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24.9k · Dec 2013
Ahmad Cox Dec 2013
There are some people
Who think very logically
They have a hard time
Seeing anything that
Doesn't make sense in
Their minds and that
Doesn't fit into their
Ideas of what is
Logical and right and
What they can see right
In front of their eyes
There are also the
People who understand
And comprehend the
World around them
Through their feelings
And emotions and
Can see the bigger
Picture and the bigger
Plan easier than most
We all make up our
Own parts and we
All have our own
Purpose and even
Though we are all
Different in our own
Ways we must learn to
Appreciate the wonderful
Differences that make
Up the whole and
To see and take notice
Of the wonderful and
Beautiful diversity of
Life and of people and
Of thoughts and even
Of the Earth as well
As we begin to
Celebrate the diversity
Instead of trying to
Segregate and separate
Ourselves based on our
Differences we should
Be trying to learn and
Understand from each
Other instead of trying
To conquer and subjugate
People to our ideas and
Ways of thinking we should
Be trying to see things
From the other side of
Things and understanding
There is more the life than
Right or wrong and trying
To prove yourself to others
And seeing that even with
All of our differences we
Are for more connected
And alike than we all
Could imagine and once
We understand that simple
Truth everything else starts
To fall into place as we start
To see the beautiful diversity
And the wonder of life as
We begin to see things
More completely and
Understand we are all
Parts of one big great
Diverse community that
We call the human race
12.2k · Mar 2014
Ahmad Cox Mar 2014
Positivity is not that hard to see
All you have to do is to find that
Inner happiness and positivity
For all to see as you move life
Begins to take a whole new look
As you start to see the positive
In everything and everyone and
You begin to see life for the lovely
Yet crazy existence that we all live
In and just how beautiful the world
Is and all of her creatures big and
Small as we swirl through space
And time colliding with each other
As we go about our days but if we
Could share a little joy and positivity
To the people around us the world
Would be a more positive place to be
10.5k · Feb 2011
12 Gifts of Valentines
Ahmad Cox Feb 2011
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
A bunch of roses so she won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
10,000 dollars
9 new airplanes
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of flowers
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
11 new purses
10,000 dollars
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
The last thing I got that truly broke me
12 different houses
11 new purses
10,000 dollars
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
After this she better marry me
This parody is set to The 12 Days of Christmas
7.9k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
I had always wondered
About airplanes
Even when I was
A little kid
I used to wonder
How they actually
Stayed up in the air
Even though I knew
All the different principles
And the science
And the physics
That went into keeping them up
I am still amazed
That they actually stay up
7.0k · May 2012
Ahmad Cox May 2012
I think sometimes
We need to be a little adventurous
Conquering that new horizon
Letting go of your fear of the unknown
Letting go of your fear of losing control
Being able to revel in the new
Reveling in the moment
Tackling life
Without fear
And regrets
6.7k · Jul 2012
Gauge Democracy
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
How do you gauge democracy, when democracy has been corrupted? How do you know what is just and what is right, when the system itself has fallen apart and the original idea has been completely lost. Lost to the wayside for a quick profit.
Another metaphor
6.7k · Dec 2012
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Little hummingbird
I see you fly
Magical and free
Your flight
Is a true mystery
You fly and zip
Truly magical
Is your flight
A miracle wrapped up
