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Ahmad Cox Feb 2013
Every time you
Feel lonely or sad
Or you feel like
Your life doesn't
Make sense and
When it feels like
Things are the
Darkest is when
You must search
For the light and
The love just waiting
Beneath the surface
Its always there if
You know where
To look inside of
Your heart and
Soul and when
You find that
Light that leads
You through the
Storm and through
The trials of life you
Will feel that much
Stronger and whole
Through the lessons
Of life that might
Come your way
If you have faith
You can move
Mountains and
Change the course
Of rivers with your
New found strength
And faith and light
That is flowing in
Your soul as you
Begin to show
And share your
Inner light and
Strength to others
To be the beacon
Of light and faith
To show others the
Way when they feel
Lonely or like life
Isn't fair you can show
Them through your
Own light and experience
There is always a brighter
Way through the storm
And showing and sharing
Your gift of light and healing
To all who are willing to see
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
The world is evolving
It is evolving ever quicker
Rotating wildly
As it spins through space
We are moving ever quicker
Toward a destination
That becomes more uncertain
With each passing moment
But there is power in change
And power in the mysterious
The anticipation of things to come
We continue to move down
Into a more slippery *****
We are getting to the breaking point
We are almost to the point
Where we can't bear any longer
We listen to the news
And we hear how many people
Are lost
How many people are walking
How many people are out there
Walking on their own
How many people are suffering
How the world seems to be getting
More out of control by the minute
It seems like the world is sinking
Into ever greater chaos
And we are just along for the ride
We are moving along
With this wonderful blue planet we call home
Moving along as we move through space
As we move through time
Evolving and changing
With each new second
That we swirl around
In this great big mess
But we are moving towards something
What the future holds is uncertain
But we are definitely moving toward something
I think we can all feel it
The Earth can feel it too
The birth pangs of a new beginning
A new way of thinking
A new way of interacting with ourselves
A new way of interacting with God
And even with the universe
And this wonderful blue planet that we call home
We will reach a new place of understanding
And truly find our place in the sun
Moving forward
Evolving and revolving
More in harmony with ourselves
And with everything else around us
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
From one phase
Moving higher
Your heart
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
The world has gone crazy
There is turmoil every where
Divisions all around
It seems like people
Are going backwards
Falling darker into the night
Falling deeper into the void
Living with hate in their hearts
Living at the brink of nothing
Living with depression
Living with despair
Without an ounce of grace
Moving further away from the light
Every thing goes these days
Without any sense of control
Or consequences
People have lost their minds
And it seems to get worst every day
But even through all the craziness
Even through all of the chaos
Even through all of the darkness
There is a part of me that is excited
Excited to see what is to come
We live on the brink
There is a chasm before us
We are just about to jump
And we are about to cross
Even as crazy as life might seem
There is still hope, love, grace, and mercy
And there are still miracles hiding in the dark
We just have to know where to look
To see the goodness and the light
That is waiting for us to accept it
To acknowledge that its there
Once you do life takes on a different tone
It takes on a whole new beauty and purpose
You start to see just how wonderful and crazy times
We are living in and you can become excited to
Living with light and grace and hope
And learning how to spread that sense of excitement
To everyone you meet
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Its exciting
Thinking about my future
Thinking about the possibilities
Welcoming the changes
That are coming in my life
Wanting to move forward
Trying to take one day at a time
As I move closer to my goal
Ahmad Cox May 2012
I think that
We need to be
A little more careful
We need to exercise
A little more frailty
When it comes to each other
We are all healing
We are all frail in our own ways
Be careful with each other
Be careful with each other's heart
Be careful
And make sure
To always remember
Exercise a little more frailty
When it comes to other people heart
Last metaphor
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Extinguish jealousy
Don't let it run your heart
If you allow yourself
To run off of jealousy
Allowing it to take root
You will never be happy
Constantly trying to think
About what someone else has
And what you don't
Another adopted metaphor
Ahmad Cox May 2012
I think we could all use a little extra peace
A little bit of extra hope
A little bit of extra kindness
At times in our lives
When it seems
Like everyone is turning their back
Sometime all we want
Is for someone
To give us that smile
Reach out to us a little more
Going out there way
To make sure we are o.k
Giving a little extra
Of themselves
Sometimes it can seem
Like life can turn its back
Sometimes it can feel like we are lost
Without a paddle
Without a light
But it's usually during those times
That someone does reach out
When you start to realize
That you have been
Reached out for
All along
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
If you ever feel down
If you ever need someone by your side
Just know that I have plenty of room
I have extra space in my heart
Just for you
We have been friends for so long
We know each other so well
We have been through a lot together
We have changed a lot together
We have been through a lot of relationships
Some haven't been as good as others
Yet our friendship has remained strong
We can tell what we are both thinking
And we have known each other for so long
That I can honestly say that I love you
And I can't imagine my life without you in it
Standing steady and strong at my side
So don't hesitate to ask
Because I know you would do the same for me
If you have a friend like this, make sure to let them know that you have plenty of room in your heart for them and let them know that you cherish them as well.
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
We fly
Soaring above
Grabbing the prize
The prize is in the sky
Written in our hearts
For us all to see
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Powerful orbs
Search for the light
View into your soul
