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Alexandria Black Jan 2014

I have a good imagination
Nay I say I have a great one
Hell, I'd be willing to say it is splendiforous
Not a word?
I don't really give a **** because
With great imagination comes brand new words

A brand new vocabulary is merely one pro
Just a single benefit that
A great imagination can bestow
There are more but the first has got to be the words
With these brand new syllables and letters yet to be invented
One can weave a new language
A secret code in which to communicate
With the six foot, broadsword wielding fire-breathing ape
That you can call your imaginary friend

But with a great imagination, he is not imaginary
He is indeed real
He sits beside you in the dark
As the nightmare still clings to your brow
And he speaks
Just when you can no longer stand the silence
He will dance in front of your little eyes
Just so the dark no longer seems evil

And when you stand alone in a crowded yard
Because your name is linked to a fictitious disease
Thought up by lesser imaginations
You can still have a friend that tells you you matter
Yet with this scenario comes our first con
People with no understanding of a great imagination
People who do not love it as they should
They tell you that because your friend is not technically real
That you must surrender him
You must lose him and take new friends
Friends that must be better because they are flesh and blood
Even though, they rejected you for nothing more
Than the jealousy that lesser imaginations feel

And so you do
Because you are imaginative, not stupid
You know that to argue would mean yet another label
This time the disease you earn is all too real
You don't fight losing your coping mechanism
You will survive
I will
Because I have a great imagination


I have a great imagination
One might even call it amazing
I would call it unstoppable
Because even when it takes heavy blow
It still goes on

It takes the loss of that imaginary friend
And it redirects
Barreling forward like a wayward locomotive
It promises you that you will still be ok
And you believe your imagination because the lies it tells
Are the kind you are willing to believe in the name of sanity

You get older
Keep the most fanciful of your imagination hidden
Because you've grown tired of the couch
That piece of hardened leather
Worn fabric situated under fluorescent lights
Lights, your imagination says, are there to push it away
The way the suited people speak
You know its right

But you need to let this imagination loose
You must have the release that it craves for you
This is the second pro
It can give you direction
You focus it
Control it
Weave it into magnificent fictions where the oddball can win
Or destroy the world, whichever your imagination prefers
You feel you have your true calling
This is the sign you need that you are destined
For more than ridicule
In the world of pages and ink, your imagination is free

The big con is
It is free and unbothered
As long as you keep it out of sight
The wolves who have been waiting to tear you assunder
Those false docs waiting to proclaim you mad
The enemies of imagination
They will look at the spoils of your toiling and tear into it
Every piece of fiction conceived that does not sit right is wrong
They say it is the result of the imagination's slow sister, The Subconscious

That very real disease that once threatened you returns
Its teeth barred
You stare into its thrashing jaws
The fear you feel is unlike anything you have before
But you tell yourself you will survive
You must
I must
Because I have a great imagination


I have a great imagination
It is wonderful
And it is maddening
Not mad at the angry screaming
But more of the psychotic laughing used to cover up the crying

The final con this imagination has is fear
As you move on from the lesser imaginations
And ignore those searching for hidden meanings in your scribbles
You start to rely more on your imagination
It hasn't led you astray and its lies are always beneficial
So you listen to it

Yet it stews in your skull
You don't engage it and it grows bored
So it comes up with new ways to terrify you
Just so it can amuse itself
It gives you pictures of the end and the blackness beyond
You see the faces of your mourners
You try to imagine life without you
And life in lifelessness

You hear about a superbug that masquerades
The deadly wolf in the ill sheep's clothes
The images of your imagination kick in and every cough
Every sniffle
Every slight wrong feeling in your gut and you crave Hazmat gear

You realize that you are not the protagonist of your own story
You are not the hero
You are not the plucky princess or the charming rogue
You are able to die at a moment's notice and are unsure of what awaits you
Heaven, Valhalla, blackness or lingering
You don't know and you aren't ready to find out

But in this con comes the final pro
When you are down , your imagination comes in to console you
Just like the ape from your childhood
It switches the visions
It stows the ones that terrify you for the moment
You now can picture yourself as a success

Your imagination paying off
Your dreams coming true
You picture that moment when you naysay the naysayers
They will come and beg forgiveness
Everything looks bright

I can feel the wind in my face
And I have the courage to finally jump
I spread my arms like wings
And I soar
Closing my eyes to the wind
I don't care if I'm falling

