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 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Brandi Lewis
True love is
when you shed a tear and
still want him near.
True love is when he ignores you
and you still love him.
True love is where he loves another girl
but you still smile
and say "I'm happy for you."
True love is where you love him
even though all you do is
and cry...
Love isn't...
forever like they say
Love isn't...
something that never fades away

Love isn't...
all the lies and the deceit
Love isn't...
just what goes on between the sheets

Love isn't...
where you expect that it will be
Love isn't...
something new to you or me

Love isn't...
dependent on being rich or being poor
Love isn't...
something I remember anymore

Love isn't...
insecurity and doubt
Love isn't...
something I want to be without

Love isn't...
always happiness and laughter
Love isn't...
sadly, happy ever after.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Fukn Zach
you will always be apart of me
you will always be in my dreams
to you i might just be another ******* that made you cry and stole your dreams,
the one that broke your heart and made you realize its time to grow up,
just another monster hiding behind a mask,
that guy that was to weak to move on and just gave up,
but to me…
you will always be my first love,
that beautiful girl with such innocent daydreams,
even though you were never around… your memory is always alive in my head,
i hope you never grow up and you act the age you wanna be,
if it wasnt for people telling us our age how old would you think you would be
i loved every second of being by your side,
i loved every single word that passed your lips,
i loved how beautiful you look in the moonlight,
i loved how delicious you were on the lips,
i loved how any where i would go i would be able to smell you on me,
i loved how you made me feel like a little kid,
i loved the fact that you loved me,
i hope you do something good with your life
i hope you forget about me and the sorrows i brought you
i hope your doing better then me
i hope to see i love you pass through your lips once more in my life
i hate how i stole your smile and i hate how easily i watched mine slip away
i hate me for allowing myself to just throw you aside
i hate me for everything i did
i just hate me

To: The Girl of My Dreams
From: A Person Who Probably Doesnt Matter Anymore
something a little old
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Marcus Lane
I fear the way you love me:
That tender-touching kiss
Seducing me to nightly
Sink deep in your abyss.

Those smooth caresses take me
To places that I dread,
Your cunning fingers rouse me
To plan such lies ahead.

But while we writhe and tumble
In lust's hypnotic hold,
I fear the final stumble
That will see the truth unfold.
© Marcus Lane 2010
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
I wish I could unfold my brain like a map
Pluck out memories, savor them like candy,
pinch off fears and regrets, crush them
like blackened, cancerous leaves—
Pick them out; you can have them.

(No no no, I need those
They make me who I am—
who I are — too)

I come in many versions of the truth,
all of them lies.
Which one is your favorite?
Pick it out; you can have it.

(I must have done something wrong in a past life)

I forgot what else I was going to say,
which is why
I wish I could unfold my brain like a map;
Find the monster, expose
him— or is it
her? Would my own kind
betray me? (Yes)

– and squash it like a spider.
That’s what I do. I have a shoe
that I grab, and
before I can think,
before it can blink:
With a silent little prayer—
(for all I know, the poor thing was innocent)
and send him (her)
on her (his)


My brain is not the blooming, bustling metropolis it once was.
(I’m not sure where to put this line.
Why don’t you decide? This is, after all, your poem now.
You picked it out; you can have it.)
I wrote this during a phase where it felt like my inner dialogue was split between 2 different versions of myself, who were always fighting each other. One "version" is in regular text, the other in parentheses. I've used it to a varying degree in a lot of my work, & now & then I still bust out the parentheses to demonstrate conflicting or subconscious "add-in" thoughts in a poem.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Contessa Lee
Standing in the dark, alone in the storm
Rain-soaked hair dripping cold
Watching sullen water so far down below
Sodden voices speaking soft in the air
They tell me how easily I could find peace
An end to my silent regrets
The ones that just end in despair and defeat
One step and this pain all could end
A push – from right inside my mind
…so easy to do this right now
The river’d be swift and kinder than…this
Yet I stand…undecided again
I am tired of living inside of this blight
I need a lighthouse, a candle
A guide in the night
My matches have all gotten wet
The edge is approaching
I’m moving too fast
And I’m hours from sunrise yet
Copyright © Contessa Lee 2009
All Rights Reserved
Let me see
Your internal
So I may
Heal them
As you
Are healing mine.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
You're always happy.
It's a front.
It's a mask for the hurt that hides beneath those cold brown eyes.
Your mouth smiles but your eyes do not,
Nor does your heart.
It frowns and sighs deeply,
Longing for the trust and love it deserves.

Always happy,
Always nice,
Always there.

I know there's more,
But everyone uses you to wipe off their ***** feet between the outside and the inside.
You know, and think hey, at lease I'm not a toilet!
The optimist,
But why?

I saw it.
You smiled, but for a second it faulted.

All of the hurt,
And Hard work,
Hides a soul.
It desperately wants, it needs outoutout,
And all it gets is trappedtrappedtrapped.
And it all hides,
In your sad brown eyes,
Behind that hopeless smile.
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