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And stubborn,
And somewhat self absorbed.
But you're gentle,
And careful,
And difficult to ignore.
So why can't I call you out on your annoying tendencies?
Do you feel the same way about me?
Do you rest your head on your pillow, and reminisce on the times we had?
Do you ever believe in fate?
Or that someday we can escape,
From this world we've grown too fond of?
Do you read between the lines,
And figure out my lies?
Do you ever cry?
Was there a time you fell in love,
With the simplicity of,
Something you can't describe?
Will you ever hold my heart,
Inside your arms,
And for once, tell me it's alright?
Because I can't forget the days,
When your face was not just a face,
But something so wonderful, I just could not describe.
Or will there be a day,
When all my dreams slip away,
And the home I created in your bed,
Will no longer be a home,
But a shallow hole inside your head,
Making you remember the times we spent,
Rather than forget?
 Nov 2013 Alexandria King
It follows you
It seems almost impossible to break free
From its cruel, hateful grasp
You think you've escaped it
But again it captures you
More tight and securely than before
Once again you are trapped
In the hands of a monster

You paint lines on your arms
In a wonderful shade of red
To prove to yourself and those around you
Your pain is as real as any other emotion
Any other feeling
Its alive, more alive than you have been for a long time
And you can feel something once again
The pleasurable sting of the crimson sea
Making its way to shore
On your virginal white skin
Now stained with scarlet puddles

Or the food you made such an effort to consume
When it makes a reappearance
Its swimming inside the lavatory
You are no longer just empty in your soul
But also in your stomach, a body part you despise,
with such a burning passion.

You may poison yourself in many other ways,
in attempt to slay this beast
Like a medication, to ease the pain and discomfort
Pills and liquor, *** and love making
Also take the edge off for a little while
And a little while is a whole lot better than nothing at all
But its not enough
Its still got you
I remember clearly all the times I felt the beat of your heart slow to a steady sleepy hum,
and how I'd rest against your beautiful chest,
mesmerized by the moment.

You probably don't remember at all, the way I worked my way closer to your body
because I couldn't stand being even an inch away,
not even for a moment.

I'm left with the sands of time slipping through my fingers, and you haven't missed a beat.
Losing me was the best inconvenience you ever had,
although it hurt you for a moment.

But if you ever lay your head to rest again beside my longing heart,
you'll find me with all my same sentiments,
but I'll be different for a moment.

So if I stir in the night,
Know that it's you I'm dreaming of.
I'm remembering what it's like to lose you.
Because no matter how many times you come back to me,
I know you're only in it
for the moment.
remember me like sunset
upon matted floors of green
beneath the skies unwritten
with soon forgotten dreams

i'll think of you at twilight
before my heart can show
the sentiments of wishing stars
before the autumn slows

and maybe in the morning
i'll leave again renewed
but terrified of distant ties
and terrified of you
You sing yourself to sleep in an ice cold tub,
Life is cheap and so is a gun,
You shiver and make love to your cigarette,
Tonight your going down wearing a tin can baret,
You know, opurtunity is a simple game of russian roulette,
And so you ponder life one last time,
The life youve just traded in for a dime,
Biting down on the barrel, its cold and it numbs your lips,
Its but an inevitable prophecy like the solar eclipse,
through the muffled silence; youre singing,
-"Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping"
 Nov 2013 Alexandria King
All I wanted
was to spend my time
with her,
in her eyes,
her time
 Nov 2013 Alexandria King
let me crawl into the vastness of your soul
i am tired
i want to nap with your deepest thoughts
i am worn out
let me curl up with your darkest secrets
i am exhausted
i want to lay myself into your curves and nooks
i am drained
let me caress your damaged heart
i am fatigued
i want to nestle your bruises
i am sleepy
let me burrow into your lungs with all that smoke
i am stale
i want to kiss your agony
i am empty
Logic is difficult. The idea of anything being coherent is astounding.
Two sentences side by side that make sense.
What an insane thought.
Insanity makes more sense to me. Insanity and disorder.
It is futile to apply normalcy to everything.
Some things just don't make sense.
So next time your teacher asks you the meaning behind an author's plot, setting, or mere diction,
don't answer.
Don't forget
that you are the specialist
and he is the patient.
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