spoken with more than a few of those "undesirables" and they all have a story of such pain and heart break. Or they're just mentally ill.
They're daisies. That didn't grow upright in this field of life. They tripped.
  My "L" street,
is where the daisies tripp.
"L" street is so nick named, because of these pills they call Ls that apparently make you "tripp". All kinds of crazy things happen there Day and night. Aren't I sad case when even the "crazies" won't bother with me? Ha!
Mar 2017 · 1.4k
To Dance
Gidgette Mar 2017
Music, the wind
I was a wave, upon the ocean
A leaf, free,
and floating untethered from the branch
In those instances, no longer mortal
I WAS every emotion contained in flesh
A bird, fearless
in a hurricane
I made love with every note,
every melodie
Crescendo, was *******
The music caressed every part of me
from the inside out
Kissed my toes,
as a long lost Love
Cradled my soul,
like I was a newly born child
To dance,
for me, was heaven
and hell
It is living and dying,
in an ethreal universe
where only beauty exists

For you, my friend;)
I wrote this at the request of a very dear friend. He asked what The Dance made me feel like. How I felt when I danced.
Mar 2017 · 4.3k
Dandelion Grave
Gidgette Mar 2017
I was in the cemetery again, this noon
Dandelion graves and lost stones
Dwelling atop a hidden hill
Deep within the pines
Not my cemetery
Not ancient
I laid
Upon a certain grave
It had my name
One of only two stones with
Still visible words
Unwashed by
She was only 17, passing
Married, buried
With child
A long lost to time
Child bride
Of the
For her to be in that particular cemetery
She had to be a soldiers wife
Confederate, rebel
I mourned her
The stone residing next to hers
was worn by wind and time
A dandelion grave
Cemeteries are a morbid habit of mine. The particular cemetary I speak of here, is called Boot Hill. A civil war cemetery. Amanda's grave was one of very few female graves I've found in war graveyards. Her stone said,"With her child." And indeed, as early as it is in this season, that cemetery was covered with dandelions.
Mar 2017 · 957
Gidgette Mar 2017
I am but a courtesan,
***** of the moon
As are you
Though you deny this
Your denial, makes it ever more true
Promiscuous beings,
Dwellers of The flesh
Wearing a tant amount,
of lies and morals
As babies blankets
While our flesh
prays pleasure
And our eyes
Hold lies
Living under black rainbows
and broken hearts
Loose tongues and
tight spots
Our lot


Mar 2017 · 670
Dust In The Cold
Gidgette Mar 2017
I placed my hope between the wings of honey bees
To watch them fly away with it
My dreams, upon stars glittering in the velvet beyond
They've long since fallen
Thoughts of life,
given to butterflies, only to poison them
Voice, placed in a crows mouth
Only a caw
Any beauty in my possession
went to the gargoyles, they needed it more
My heart, I so gently laid upon the flower petals
Then winter came
My Love,
I climbed the mighty oak,
And placed it in the leaves
To watch it fall, leaf by leaf,
turning to dust
in the cold~A
Mar 2017 · 1.6k
Poets, May, and Lilac
Gidgette Mar 2017
We're sand, you know
Slipping through splayed fingers
Our hearts,
Are but ash filled bubbles
Carried upon the lilac,
rough winds of May
Blown by peach faced children
Sensitive to the human touch
Grasped too hard,
And a poets heart
Will burst
Should we fall,
As we so often do
We can't be caught
Promiscuous in our words
Faithful, in our dreams
Ash filled bubbles
Eternally in May and lilac~A
I Love You All and that's all I have to say of that.<3
Mar 2017 · 946
Gidgette Mar 2017
They don't see me
But you look so closely

And they don't hear me
While you, listen well

Its loud here
One can never tell

But you do
In your silence

Pity, pity

How I need you here
I'm wingless

Fairy gone cold

And I care not
My wings don't sparkle

They are No more

A loved one

And I walk
Amongst those with wings
I can't shut up as of late. Forgive me....
Gidgette Mar 2017
And so it is,
That I hide
I can't abide

By natures laws,

I confide
Contemplate suicide
Darkly, swinging wide

A clock hand

Unto this,
I remiss
Longing greatly,
For deaths sweet kiss

Dark song,

Blackened lips
I served your table,
Pay your tips

Money spent

Membership dues,
You haven't a clue
Real life in truth,
Coloured blue

Black rainbows,

Make your wage
Dance on stage,
Turn the page

A tune

Step in time,
Sing your rhyme
Its what they want,
They've paid their dime

Watch it,

See me here
Am I clear
The heat,
It sears

I can't breathe

The air is stale
My skin is pale
And I hang,
From Satans tail
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Catch My Tears In Mason Jars
Gidgette Mar 2017
All these artists gather here on my floor
Three evenings
Poets, painters, musicians
Arguing, playing

I don't need streets of gold
The angels couldn't possibly make this music
Its weekend
And they gather

I'm a muse to many
So they say
A minority
My pitiful poetry and dance

But I dwell in these hills
With them
And my mahogany floors
Rests their shoes

Loud and melodous
Joey picks a tune and yells about fascism
Maria, sings her Spanish tunes
Stella laughs and dances our dance

Jimmy plays the strings to fire and ash
Chris beats the drums like an angry demon
Portia paints scenes that bring tears
Chloe makes her black and whites burst with every colour

They gather on my floors
I lay on the pillows and smile for them
With my liquor
They tell me I'm pretty

Catch my tears in mason jars
Moonshine passed between artists and lips
My house can't hold them all
We lack a banjo

Some "rap" some sing
Some write others paint
We all argue and fuss
Its a scene of crazy great

How I wish you all were here too
Last Saturday, portia and Joey left with black eyes and busted lips. Fighting in the yard over politics. Politics and anything to do with this subject have since been banned from my door. They gather here to sing and play for me this eve. How lucky am I?
Mar 2017 · 425
The Same
Gidgette Mar 2017
The bees and butterflies already came
I've no more nectar,
For you to take

**** me
If you will
Go on
Take of me what's left

Once carried on a lilac breeze

From a limply held cigarette
To the filter

A distant souls memory
Remaining on a winds
Left swirl

My resin fairy gave birth
Prose, Her name
Wingless *******
In my pocket

She and I
The same
Mar 2017 · 364
Gidgette Mar 2017
May the stars fall
The moon drown
The sun burn out
Mountains bow to the ground

May the sea boil
Flowers no longer grow
Let it be ash that falls,
Never again snow

May all that is outside
Mirror that with in
Let there be no more lies
To cover the sin~A
Mar 2017 · 617
To Shout At God
Gidgette Mar 2017
I stood atop my hill today
After court was out
I wondered what God might say
So I decided to give him a shout
He responded with cold rain
It fell upon my face
I knew right then that I was done
And suffering was my place~A
My ex husband walks for his sins. No justice.
Mar 2017 · 842
Stella Said....
Gidgette Mar 2017
Stella said," Momma, I want a jump castle for my friends at my birthday, and daddy."
But daddy won't be there
"Momma, I hate court. That judger is a meanie weanie."
I know baby, shhh
"Can I have a jump castle?"
You'll have your castle, now hush
Stella sais," Momma, why don't daddy like me?"
He does baby
"Why won't he look at me?"
I don't know, princess, daddy is sick
"He needs a doctor and a sucker and a shot."
Yes baby, shush
She said,"Momma, why did daddy hurt you, like the tangles hurt my hairs?"
I don't know baby
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