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Apr 2014 · 508
Have a Nice Trip
Do you ever feel like your Heart took a vacation and didn't tell you it was leaving?…

I do.

You notice when doesn't long for some one to love you, It doesn't care if some one does.

It doesn't do anything because it's not there.

The hole that it left when it packed its bag doesn't hurt, It doesn't bleed.

Its just empty.

So you are empty, You don’t care about others, you don’t care about your self.

You don’t notice the word around you or what's happening inside.

You’re Completely apathetic.

Meanwhile your mind echos Bon Voyage to a heart that won’t answer back.

And you try to get angry that it left with out saying good bye

But you heart isn't in it  because your heart isn't anywhere.

It’s Gone

So you settle in to wait because with out your heart, what good are you?

Even a broken heart is better than none at all.

So you wait and tell your self that it will probably be back tomorrow

or the next day.

or the next…

You hope that it is visiting some place warm so when it gets back it can push back the cold

That is growing in its place.
I am no professional, but I love poetry. I would really appreciate constructive criticism, or just to hear what my poetry makes you think or feel.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
The Power of Roses
I wish I could take this rose
And bottle it up to take it with me.
It’s fragrance reminding me
Who I can be; Who I am.

When my blood turns black
And my soul is wilted
When my skin is pale
And my heart defenseless

I could remember my rose.
Then my weary roots could soak up its life.

My blood would turn scarlet
And my soul would stand tall
My cheeks would be rosy
and my heart defended by thorns.

If I had this rose with me
In every dark hour
I could always face life
With color, strength and power.

— The End —