Because I know
In the deepest pit of my heart
That I am actually flying
Because I have a great imagination
1.4k · Sep 2013
Night Terror
Alexandria Black Sep 2013
I’m staring through the eyes of a monster
No control
His movements are not mine as he stalks
A victim
She stands there unaware of his presence
Too silent
He’s upon her without a word as I try to scream
Brown carpet turns black as she quickly becomes nothing
But a stain
I scream in silence again, helpless as he reveals her form
My mother
Dead from hand and hammer, I want to cry but I don’t own these eyes

He knows I watch because he wants me to see
He’s silent because he knows I’m listening
He acts because he wants me to know

His purpose
To tear down my life until I’m buried in its rubble
In my grave that I must share with his conquests while
He’s building
A teetering tower of friendly familial blood and bone
I must watch
As he goes on to place to place, home to home
They become. Walls repainted red, carpets blackened
My loved ones
Reduced to nothing in several silent sloppy seconds
I struggle
But I can do nothing; I’m a prisoner in the mind of another

I want to scream but these lips do not move
I want to run away but the feet move forward
I want to look away but he makes me see

Flash of light
I’m standing in the middle of the forest
Finally free
I see a light in the midst of the dark dank dead and run
A house
I recognize it but I cannot place it in my mind
Not alone
I look at the road behind me and see the monster I was
I just stand; my eyes are liars for what is there cannot be
I’m paralyzed
Fear runs through my veins, chilling the blood and freezing the bone
Knife in hand
The monster moves forth, vicious visage illuminated
My god
It’s me; standing there coming forth like a storm on the plains

He looks like me but my eyes beg it not to be so
He moves like me if I could command my feet again
He sounds like me, I know, though he does not speak

I can move
I end up in his path but he is undeterred
I am nothing
In comparison, I am but an insect trying to stop a dragon
I am begging
Screaming at him, to leave her alone and take anyone else
Who is her?
I know but my muddled mind won’t share the knowledge
He keeps going
So I fight. Strike myself upon the jaw but it is but a pinprick on a god
For the very soul of the woman I know not from the devil I have become
The monster just walks until I become an annoyance and he strikes back

His knife is buried in my gut up to the hilt
His eyes are dead, dark reflections of my own
His expression is empty, caring not for this easy victory

I lay bleeding against a tree watching a monster
Slipped from his mind like yesterday’s shopping list
A house
He enters and I hear her scream while I die defenseless
Who is her?
I try to remember but all that comes forth is a migraine, I feel
Like my mother at the hands of the monster. A tear falls
My loved ones
Lie in shambles as the final structures of my life crumble
My god
Why must I die here in a tomb of sorrow constructed by myself?

I awaken, terrified, feeling for a wound that never was
I stagger, terrified, to the bathroom, washing my face of the nightmare
I look up, terrified, for I do not see myself in the mirror
I only see that of the monster and I’m terrified
Because he is smiling
1.4k · Dec 2013
Alexandria Black Dec 2013
Meeting you was like an assassination
The moment you spoke
I felt the recoil
Point blank shot between the eyes
In one instant I was alone
Plenty sufficient at self-mutilation
I was content
To wander alone in my own thoughts
My personality cold
Chilled by the ice of the desolation
Of unreleased sorrow

One minute I am still
Meandering hopelessly in my world
Then there was you
Your first word was a slug
Dressed in copper it sank in
Sending shockwaves through the gray matter
I took the hit
My skull accepting the whiplash and allowing me
Some semblance of strength to move

I had no chance to heal before I was hit again
Your touch was electric
A million volts multiplied by the fluid
That is your glowing stare
The sound of my name on your tongue
Becomes a garrote
Taking my breath from my lungs
I can’t speak in your presence

All that I was because to die away
The lonely man who sought shelter
In the desert of loneliness
Blown away
Bleeding out in the back of my mind
All who I thought I was
In the blink of a muzzle flash

Meeting you was like an assassination
The man I was
Some other man sauntered off that day
Someone I don’t know yet
But am striving to figure out
1.1k · Apr 2015
60 Second Freakout
Alexandria Black Apr 2015
60 seconds to go
My heart is pumping a marathon
Each beat a new threat to explode
Hitting me like a dozen syringes
Call the coroner
Cause of Death:
Adrenaline Overdose

45 seconds
I practice every coming moment
In my mind
Every mistake hits me at once
The imagination humiliation
Acts just like a garrote
My every breath is strained
Lungs burning, full of embers
White out the death certificate
New cause of death:

30 seconds
My flight or fight goes haywire
Yet I can do neither
The walls start moving
This room threatens to be my tomb
It is too late to fight
This demise is of my own accord
I want to fly
Yet my wings are clipped
Retract the obit
I fell to my doom

