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 Nov 2016 A W Bullen
wive's tales and home cures
for maladies like heart sickness
include burying the hair of the beloved
and toenail clippings under
the biggest oak tree under the full moon
with a dollar bill
and I found it too hard the dirt
under an oak and dug a hole
under a pecan tree
it came back to bite me in the nut
for she not only came back
to me but brought her mom and gramma
brother sister and grandad and her sister's two kids
songs of wild skies
where the sea’s ghosts
gather wave and mist,
where the dark sea
drifts and the wind
scatters petals
curves the rushing
of a tide that longs
to be free, waits
waits forever to
love dream
 Nov 2016 A W Bullen
Fay Slimm
Voice of clear
melodious dalliance
comes trilling
this morning
from the throat
of blackbird's passing.

What distant
past ears ever heard
any better
composed medley
of unceasing ******
than from this ***** bird.

Filtering Spring
through bare boughs
as though now
was his own moment
the ****** rises as
loud crescendo bursts out.

Facing another
sun-full day the sound
wrings poetry from
feathered insistence and
cloudless his hope
of a mate being found.

Flying away
to some higher ground
he leaves me
feeling the song made
clear that "maleness"
would bring her around.
 Nov 2016 A W Bullen
Tired clot of night
in the moon’s slight of hand
in the moon’s slight—
place to hang my hat....

Winter clouds come tumbling toward
the gray
Raked clean by barren trees
Yard waits with its leaves
tucked in corners by the wind
along hedges, stairways
mingling with renegade trash
Stuffed in layers like elderly keepsakes for—

no one cares...

My yard—a neglect of winter woods
but for towels waving stiffly on the line
and the squealing crackle of my footsteps—
Being there

Stairs sigh differently coming home

Blind search for a key hole
I could die searching!
the frustrations of the blind
the fumblings of “locked out!”
know where to go....

in my warm lonely
fling—mittens on the table
Survey the ***** dishes...and
close my eyes
There's been nothing but wind and cold for several days here.  Makes me think of January, almost, when walking in snow below 10 degrees F actually does squeal and squeak.  We're getin' there.
 Nov 2016 A W Bullen
Jay Dee
Poor little birdy.
I saw you lay helpless in the alley.
Broken wing? I'm not sure.
I wondered as i watched you and my heart hit the floor.
You couldn't move. You couldn't even try.
Oh wonderful your birdy friend is here to help!.... I thought to myself.
Then he got on top of you and started to peck out your eye.
Oh myyy.
Whats happening? I can't let this go on.
So i chased him and away he flew.
But the damage was already done.
Poor little one.
Should i end your pain i ask myself?
Today was the first time i heard a bird whimper.
You're no longer in pain. Fly high.
And if i see that other bird again his wings i will fry.
Poor little birdy.
Fly high.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
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