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 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Shayla Nguyen
there was once
a girl,
she was happy and confident.
never cared about
her looks.
her smiles were ever
so bright,
while her eyes shine like stars.
beginning of 8th grade
everything changed.
she's snow obsessed over
her looks
spending hours on hair
and makeup.
never believed anyone
who called her pretty.
her smiles aren't as bright as
her eyes still shine
but they shine with tears.
not tears of happiness
nor tears of sadness
but tears of
she thought that
she would never be
good enough.
yet she kept a smile
on her face, even though
she was breaking inside.
because no one cares
unless you're pretty or
I write about love and I write about hate
I am a writer who was born to create

I am a writer
I write with a pen and I type with a whirl
I'm a writer, a poet, a creative girl.

I am a writer
Hear the whoosh of my pen
I am a writer and I'll say it again

Because I am a writer
I want to be heard
So I'll write every sentence with thought in each word

I write about love and all that is great
I am a writer who was born to create
True love from inside

Know that love is never certain
As you look back on the past
True love is not just given
It takes work to make it last

There is no rush to find the one
For in time the one will come
We can wait and let true love grow
But when grown the works not done

We grow older and we realize
That true love just takes time
We realize what really counts
Is the love we feel inside

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
v V v
gushing out
waves of drowning
deceit, drenching the people
who   pass   in   front
of me, knocking them down, forcing them
away- or locked up
tight,    heavy   with
layers    of    colorful
cover    where    even
your wrenching  love
is        not          enough
to       pry    me       loose.
Previously published in Storm Cycle 2012: The Best of Kind of a Hurricane Press
[Paperback] A. J. Huffman (Author)
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
how can I escape my darkening thoughts
when surrounded by negative feelings?
The scenery is dull
And you're feeling death's pull
And the sky is an ominous boat of gravy

But the scenery's bright
In the middle of the night
When the sky is swirled in navy.

The scenery's lonely
And you are the only
Life in the march of a swarm

The scenery is dull
And you're feeling death's pull
But it feels refreshingly warm.
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