In a little package
You hum along
Buzzing through life
Reminding us
Of what it means
To fly and to soar
And to zip along life
You are beautiful
Little hummingbird
Show us your grace
And your spirit
And your joy
At a glance you
Are there
Then just
As soon
As you come
You disappear
As miraculous
And mysterious
As you entered
6.4k · May 2012
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Heartfelt feelings
Can spring up
From our souls
Overwhelming us
With emotions
That seem to
Spring from no where
They can be feelings of love
Feeling of peace
Feeling of strength
Even feelings
Of hate
And despair
But its these
Heartfelt feelings
That less us know
That we are still alive
Still feeling
No matter what
That feeling
Happens to be
5.4k · Dec 2012
Everything Will Be Ok
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Everything will be ok
Rest your weary head
Everything will be ok
Lay yourself to bed
Lay yourself down
Let go the worries
Of the world
Just let the day
Wash over you
Letting all of
Your worries
Pass with the day
Know that you
Are loved
Even as crazy
As life might be
Even as crazy
As life can get
At times just know
Everything will Be Ok
There is truly rest
For the weary
There is rest in the storm
There is calm that can come
In the most unexpected of
Places open your heart
All you have to do
Is let go of the pain
Allow it to wash off
Washing yourself
Clean of the day
Washing yourself
Clean of life
Knowing and
That we are all loved
And we deserve to be loved
We are all beautiful
In our own ways
Once you accept
That everything
Truly happens
For a reason
And when you
Start to see it for
Yourself life takes
On a whole new
Purpose and meaning
You can start to see
The beauty and the
Complexity of life
And understand and
See the light at the end
Of the tunnel and seeing
Just how much your
Life has direction
Even when things
Seem there craziest
Just remember
Everything will be ok
4.4k · Aug 2012
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Floating on a breeze
Floating in my dreams
Suspended like a feather
Blowing on the winds
Of my mind
Blowing wherever it pleases
Flying along
Rising and ascending
Falling and descending
Only to rest on the earth
Once again
4.2k · Apr 2012
Reconcile Love
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Sometimes you have to reconcile love
To really love yourself
To truly know yourself
To let go of your preconceptions
Of what love might be
And find yourself again
This is the metaphor that I adopted. Isn't it cute. I just took it home with me today. :)
4.2k · Jun 2012
Ahmad Cox Jun 2012
by Ahmad ***
I feel like sometimes we are very good at acting
Very good at putting on a show
When we are really feeling something else inside
We teach ourselves
That certain feelings
Certain things are unnacceptable
We are supposed to be civil
We are supposed to put on a good face
We are supposed to hide the negative feelings
The dark feelings that well up inside of us
If we don't accept ourselves for who we are
For better or for worst
We will keep acting
Keep playing the part that everyone else has for us
Afraid to stop acting
And to live our own lives
And to keep us from truly expressing
The uniqueness that everyone has inside
4.0k · Aug 2012
Calming Turbulence
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
That inner calm
Is in us all
We tend to focus
On the things
That distract us
The things that keep us
From returning
To the source
To that inner calm
So that when life becomes turbulent
You will have that inner calm inside of yourself
3.9k · Jul 2012
Produce Sensitivity
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Produce sensitivity in your heart.
Be sensitive with others
Be sensitive with yourself
Be sensitive to others pains
Be sensitive to others hurts
Be sensitive for everyone
Who has ever been lost
Be sensitive with each other
We hurt so easily
We could all use a little sensitivty
To help us get through
This is an adopted metaphor
3.7k · Mar 2018
New Beginnings
Ahmad Cox Mar 2018
Save thyself and come down
From the cross
Likewise also the chief priests
Mocking said amongst themselves