Ahmad Cox Dec 2011
Facing yourself can be hard sometimes.
It can be hard to really look at yourself
And truly be honest about what you see
There are a lot of things about ourselves
That we would rather not admit
And that we would rather not face
We can spend our whole lives hiding from ourselves
And trying to hide parts of ourselves
That are laying inside
Let yourself out
Let yourself go
And face yourself
And face what you see in the mirror
You can't be afraid of your own shadow
You have to embrace yourself
Every part of yourself
And embrace yourself
As the wonderful
Yet confused
And hurt
And pained person you are
Face yourself
Don't be afraid
To truly look inside
You might just like what you see
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Fairies are real
They live wild
In the glens
And in our
Hearts as well
Teaching us
What it means
To revel in joy
If a fairy appears
Don't be alarmed
Fairies can often
Be very good charms
Spreading love
And joy and happiness
To anyone who can see
All you have to do
Is look inside
Find that inner joy
That inner sense
Of play and fun
Finding that
Inner child inside
If you look in
Your heart
And you look
You might be
Lucky to see
A fairy for
A fairy is
A wonderful
Friend to be had
Cherish the fairies
In your life
If you do
You will find
An inner well
Of fun and joy
And happy
And you will
Have enough
Love and Joy
To go around
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Picking up
To heal
After your world
Has shattered
Once you have
Become closed
Once you have
Once your
Have shattered
Can be hard
Pulling your life
Back together again
Coming together
Entering your mind
And heart
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Family can be tricky
It can be hard
To really separate yourself
Getting stuck in the drama
Getting stuck
Acting out old hurts
Bringing up stuff from the past
Sometimes the more you love someone
The easier it is to get hurt
Hurting in return
Family should come together
We are born of the same blood
We need to be one
United through the storm
If we are going to make it at all
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Even though
Some people
Might seem
Far away
We are all connected
Connected through
The earth
Connected through
The love you share
We are never truly
Too far away
From anyone
Even if the distance
Is great
We are all connected
In our own ways
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Farewell fear
Farewell pain
Hello peace
Hello calm
Goodbye past
Hello tomorrow
Hello hope
Say farewell
To sadness
Say hello to grace
Farewell my old friend
I used to know you
But I have changed
I have moved on
To someone new
A new me
Ahmad Cox Jun 2012
Fear can consume us
Eating away at our souls
Sometimes fear can become so real
That we lose grip of reality
Becoming so consumed in fear
That we can't get a grip
Losing our grip on what is real
Pushing ourselves further away from the truth
We can also hurt people out of fear
We can even hurt ourselves
Ultimately fear is an illusion
It separates us from reality
The only reality is love
As long as you understand that
And know that in your heart
Fear has no power
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Floating on a breeze
Floating in my dreams
Suspended like a feather
Blowing on the winds
Of my mind
Blowing wherever it pleases
Flying along
Rising and ascending
Falling and descending
Only to rest on the earth
Once again
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
The final hour
Of the final day
Is never too far away
Our lives are fragile
We need to be more aware
Of the amazing miracle
That is life itself
If we were more reverent to life
And the beautiful wonderful
World that we lived in
We couldn't even imagine
Harming each other
Or harming another thing
We would understand
And comprehend
That every life is precious
Every life is fragile
And yet life is strong
Even in its fragility
Just when you think
You have got a hold on it
Life has a way of surprising you
Ahmad Cox Mar 2018
In my dreams I see millions of fireflies flying in the dark and illuminating the night with their heavenly light.
As I am watching this scene unfold I see hundreds of frogs on the horizon as they march slowly towards the fireflies I witness a grisly scene. I start to see right before my eyes that the fireflies are being eaten by the frogs. At first one by one but soon hundreds of fireflies have fallen to the skillful tongues of frogs until only a handful of fireflies remain and then there is only one firefly left. Even as the frogs are trying to get that one last firefly it is brighter and lighter than the rest and it is able to easily avoid the tongues of the frogs until it begins to rise above the frogs and into the sky free from the frogs at last. I feel like sometimes we can be like fireflies sharing our light but when troubles come we can easily be swallowed by the frogs of life that try to bring us down but as long as we keep our inner light strong in ourselves we can be like the last firefly left easily avoiding the frogs of life that try to bog and you will rise any trials that life has to offer.
A poem about fireflies.
Ahmad Cox Feb 2012
We are taught to follow the flow and grind
That tells us we have to work for what we want
We have to put aside our own feelings and dreams
To follow the material idea
Of what we think we should do
We have to go to school
We have to work
We have to stay in the grind
Killing ourselves trying to keep up with the pace
I think part of the reason why there are so many people that are lost
And why there are so many people who are left by the wayside
Who just don't seem to fit
And who seem to get left in the cracks
Its because there is a deeper part of ourselves
That knows that we are meant for so much more
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
I enjoy flowers
They are really amazing
When you truly think about them
They are constantly reaching for the light
Always growing and thriving  
Wherever they are planted
They grow from seeds
And some grow from bulbs
All the information
They ever need to grow
Is stored in their birth
When those magical seeds are formed
Like little heart beats
Each one an individual new life
Just waiting for the chance to grow
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Life is flowing
Flowing like water
Life is always flowing
Always changing
Molding and morphing
Never constant
Always shaping
And reshaping itself
Forever flowing
Along the great stream of life
Flowing from the beginning
Until the end of time
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
The fog rolls in
Clouding the day
Blocking the sun
The fog rolls in
Until you can't see
Anything at all
The fog rolls in
And blinds your eyes
Keeps you from the sun
Keeps you from seeing
