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Two years ago Sondos felt enthusiastic.
She started studying international law at Al Azhar University in Gaza.
She bought and studied many thick books.
Because she wanted her country Palestine to get justice.

But since last year Gaza has started to become chaotic.
Long chaos full of destruction and massacre.
It has not been stopped despite numerous protests around the world.
And also the pointless trial in Haque.

Where is justice ?!... why is there no justice for us ?!...
Don't we deserve justice ?!... why don't we get justice ?!
For over a year Sondos has always questioned justice for Palestine.
But it was useless , the justice never came.

Sondos feels disillusioned.
She has realized that international law is just a nonsense.
All she can do now is just sit in front of the campfire.
Warm herself while burning all her thick books about international law.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Orang orang Indonesia suka makan Indomie.
Anak anak kos kere selalu makan Indomie.
Warung warung burjo juga selalu menyediakan Indomie.
Begitu juga aku yang seumur hidup selalu makan Indomie.

Indomie juga disukai orang orang Gaza.
Indomie menjadi makanan penyelamat mereka.
Indomie terus dikirimkan truk truk yang mengangkut bantuan.
Indomie dimasak dan dibagikan di tempat tempat pengungsian.

Tapi zionis zionis sinting malah menghancurkan Indomie.
Mereka mencegat truk yang mengangkut berdus dus Indomie.
Diambil secara paksa lalu diinjak injak hingga hancur semua Indomie.
Padahal seharusnya orang orang Gaza yang kelaparan bisa makan Indomie.

Banyak foto dan video yang menampilkan aksi penghancuran Indomie.
Tentu saja aku marah melihat zionis zionis sinting menghancurkan Indomie.
Orang orang Indonesia benar benar marah melihat hancurnya berdus dus Indomie.
Sosial media penuh komentar kemarahan tak terima melihat dihancurkannya berdus dus Indomie.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
6 a.m di Surabaya - 1 a.m di Gaza

Saat bangun tidur badanku terasa lemas.
Masih terlalu pagi aku masih ingin berbaring di kasur.
Sambil kubuka akun X orang orang Gaza yang kukenal.
Tapi hanya akun Omar yang tampak aktif.
Memposting apapun yang sedang dia alami.

Omar mengeluh susah tidur.
Kedinginan berselimut kain tipis usang.
Banyak nyamuk masuk ke tendanya.
Sementara di luar suara zanana mengganggu.
Diselingi ledakan bombardir pesawat jet.

10 a.m di Surabaya - 05 a.m di Gaza

Aku bosan menunggu antrian bank yang ramai.
Sambil menunggu sepi kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh melihat banyak belatung.
Merubung sisa tepungnya yang hampir kadaluwarsa.
  Dia tak bisa lagi membuat roti.

11 a.m di Surabaya - 06 a.m di Gaza

Aku menunggu ojek online di tepi jalan.
Sambil merokok kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh kehabisan sabun dan shampo.
Sementara air untuk mandi dan mencuci.
Hanya tersisa setengah ember.

01 p.m di Surabaya - 08 a.m di Gaza

Aku sedang makan siang di Peneleh.
Makan pecel sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh saat mengantri di toko.
Menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga.
Berdesak desakan hanya untuk sekantung roti.

04 p.m di Surabaya - 11 a.m di Gaza

Saat sore aku nongkrong di Wonokromo.
Minum kopi sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah belanja di pasar.
Bawang , tomat , terong , kentang dan cabai.
Harganya semakin naik tak terjangkau.

06 p.m di Surabaya - 01 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang duduk di beranda masjid.
Menunggu isya sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah berjalan jauh.
Merasakan kepanasan dan kelelahan.
Hanya untuk mengecas ponselnya di solar panel dekat pantai.

08 p.m di Surabaya - 03 p.m di Gaza

Aku masih makan malam di Tunjungan.
Makan rawon sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata di Gaza sedang hujan deras.
Omar mengeluh setelah tendanya kebanjiran.
Barang barangnya basah terkena air hujan.

09. p.m di Surabaya - 04 p.m di Gaza

Temanku mengajak minum kopi di kafe.
Minum cappucino sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh sudah lama tidak makan ayam.
Yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah menggambar ayam.
Lalu menaruhnya di atas piring kosong.