15 more
I hear my doom approaching
It calls to me
Every syllable shocks my system
A jolt to remind me that I'm going to fail
I shudder with every word
I close my eyes, pray
Count the seconds until doomsday
Cause of death:

10 seconds
I take a breath
It stays
I stand up to face the onslaught
I walk toward doom
My breath fights its way out
Only 5
Climbing fear turns to steady panic
4 more
Another heart attack hits
Another breath
I step forward

The lights hit
The fear vanishes
I am no longer dead
The crowd before me resuscitates me
Every line I dropped in my head
Landed with precise expertise
Each cue struck
Every scene played to perfection
Cancel the death notice
On this stage
I am revived
1.1k · Jun 2013
Last Night I Dreamt
Alexandria Black Jun 2013
Last Night I dreamt
As most often do
It was so very vivid
I could've sworn it was true
I sat up and gazed around
At the morning in my home
A little voice whispered in my head
I was not alone
So I laid back down
I took a deep breath and then
Closed my eyes to think back
To the Dream and where I'd been

I sat alone with Van Gough
So I could watch him paint
His life splashed upon the canvas
So he could forget his pain
The world seemed to disappear
As he he sat with a brush in his hand
He wasn't called mad by a world
That refused to understand

I stood beside Hemingway
With a strong drink in my hand
He told me stories of his life
Of war, women and Cuban Land
A large smile sat on his face
As he spoke and forgot about his strife
I drank his scotch and thought
Could I be as great in my life

I laid beside Elizabeth Short
And I watched her as she lay
I heard her speak of fame and stardom
And that she would know it one day
With stars in her eyes, she told me
Her name would be known far and wide
And it pained me to know
That she'd be known for only the way she died

Then I sat back and gazed upon all three
With which I had shared my time
I took their words to heart
And stashed them within my mind
I could be like Van Gough
And focus my pain and fear onto the page
My blood is ink and I can wield it
Like some unholy Mage
I could be great like Hemingway
Forever destined to destroy myself
I could hit the top of the pile
And drown out the future with top shelf
I can be like The Dahlia
Forever dreaming of the day I'll be known
Chasing fame until the end
When my final fate is finally bestowed
996 · Oct 2013
I Am
Alexandria Black Oct 2013
I am the darkness
I am the thick black mud
That corruptly consumes your every thought
That seeps into the cracks of your porcelain psyche
And stains the self-righteous purity that you claim to love

I am the puppeteer
Tugging on your strings to move you forth
On the sordid little journey that you call your existence
The hand, forced up through your *** to grab your vocal cords
And stifle insatiable mutterings that you can not help but to gush

I am the fire
That glows in the pit
Of your infernal gut every time
You gaze upon the vileness that is
Your own reflection, looking upon you just to laugh

I am the blood
That falls upon the tile
Like God's tears as he gazes
Upon all of his creations and realized how wrong he was
In giving life to those who would rather ****** it back in his face

I am the emptiness
That you feel as you stand
Upon your wooden pedestal, prepared
To give it a solid kick and change it into a stairway
Into an eternity, devoid of any contact from those who made you suffer

I am the guilt
****** upon those you leave behind
As they struggle to find an ounce of reason
Fumbling to come up with a single logical answer
Behind your fleeing escape into the eternity filled blackness

I am the madness
That crawls into those who remain
And wallow in the filth and puddles of self-pity
Telling themselves you're still beside them as you lie
In your darkened hole underneath the sole of the weeping

I am suicide
An act beyond all human greed
Selfishness that claims no equal as those
Who are blind enough to lose sight of any and all hope
Take the easy way out while their loved ones struggle to breathe on
920 · Dec 2013
Final Hours
Alexandria Black Dec 2013
This is it
The end
Single serve Apocalypse
I'm staring into the center of a future
One I can never have
My wants and dreams become alight
All that I cherish

The bite hits
Infection erupts
Tearing me down like an atom bomb
Obliterating all that I hope to be
As the light of the blowback fades
All goes dark
Blacker than the grave I may crawl from

But there's you
My light
The only thing keeping me afloat
At least until I have to fall
These final moments can be one of sorrow
Or a happiness I know will shatter
I stare into your eyes and words fail

So I lie
Con you
Pull you into my arms and simply pray
That you don't smell the blood
Because I know despair is coming
Marked special for you
You will share my darkness, so I'll share your