What is right in front of your face
Keeps from seeing
And everyone
And everything
Around you
Keeps you from seeing
The true beauty
The truth
Keeps you in a haze
Clouded from the truth
That is right
In front of
Your face
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
There is a force
An undeniable
Power and energy
That flows through
Everything on the
Earth and in the
Universe as we
Watch our lives
Roll out in front
Of of us this force
Comes from the
Darkness and
Lights the way
For us when we
Are at our most
Lowest point
Love flows
Through the
Earth and In
We all have
This healing
And loving
Force inside
Of us and
When we
Give in to
This love
And that
Force and
Light that
Your very
Soul and
Every atom
Of the universe
You will come
To understand
The greatest
Force and power
Is love divine
When you give
Yourself over
To this force
Of the universe
You will come
To understand
Everything and
Life will begin
To take on a
Whole new
Beauty and
Hope and
Meaning as
You begin to
See this life
Giving force
And love in
And everyone
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Love is forever
Love is the key
Love is the thing
That holds the
Universe together
And sets us free
Love is what binds
Us together and
Allows our hearts
To soar and dance
Our hearts long for
Love we all want
To be loved in our
Own way we have
To accept the love
That is in our own
Hearts to let go of
The fear and hate
And depression
That can easily
Come from the
Attacks of the
Mind that we
Have to endure
Life has a way
Teaching us in
Different ways
We all have our
Own journeys
And trials to take
But its that love
That ever lasting
Love that is in
Your heart all
Along that will
Get you through
And help you
To truly love
Yourself so that
You can love
Others as well
Ahmad Cox Mar 2012
I am at that fork in the road
Where I can go one way
Or I can go the other
The way isn't clear
There are multiple options that I can go
Neither one seems certain
I know that I can't spend too much time
Sitting and wondering which way I should go
Or else I will sit here in indecision
Never making a move
Staying in place
But if I am too hasty
I might just make a mistake
Having to backtrack
Turning around
When I could have picked the right choice
In the first place
Sometimes the fork in the road
Is life's way of moving us
Shaking us from our current trajectory
To move on to the next chapter
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
We run ourselves frantic sometimes
Running around in circles
Not really knowing
Which way we should be going
Just slow down
Take a deep breath
And know that everything
Will be alright
If we just take the time to slow down a bit
Ahmad Cox Oct 2012
Freedom is about
Letting go of everything
That tells you you aren't
Ahmad Cox May 2012
We free fall
Falling through space
Falling through time
Falling through this world
As we move along
Falling out
Falling in
Sometimes we need to fall a little
So that we can spread our wings
And fly
Ahmad Cox Mar 2014
I cant hold back
I have to attack
This negativity
Inside of me that
Is building a
Beat as it climbs
I cant rewind my
My mind from the
Negative as I testament
I cant deny this feeling
That keeps burning in me
In me
In me
Stay Damaged
Stay Damaged
I got to find
That inner fight
For the light
Or stay Damaged
Stay Damaged
As I free flow this
Time I feel I cant
Break free
Of this Damage
This Damage
The only thing
That can heal my
Heart is the light
That is just
Staring to spark
As I become
Less Damaged
Less Damaged
Cant give up the
Fight for the light
So that others can
Becomes less damaged
We have to help each other
To stay in positivity
Healing each other
In this free flow positive
As we move forward
In life trying to
Heal and create
Less Damage
For the earth
Less Damage
For each other
Less Damage
For ourselves
Less Damage
For our family
Less Damage
Less Damage.
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Gather happiness wherever you can
Gather happiness in your heart
That way when the storm of life hits you
You will have a store of happiness
To protect you through the storm
Gather the joy
Gather it in your heart
And make sure to gather happiness
For all those
Who could use a little more happiness
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
How do you gauge democracy, when democracy has been corrupted? How do you know what is just and what is right, when the system itself has fallen apart and the original idea has been completely lost. Lost to the wayside for a quick profit.
Another metaphor
Ahmad Cox Feb 2014
by Ahmad ***
Gia I adore you
I emplore you
Give us one more chance
Your children's folly knows no bounds
We seem bent on destruction
Bent on our own twisted ideas of justice
That justify the destruction of others
We can not see
We can not hear
The cry of Gia
The cry of our mother
She cries for us
She cries for herself
She cries for all creation
How much longer must she cry
Before we hear her
Before we recognize her
And we allow our beautiful mother Gia
To breathe
To heal
To sing
And to live
Ahmad Cox Oct 2012
We live
In a give me
Give me this
Give me that
We don't
Stop to think
How our
Give me attitudes
Effect everyone
Else around us
We don't stop
To think
About where
Our things go
We don't stop
To think
About the people
That are being
Affected the most
By our mass
Producing of
Things we don't
Ultimately need
In the first place
We need to step
Away from
Our needless
We need to
Start to
We have more
Than we need
If we just use it
Its not about
Trying to see
Just how much
You can get
But seeing
How much
You can give
We need to move
From a Give me this
Give me that
Mentality to a
Giving this
Giving that
So that we can
Start to live
In peace
And harmony
Openly sharing
With each other
Giving freely
Sharing freely
We have
Leaving behind
Our Give me this
And Give me that
Mentality behind
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Effervescent glow
Surrounds me
Comforts me
I feel at peace
I feel warmth inside of myself
Emanating from myself
But not of myself
I feel this overwhelming feeling
That I am being covered
Healing is in my heart
Pouring through my soul
Pouring through me as I descend deeper into the warmth
And the healing light that is pouring through me.
I am one.
Ahmad Cox May 2012
There are just some people
Who are just so filled
With love and light
Its almost like
They glow all over
Angels in disguise
Helping others
To see the light
And to find their ways
Shielding people
With their wings of love
Giving grace
And good will
Wherever they go
We have all met
These angels in our lives
Coming and extending themselves
When we really need it
Giving us that life raft
To keep us afloat
When we really need it the most
Ahmad Cox Jun 2013
God heals
God is love
God heals
Hearts and
Minds and
Souls with
His love


