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The last thing I said was "I love you."
And I meant it.
I know I've done a terrible thing,
And I miss you like hell....
But I...
Go back ...
I'm so sorry...
My princesses,
Adorned with silver,
And fire,
My moonbeam,
And my queen,
Who has hurt you so dearly?

The light I adored has left your eyes,
It's almost as if you are walking corpses.

Where can I find the magic spell,
To bring that light back?
To see your beautiful smiles,
Lighting up the stars above.

You are my constellations,
My wonders,
And I will do anything I can,
To keep you from fading away.
I hope you two know who you are....
And how much you mean to me.
I'm sorry if I'm the one that hurt you.
Next time you walk away....
And leave me crying...
Don't come back....
Sometimes I find myself with likenesses of water.
To most, I am to be drank,
Taken in, one sip at a time.
But I warn you,
Don’t drink too much of me,
You might just drown.

I can be crystal clear,
Or muddy and darkened,
However, no matter what I am,
It doesn’t take much to see right through me.
All it takes is a little something,
And all becomes clear to anyone who dares to look inside.

I can be beautiful,

My emotions are most comparable to the Atlantic,
I’m there, at the beach,
Though most days I’m a little too cold to fully enjoy.
I can give life,
To things that range from small and beautiful,
To large and horrific.

I connect things one wouldn’t expect,
Like Belgium and Mexico,
See?  Didn’t expect that, did you?

I’m a little different to everyone,
When I use a term as general as “water”,
But let’s go to the heart of it all.
All bodies of water begin and end with the oceans.
And at the heart of each of those…

Is a storm

A hurricane,
Tidal wave,

Enjoy me all you want,
But one day,
I’ll destroy everything
Even myself
I don't know if this poem has any flow to it, or if it's even understandable.
I guess my thoughts are a little stormy right now as well.
The music plays away the demons in my head.
The demons with the stolen voices of angels.
Or maybe I'm the demon?
Twisting the voices of angels to sounds like demons.
Am I in heaven or hell?
Or am I in both?


They're the same thing.

Yin and yang...
The heaven in hell
And the hell in heaven
The fear of falling
And the fondness of fantasizing
Writing myself through a breakdown.  These words have given me peace for the night.
3:26 AM
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
All too familiar...
I have been here not too long ago.

I had dug my heels deep...
I had tasted the moist that hung stale.
Dreaded every next step,
knowing then as I know now...
That again I would fail.

This road well travelled...
Will draw much more,
if not the same.
But I own this endless stretch,
I'll embrace it with discomfort...
For here is the grave that bears my name.
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