A few hours
That's it
My time is quickly eroding
My mind is slowly decaying
My body will be playing catch-up
Your love soothes me, bittersweet lullabye
So I go with my friendly executioner who saves my soul
827 · Jun 2013
In the Depths
Alexandria Black Jun 2013
I see her there
A taste of heaven, a glimpse of light
The one who lies in the depths
The depths of my memory, the depths of peace
And the depth's of the creator's jealousy

A pair of bright brown eyes sit in from of me
in the the creamy milk sea that is her skin
An enticing stare brings me forth, dragging me forth from the depths
Of my own pain, shattering my mask of arrogance to reveal my true form
That form of self-loathing that hides in the depths of my core

Skin so silky smooth and so pale that it inspires
Jealousy and hatred in doves
Yet its thick to protectec her the the cold
The unforgiving, cruel, godd-forsaken cold
Of a harsh world that offers her no understanding

Thick flowing waterfalls of crimson waves
So rich and beautiful, the gods feel shame
Undying shame compared to her perfection
It shines, bouncing back light
enough light to blind the sun, eternally burning the atmosphere

Her lips, so delicate
Calm and filled with the color of a rose
it hurts to see that smile fall
Her smile is but
A crescent moon that rests calmly
On the small jaw of a goddess

A body so small and frail, yet so
Powerful and full of the strength
Of an unholy angel
Enough strength to keep me
Kept me crawling on
Hanging by the last thread of my sanity
The one I loved from the depths of my soul
801 · Oct 2013
Jess's Eulogy
Alexandria Black Oct 2013
The heavens did weep when they made thee
The most beautiful creature any man doth see
Skin that is, was, as smooth as a marble floor
Your voice as sweet as wine that I needed to hear more
Your gaze melted me like ice thrown upon a flame
My soul soared high whenever you said my name
But fate can be a witch, so violent and cruel
Pushing me around and making me look quite the fool
The gods envied you for your beauty and your love
So they trapped you in yourself, making a crow from a dove
They broke your spirit and wreaked havoc on your faith
And kept me from saving you by placing me in chains
Then they took you back to sit like a dog, poised at their feet
Taking from me the kindest soul I ever did meet
The gods felt great envy when they created thee
Envy so great, they stole my only goddess from me
674 · May 2014
The Ledge
Alexandria Black May 2014
I’m standing on a ledge
Fifty stories up staring at my goal
My personal heaven
That star that is always in front of me
But just an inch out of your grasp
Hanging so delicately just beyond
The very tips of my fingertips
I see it clearly now
It is up here in the clouds, brightening the heavens
All I need to do is leave this ledge
Two steps
One leap forward and I will
Soar into the sky and reach out

But what if you fall?
I won’t
It’s too far out of reach
I’ll make it
How do you know?
I don’t

But I’m willing to take the shot
I’ll tie this towel around my neck
It’s my cape as I jump
Telling myself that there is an S on my chest
Because I am certain that I can fly
And if I can’t, if I plummet down
I will find comfort
Counting the seconds as I descend
Because I know the ground will eventually break my fall
Then I’ll climb

Back to my feet
Brush off the dirt and the blood
Back to my ledge
Re-tie my cape and focus out again
Back to the air
Where I will fly or fall again

And until I die
I will continually climb back to my ledge
Readjust my broken skeleton
Even though I know it will never heal
Swap out my blood for ink
Hoping that it will keep me afloat
High in the air, moving forward
And even if it doesn't
I will always take that jump
Because life isn’t about whether or not
You fly or fall,
It is all about whether you have the stones
To take the leap
569 · Jul 2014
Mosh Therapy
Alexandria Black Jul 2014
Leather seats and fluorescent lighting
Dressed up insight deigned as wisdom when it's
Nothing more than cheap talk
White noise that fills the time with a shallow stare
Sitting with no real new ideas
No experience to relate to
Yet you dare to call this therapy

For years I endure this
I'm told that it will help
He can deduce the cause of my idiosyncrasies
As if being different is a disease
Failing to find a way to truly help
Letting this anger and frustration boil
like a bitter stew
This is not  my therapy

My therapy lies in a sea of strangers
Dead center of the crowd, a clearing appears
It is there I find my release
Leaping in, I make eyes with a stranger
Without words, a deal is made
A pact that is honored for the sole reason
That we understand each other
We are each other's therapists

Charging forward, we collide
The pain numbed by soundwaves and adrenaline
Like a bullet off of Superman, we ricochet
Our bodies meet that of another
They shove us away but it is welcome
Time disappears
Lost in these moments
The most physical of therapies