Even if
We might
Not see
God is always
There waiting
And watching
And shining his
Love wherever he
Goes spreading
That life giving
Universal love
And energy
That he
Ahmad Cox Sep 2013
I feel God in my heart
I know that God is real
I know that God is the
Creator of all things
I know that we are
All the children of
God and I know
That his love and
Grace and mercy
Lies in everything
We tend to have
This view of God
As being this angry
Patriarch spitting out
Commandments and
Rules that nobody can
Possibly live by and
If we do even one
Thing wrong he
Will smite us in
His anger and
In his fury but
God is a God of
Love and peace
He wants to offer
That peace to our
Hearts when life
Gets rough or
Help us to grow
And learn in his
Ways so that we
May see better
And know better
And understand
Just how beautiful
His children really
Are and just how
Beautiful our mother
Truly is as well
He wants us to
Call him Father
Because he really
Does see us as his
Children and even
When we might
Stray away from
His light and his
Love he is always
There to catch us
With his loving
Arms ready to
Return us back
To the everlasting
Flock that we all
Belong to from
The beginning
To the end of time
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
You have to deal with
The good and bad of life
You have to be willing
To take rest in the good times
And to persevere through the rough times
Adding them together
That with every dark cloud
With every new rain
There is an opportunity to grow
The sun is always waiting
To bring forth abundance
If you learn
To accept the good
And the bad
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Good love
Will last you
All your life
Good love
Will last you
Till the end of time
Love everlasting
Feeling that
Good love
In your soul
That Good love
That can bring
You to your knees
That Good love
That can break
Your soul
Make you
Want to be better
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
You have got to believe
You have to have faith
Things are going to
Get better
You have to have faith
That the world
Will get a little brighter
You have to believe
That the world
Isn't as cruel
Isn't as harsh
As people might seem
You have to have faith
To make it through
The night
Making it through
The other side
Making it through
The storm
Making it through
Another day
We have to believe
We have to have faith
The world can get hard
If we have faith
If we believe can make it
We can do mighty things
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
People are interesting
We hurt
There are times
When it feels like
We can't breathe
When life can swallow us whole
When the world can come crashing in
Darkness can consume us
To the point where we it can become all we know
Even as much as we hurt
We have faith
There is that little light inside of us
That can lead us through
If we have faith
And start to accept life how it is
And start to accept our place in it
Moving forward with grace and love
Stepping out of the storm
Into the light
Accepting ourselves
Accepting the healing
Accepting the love
That is growing inside
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Grace can save
Sometimes it is only through grace
Peace and mercy
That we can truly see into others hearts
And see the god worth saving
Ahmad Cox Oct 2012
I think we could use
A little more grace
And mercy these days
We are justice driven
Wanting justice for this
And wanting justice for that
We persecute and judge
We don't stop to think
About the person
We are persecuting
We get so fixated
On punishing people
For their actions
Instead of looking
At the real person
We stop seeing
The humanity
Behind the person
Driven by our biases
And our preconceived ideas
About who that person is
We need to step away
From this type of thinking
And start to see the person
Seeing the person in the street
Who doesn't have a home
Looking into the eyes of a stranger
And understanding where they are coming from
Feeling that hurt and pain in your heart at knowing
That your fellow man is hurting and suffering instead
Of turning a blind eye to the injustices that are going on
Day by day because if you continue to show apathy and judge
Your fellow man you are forgetting god's greatest commandment
Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself and treat them accordingly
Ahmad Cox Sep 2012
I feel like
I am grasping
At straws
Not really knowing
Which way I should
Truly go
We all grasp at straws
Life can get confusing
The answer can be right
In front of our face
Yet it still eludes us
Grasping at straws
Not knowing
What is truly going on
Or understanding
Where we should go
Ahmad Cox Sep 2012
It surrounds us all
Binding us to our mother
Holding us all near
Ahmad Cox May 2013
It can be very easy to
Have those negative
Thoughts inside of
Our heads and minds

