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 Feb 2013 Alice Kay
He has a girlfriend.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry...
I don't want to go forward
I don't want to go back
But I can't stay here
I know that for a fact.

I just want to go home
Escape the present, the past
Terrified of the future
Coming way too fast.
There's a girl I know,
I won't tell you her name.
She's been through so much;
as much as me, but I think more.
She has someone in her life,
someone she could never leave.
Who she loves more than life;
who she sees in her future;
who she wants more than air.
But this someone doesn't love her back;
doesn't love her like that.
And it kills her.
I held her in the parking lot today,
as she cried into my shoulder,
shaking uncontrollably,
hit with the loss of her love.
She has been there for me through my situations
that seem to be incredibly similar to hers.
I will never forget what she's done.
I pray to God, she finds a source of light;
she heals;
she is whole again.
But most of all;
I pray that I don't end up
exactly like her.
Mom, my head hurts
My stomach aches.
Mom, I'm losing it
Mom, can I go late?

Mom, I forgot my homework
I just don't want to fail
Don't make me go back
Mom, I'm feeling frail.

Mom, I've got the chicken pox!
Mom, I have the plague!
Mom, I can't walk
Mom, I broke my leg!

Mommy, mommy
Don't make me go
I'm completely falling apart.
Mom, I refuse to leave
Every where I hurt.

There's no excuse, no reason why
Everything just *****.
I know I need to learn something
I just don't give a ****.

It's not like I'm learning anyway
No answers for which I've yearned
On one hand, I can count
The values that I've learned.
This is all over the place

I'm just sick of getting out of bed and going through hell every day. I haven't learned anything this year. It's just homework and grades and I'm sick of it.

God, I'm so childish.
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