Our bodies become busted and broken
The pain is welcome
With each collision, each shove, we find release
Anger dissipates with each bruise
Each crack of flesh on flesh, bone against bone
Lets loose a wave of pent-up hostility
It a balloon popping with a smile
This sought out violence is not aggression
This is compassion of the highest caliber

Complete strangers
Locking eyes and saying, I am here
Release your fury upon upon me
Without judgement, I can assist you
You place your life in this figure's hands
Because they are willing to do the same
You know that they will makes sure you survive
And the wall of people behind you
A group of people will make sure you do not fall
And ask for nothing in return

And once the night ends
You relish the aches
Every bruise is a battle scar
From a war that you know is not yet over
But for now, you march away
Until your next session
Of Mosh Therapy
511 · Nov 2013
A writer
Alexandria Black Nov 2013
I am a writer
The type of man that sits up late
Begging the cursor that flashes and taunts me
To just move and let a random alphabet follow
And take the form of the visions that force their way in my mind

I am a god
I create worlds and men
With a thought I give them ambitions
And without another I fill them with suffering
Yet I find that they are usually the ones in control

I am a madman
I devise horrors and inflict them
On my creations for nothing but amusement
But on occasion I have a small moment of clarity
And I spare my people, a small reprieve before they suffer more

I am a writer
A man who is dispelling nightmares
By releasing them onto the page in hope
That one day he will feel like he is his own man
And not just another creation on someone else’s page
356 · Dec 2017
Hopes from a Survivor
Alexandria Black Dec 2017
I hope your crucifix burns
When you grab it in your prayers
May a mark be left seared upon you
A symbol of the unseen scars left in your wake
You wear the symbol of a god but the things you do are unholy

I hope your friendship soured
With the grinning imp at your side
Who spews niceties as sweet as poisoned fruit
The one who made first contact with your adoring follower
Spreading her venom through lips and tongues to corrupt and condemn

I hope you remember
The bitter taste of your sins
The tense embrace as you took your turn
The trust you soiled, the bond you broke, the boy you defiled
The forever felt impact of your soft destruction of your own flesh and blood

I hope your son is safe
I pray he never suffers my fate
May he always just refer to you as Mother
Whereas once that I called you Hero, Goddess, Cousin
Now my mind has opened and I can hardly speak your name, Betrayer

I hope I can hate you
Your cruelty caused compassion
I forget your deeds but not the after effects
I loved twice as hard for each shred of shame you left
Placed on the brink of darkness, I fought to keep others from falling over

I hope I forget again
Not out of fear or pain but peace
I pray that your touch fades from thought
I wish that your taste washes clean from my mouth
I want to not just forget what you have done but that you exist
This work is directed to my cousin and her best friend who molested me when I was a kid. Repressed memories of the act came to light recently and this is my therapy.
250 · Aug 2020
Alexandria Black Aug 2020
Odin, if you could possibly be so kind
Grant me a bit of your wisdom
Maybe it will ease my restless mind
You gave your eye up for it
Give me just a taste, I promise I will find
A way to pay you back
I’ll give you my blood, its pain unrefined

Thor, please, could you help me through the storm
I’m lost in the dark very far from home
Could you light up the sky and illustrate its form
Or let me hold the hammer
Maybe all that power could help me then transform
Maybe then I could find my way
Out of the relentless cold and back into the warm

Freya, goddess of war, help me in my fight
With my inner darkness
That is pouring in to drown out my light
Your the queen of love
And I promise that I’ll be your knight
If I can love myself
Any small amount, no matter how slight

Eir, I come to you ‘cause I know that I’m sick
Pull the poison from my soul
And I’ll give you any reward that you pick
Or give me the cure
Tell me it slow, maybe then it will click
If I’m a lost cause
Give me the news, and please make it quick

I beseech all of the gods, in all of their halls
Can you hear any of my please
Or am I forgotten outside of your gilded walls
Help me to survive
And I will answer every one of your calls
Please tell me that you care
And we’re more than your little mortal dolls
101 · Nov 2024
Closets and Characters
Alexandria Black Nov 2024
“You always play a female”
Line stated at game night
An observation of behavior
No one know rings hollow
I state I have reasons
But do not state one

“You always play a girl”
So close, but so far
How sad it is that my escape
Is how I can feel rooted
Inhabiting another just to feel at home

“You always play a chick”
Noted but not answered
A bitter confession rise
Tasting of bile, anger, and freedom

“You never play a guy”
I do but you just don’t realize
It’s what I do every day

“You always play…”
You spot the pattern but not the meaning

All I do, every day, is play

— The End —