10 p.m di Surabaya - 5 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang menonton sepakbola.
Saat jeda kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah memeriksa Gofundme.
Hampir seminggu tak mendapat donasi.
Sementara uangnya hanya tersisa puluhan shekel.

01 a.m di Surabaya - 08 p.m di Gaza

Tengah malam aku bersiap tidur.
Sambil berbaring di kasur kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata pemukiman dekat tendanya baru saja dibombardir.
Omar mengeluh setelah kelelahan membantu evakuasi.
Dia hampir muntah melihat serpihan tubuh berlumuran darah.

03. a.m di Surabaya - 10 p.m di Gaza

Aku merasa kesulitan tidur.
Sambil mendengarkan musik kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata dia masih tetap mengeluh.
Merasa lelah terus menerus mengeluh.
Terlalu banyak keluhan hingga kelelahan mengeluh.

Aku juga lelah melihat Omar terus mengeluh.
Tapi orang yang menderita memang harus mengeluh.
Hanya mayat yang tak bisa lagi mengeluh.
Mayat tak merasakan penderitaan untuk dikeluhkan.
Daripada menjadi mayat lebih baik Omar tetap hidup walaupun terus mengeluh.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Israel is a vicious octopus.
Its tentacles gripped Europe and America.
And its mouth devoured Palestine.
So if you want to liberate Palestine.
Cut off the tentacles then hit the head hard.
This octopus will die and become the carcass of history.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
There was once a heaven on earth.
A shining heaven filled with...

prosperity , welfare , happiness , peacefullness , calmness , enjoyment , excitement , pleasure , richness , easiness , chance , satisfaction , healthiness , sanity , beauty , freedom , wholeness , cheerfulness , warmth , togetherness , comfort , safety , colour , meaning , eligibility , cleanliness , enthusiasm , regularity , well being , and all the other good things.

People in heaven felt fully alive.
But then the horde of greedy and hypocritical demons came.
planning to stole , destroy and take over heaven.
With misleading tricks and ***** methods.

The people in heaven fought back.
But instead they were blamed.
They became victims and had no power to defend heaven.
Until finally they lost heaven.

What remains is hell.
A dark rotten hell filled with...

chaos , fear , destruction , danger , bitterness , painfullness , hassle , despair , difficulty , fatigue , tiredness , sadness , grief , fragility , shackles , limitation , poverty , wasteness , loss , anger , disappointment , misery , powerlessness , helplessness , hunger , thirst , anxiety , panic , ineligibility , humiliation , madness , sickness , oppression , and all the other bad things.

People in hell are still alive but don't feel alive.
They are dying slowly while waiting for a miracle that never comes.
But maybe there is still some strength left.
The last remaining strength for the decisive struggle.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Omar hasn't eaten chicken for almost a year.
Because the price of chicken has risen so high that he can't buy it.
Omar can only look at the chicken being sold in the market.
He has even forgotten what it's like to eat chicken.
When he returned to the tent he only had a plate of rice.
Then he drew a chicken and put it on a plate of rice.
So he ate the rice while imagining the taste of chicken meat.

At night Omar prayed to God.
He prayed that he could eat chicken even just once.
He didn't care about dying but he wanted to be able to eat chicken first.

The next day several volunteers came to the refugee camp.
They went tent by tent to distribute food.
Children and people were happy to receive the food.
Then Omar also got a box of food.
When he opened , it turned out it was chicken shawarma.
Omar was so happy that he ate it quickly
He chewed the chicken while laughing happily.
For him this chicken shawarma was a luxury.
So after eating he expressed his gratitude.
Because his prayer last night had come true.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
On your smartphone screen.
You can see corpses covered in blood.
But you can't smell it.
You can see the explosion of a jet plane bombardment.
But you can't feel the danger.
You can see children seriously injured.
But you can't feel their pain.
You can see hungry children queuing for food.
But you can't feel their hunger.
You can see people displaced on the streets.
But you can't feel their fear , despair and exhaustion.

On your smartphone screen.
You've still been watching for over a year.
Endless daily horror show from Gaza.
Like a Hollywood apocalyptic film but not fiction.
Real blood , real corpses , real bullets, real explosions , real scenes.
Everything you see really happened and makes you confused.
Because you can only watch for over a year.
And it still continues while you can't do anything.
You pray , pray and pray for a good ending.
But you don't know when and how it will end.
So you still continue watching every day.
Until you lose your sanity.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
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