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 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
The sound of bees in a tree
Making their honey
Dripping and sweet
The song of birds
The sound of the clear gurgling lake
Little fishes darting in and out
Bears hidden in that beautiful forest
Resting in the shade
Butterflies without a care
Dancing lazily on the breeze
Which caresses my sweaty face
The smell of honeysuckles
Leaves me breathing in
The heavenly smells of Summer
Smells of rain
Drifts through hot afternoon
Indicates a thunderstorm
A path of periwinkles
Leads me to a world
Too beautiful to be true
A world that takes my breath away
Little peach blossoms opening
Their sweet pink petals
Their softness reflecting
The shade of cotton candy clouds
When the sun sets or rises
It's just a lovely Summer Day
Yet words cannot describe
How beautiful it is

My Love For The Words,
Is Over Shadowed By You,
Smiling Briskly,
You All Have Given Me Hope,
That The World Has Some Good Left
Dedicated To Everyone Who Has Been So Kind In Reading My Poetry! I Can't Thank You Enough!:)
His love drunk heart  reveals its truth,
"Whenever she comes closer,
the hum of the world becomes still,
I hear the flowers speak"
I have seen ups and down
Maybe slightly straight and bound
Feelings changed
But remained
Though disguised
But insight
Vulnerable beauty
Enchanted duty
Little remained
Mainly drained
Choosing between the
Happiness and joy
Fading line which
Invisibly divides
The heroic you
Which was gained in past
Seems to be lost
Coz present surpass
It feels all lost
Or all gained
In this dilemma
In dark i reign!
I may not know the future
but hope not its a bizarre
I may have rescued myself
But things still are baffle
M lost in words of dilemma
Maybe true story
M done being glorious
No more analogous
Too much to peek in my shadow
And peer through my skin
But now the time has come
To be sage
And not think under others wage
To be ingenuous with myself
To seize the yen
And go for zenith
But in my comfort
Not in others thought!
Just want to be ME FOR MYSELF!
 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
I really do hope you enjoy this poem
I love you says it all very well
But there is so much more I could say
Your smiles
Your laughs
Your giggles sweet
You are my
Perfect Dad
I love you
I wish
There was a
Word I could
Use to express
My true feelings
Of you, Dad!

I love you, Dad!! :P You are perfect!! :) ~~<3
 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
"My heart is for everyone, because I love everybody."

 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
God paints a sunrise in the east
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Dewdrops kiss the flowers
And last Night's raindrops
Drench the fresh earth
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
The veil of Heaven lifts
And shows fluffy white clouds
Drifting lazily by
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Buds unfurl their soft sweet petals
And the smell of honeysuckles
And millions of other flowers
Fill the air of Dawn
With a heavenly fragrance
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Flowers waltz in the meadows and fields
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Sunrays dance through my window
Filling my room full of light
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
All is beautiful

 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Part II
Your tears turned to jades
And you turned to gold
Your beauty shimmered and sparkled
Above all instruments
Because you're more beautiful
Than them all
You are
Weeping Angelic Harp

O, how I do love Harps!!! :'') ~<3
 May 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Part I
Crocuses sleep under the snow
And harps sing and weep happily of Winter
Tears ***** my cheeks because of the beauty
Of Winter's Prelude
Dogwoods haven't even begun to bud yet

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