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That small man who always sang
That small man who danced in my head
That small man with youth
Undid his shoelaces
And broke all the barracks of the festival
Suddenly everything collapsed
And in the silence of the festival
In the ruin of the festival
I heard your happy voice
Your voice so torn and fragile
Innocent and desolate
Came from afar and called me
And I put my hands on my chest
where they trembled ******
Seven broken pieces of mirror
with your twinkling smile
Like a raindrop glitters into the still murky water,
Your absence doesn't affect me.
Haunting engines glide like an abandoned life,
As the beginning rings in my ears.
Bewildered looks from those who don't understand
And missed calls from those who do.
Thoughts flutter through my mind
and nest in the holes of my memory
I don't get to choose where they go
but whether or not I find them
Summer time
This time is mine
I will use it to play all day
For the Sun shines down
Upon my face
I know this feeling I cant replace

Falling down
The leaves swirl round
The Air feels so cool and calm
The Sun. it shines
A little less
I feel as if we just met

Bitter cold
My Bones feel old
The Ice persists to slow me down
No Sun, no Warmth
Just Sleet and Snow
I think back to long ago

Springs back now
It’s poring down
The Rain renews the Earth again
A clear blue sky
It's just for me
Sun shine always sets me free
The river flows over empty promises
depositing sediment
in the form of confusion and stagnation
leaving a bad taste in one's mouth.
I hang on your every word.
Grainy is the trail
of crumbs left for inspection:
affectation over articulation;
all the better to hear you.
Skim a stone across the surface
leaving ripples of insecurities
and questions past.
The message is clear.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Paige Serbin
I was afraid to walk outside in case the rain would catch me standing as I am and was; alone, unrequited, an apple-pitted girl against whatever comes to mind.  Say it, anything, dance damply under the unmoving ceiling fan and move like falling wind in summer.  The only time I feel like me, summer.  The only time to stop and not feel immobile; the only time to move and not feel pushed.  The only happy time.  Have an apple, feel it to the core.  Wear a dress, and let the rain fall through it and the wind soak it so the clinging mocks your need to hold on, but still let go, and watch it tumble down your legs and mouth; cling to something far away, through dreams.  Like flimsy cloth, you and I, like warmth and wind and rain, we can be.  You and me.  Or just me alone.  Unrequited, clinging to the edge of the line where the rain starts, racing hearts, which will cross the line first? Who will win?  It's the decision of my life, whether to walk into the rain or not.  But it's the time that catches me against my watch, and so embarrassed, I let my hand catch the rain until it stops suddenly.
I've been experimenting, quite successfully in my opinion, with stream of consciousness.  I find it so much easier to write this way, and I think my messages end up more similar to the way they're constructed in my brain when I just don't think about them.  Tell me what you think!
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Kiana Jackson
I awake from my slumber
And I look out my window
I see snowflakes falling
Drifting to the glistening ground

The sun is so bright
That it hurts my eyes
I turn away and think
It’s so beautiful today

But how can it be?
Last night was so horrible
How can the day rejoice
When my heart is broken?

It felt like a storm was raging
But to everyone else in the world
The night was peaceful
Though for me it stormed

I saw another side of him last night
The side no one wants to see
I want to overlook it
But my heart hurts too badly

I ended it last night
I couldn’t take the other side
I learned of the real boy
That I thought was so kind

I thought he was perfect
But of course I should have known
No one can be perfect
So now I feel alone

But I am not alone
I am never alone
There will always be someone
And today that is Grace

Grace will help me
I know she will
I sigh and I lean
Against the window sill

Though I may slow
It’s not as if everyone dies
The world doesn’t know
It passes on by
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
I’m trying to numb the intensity of this prayer
didn’t make it to kneeling cuz I doubt I believe in this
pasts experiences never equip me for this
love was meant to be kind not bruising so anger replaced sanity
as I denied its existence in me
then hate became an ultimatum to my soul
Love has not let me down
A person did
We had different ideas of love got confused somewhere in-between
How can you ask me to go back to that cold place alone
Where self is denied cuz pain occupies
He loved me only to hate me I don’t know how to justify it
Cuz is in the doing not in the things you say
So resentment of them became a state of mind
Jumping to conclusions cuz I anticipated a lie
Father love did not fit no where

Show me a map where renegades
Authorize a path for the wounded soldiers of love, the helpless, the broken and those letting go
Cuz love still remains kind and unchanging
Love still protects and unhurting
Love still remains love

I’ll form a fist so tight for the sake of my healing I’ll knock till my knuckles bleed come out love I’m knocking , I’m kneeling, I’m prepared to believe in you ,existing
Now that I found my revelation that love still remains kind and unchanging
Love still protects and unhurting
Love still remains love cuz I believe that love did not let me down only a person did.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
I have been mistaken for quite sometime now--
    I do not need you to release me with the truth;
    Only I have the power to do that.

I have forged these chains of ignorance with passion;
    Blinded by solemnity
    I hopelessly waited
    for you
        to rescue

How foolish, for only I hold that key--
        As it should be.

So I will say my "goodbye" once more
    And shut the door
    because I am strong enough to
And these chains will be vanquished
    by my own
   mind and
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
He worked so hard,
And they let him go.
He turned to the darkness,
And it swallowed him whole.
He was addicted,
Could not stop.
He was restricted,
Could not reach the top.
Nowhere to turn,
And nowhere to go,
How all this happened?
He doesn't know.
And there he is,
Sitting by the store.
Some will help,
But most will ignore.
We judge him,
Though we might not mean,
We think less of him,
Like he's not on our team.
But it wasn't his fault,
He did nothing wrong.
We all think it was,
Like he could've stayed strong.
But we don't get it.
We don't know,
For all we see,
Is some guy by the road.
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