It can be easy to allow
Ourselves to let those
Negative thoughts
And ideas to become

Overwhelming until
We can lose ourselves
In the negativity and
Reacting out of fear

And anger, violence
Even going as far as
Committing murders
All out of hate and

And anger towards
Other people that
Can seem to come
Out of nowhere

We all have those
Negative biases
Inside of us and
Even I am not

Immune to those
Negative thoughts
And biases that can
Creep in without

Warning or thought
We all have things
Or people that drive
Us crazy sometimes

Or annoys us for
Whatever reason
And it can be hard
Not to react a lot

Of times it has
Automatic and
Engrained in our
Minds that we

Often dont stop
To think before
We react which
Can often get us

In trouble the most
When we should
Take the time to
See the actual human

I think we could
All take a lesson
From the buddhists
And allow ourselves

To passively flow
Along like an calm
Observer in the sea
Of life and allowing

Whatever storm or
Chaos that life might
Throw our way to
Pass through us like

The wind and flowing
Off of us like the rain
That pours and soaks
The earth and allowing

Ourselves to embody
That peace and calm
That comes only from
Accepting yourself and

Everyone else around you
And being able to have that
Greater love in your heart
For everyone and everything

And when you get to that
Point where you can react
Instead with unconditional
Love for all things and all

People you will know that
You have reached the point
Where life becomes happy
And you find that pure joy

And love and peace and calm
That we are all looking for
Inside so try and see the good
In everyone and everything

And allow that greater love
For humanity and for our
Earth and everything in it
To become all we know
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
The greatest illusion
Of the world
Is the idea
That we are separate
We convince ourselves
We our separate
From nature
Separate from God
Separate from each other
Even separate
And even higher than
All the plants
And animals
And the universe all around us
We are all together
We are just different expressions
Of the same flame
That burns inside us all
We are all one
We are all connected
We just have to see it
Once you do
You will never see things
The same way again
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