With the scribes he saved other's
Himself he cannot save
Let Christ the king of Israel
Descend now from the cross
That we may see and believe

And they that were crucified with him reviled him
And when the sixth hour was come there was darkness
Over the whole of the land until the ninth hour
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice
Saying Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani? Which is being interpreted as
My God My God why hast thou forsaken me?

And entering into the sepulchre they saw a young man
Sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment
And they were affrighted and he said unto them be not affrighted

Now when Jesus was risen early in the first day of the week
He appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils and when she told them that he had had been with him as they mourned and wept and they heard he was alive believed not

And he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be ****** and these signs shall follow them that believe and in my name shall thy cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink deadly things it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then

after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right side of God and they went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and confirming the words with signs following Amen.
A piece of scripture
3.7k · Aug 2012
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
There is pain
The world
Can be messy
It can seem
Like the world
Has gone crazy
Its easy to focus on
All the things
That are going
Living pessimistically
Instead of looking
Seeing all
The beauty
That is all
Around us
We live in
A beautiful world
Even as far
As things have gotten
We still live
In a beautiful place
Even as crazy as thing
Might seem
There are still people
Who are living
And showing people
What love really means
There are still people
Helping people heal
Showing people kindness
Showing people
How to love
One heart
At a time
There is still
We are never
Too far away
To receive it
We just have to
Start looking
And finding the beauty
Instead of always
Seeing the negative
Living pessimistically
And start seeing
In a different way
3.6k · Nov 2012
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
The world has gone crazy
There is turmoil every where
Divisions all around
It seems like people
Are going backwards
Falling darker into the night
Falling deeper into the void
Living with hate in their hearts
Living at the brink of nothing
Living with depression
Living with despair
Without an ounce of grace
Moving further away from the light
Every thing goes these days
Without any sense of control
Or consequences
People have lost their minds
And it seems to get worst every day
But even through all the craziness
Even through all of the chaos
Even through all of the darkness
There is a part of me that is excited
Excited to see what is to come
We live on the brink
There is a chasm before us
We are just about to jump
And we are about to cross
Even as crazy as life might seem
There is still hope, love, grace, and mercy
And there are still miracles hiding in the dark
We just have to know where to look
To see the goodness and the light
That is waiting for us to accept it
To acknowledge that its there
Once you do life takes on a different tone
It takes on a whole new beauty and purpose
You start to see just how wonderful and crazy times
We are living in and you can become excited to
Living with light and grace and hope
And learning how to spread that sense of excitement
To everyone you meet
3.6k · Mar 2014
Free Flow Positive
Ahmad Cox Mar 2014
I cant hold back
I have to attack
This negativity
Inside of me that
Is building a
Beat as it climbs
I cant rewind my
My mind from the
Negative as I testament
I cant deny this feeling
That keeps burning in me
In me
In me
Stay Damaged
Stay Damaged
I got to find
That inner fight
For the light
Or stay Damaged
Stay Damaged
As I free flow this
Time I feel I cant
Break free
Of this Damage
This Damage
The only thing
That can heal my
Heart is the light
That is just
Staring to spark
As I become
Less Damaged
Less Damaged
Cant give up the
Fight for the light
So that others can
Becomes less damaged
We have to help each other
To stay in positivity
Healing each other
In this free flow positive
As we move forward
In life trying to
Heal and create
Less Damage
For the earth
Less Damage
For each other
Less Damage
For ourselves
Less Damage
For our family
Less Damage
Less Damage.
3.5k · Jan 2012
Elegance Personified
Ahmad Cox Jan 2012
Elegance personified
Grace everlasting
Feminine beauty and might everlasting
I see you before me
I see your skin displayed before me
As I gaze into your eyes
As you gaze into mine
Its like my soul is mystified
By the grace
And strength
And power
That I see in your eyes
That I feel each time I am near you
You hold my essence in your hand
My heart with a simple utterance of your voice
I can feel my soul fluttering
Even at the anticipation of your touch
I know you are out there my queen
And I will be your king
And treat you like the queen that you deserve to be
I know that we haven't met yet
But I know that you are out there
Waiting for someone to share your elegance
And to share your strength
And to share your power with
Our souls just haven't met yet
3.4k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Having a strong will
Is about sticking to what's right
Knowing the truth
And being able to be flexible enough
To change and grow as necessary
And as you become stronger in yourself
Others will see your strength too
And you can begin to share that strength with others
3.4k · May 2012
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Let a joyful noise
Fill this place
Let love rain down
And cover us with grace
Let the light come down
Let us sing and dance
Sing in praise
Sing out loud
Sing for our souls
Dance in the street
Cause we need to let
A little joy rain down
Let it rain over the world
Until we can't stop dancing
Until we can't stop singing
Until we can't stop rejoicing
Allow a little joy into your heart
You will be surprised how far it just might go
3.3k · Jul 2012
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Acceptance can be harder than you think
Accepting yourself
Accepting where you are
Accepting life
Accepting peace
Accepting love
Accepting hurt
Accepting pain
Accepting your past
Accepting that everything you have been through
Has lead you
To exactly where you are now
Even if its hard to accept sometimes
3.2k · Nov 2011
A world without war
Ahmad Cox Nov 2011
I want people to know
That we don't have to fight each other
We don't have to fight ourselves
That we don't have to suffer
That it's possible for us all to live in peace
We would rather justify war
It seems like it's really hard for people
To think of what life would be like
If we weren't constantly at war
Or fighting
Or hating
Or somehow condemning someone else
Well it's those people who are causing the problems
It's those people that need to be dealt with
If it weren't for those people over there
There wouldn't be any problems to begin with
Do you see those people over there
What right do they have to be here
Taking up our space
Taking up our land
That's for us and us alone
We have to get them before they get us
We have to keep ourselves constantly ready
Constantly waiting
For someone to attack
To destroy our way of life
To upset the status quo
That we have established today
I think we need to be willing
To change the status quo sometimes
Because the status quo as it is
Is just not working
As long as we continue to feel hate
And we feel like we need to be at war
And we need to hurt other people
To propagate the status quo
We will never be able to live in peace
And know what it means
To live in a world without war
3.1k · Dec 2013
Dolphin Goddess
Ahmad Cox Dec 2013
Dolphin Goddess
You light our souls
With your rich and
Luscious gia energy
And allow us to
Bask in your
Goddess form
As your soul
And energy take
Us to newer high
As we all climb
The mountain of
Your love and
Connection for
Our mother earth
And for the rich
Feminine and life
Giving energies that
Are all around us
You survey your
Kingdom and see
That it is good and
Beautiful and that
All is well in your
Paradise as your
Dolphin Goddess
Dreams take flight
In the night we get
Closer to your
Heart and soul
As you open up
Yourself fully
And completely
To anyone who
Is willing to bask
Upon your light
And gain your
Ancient wisdom
And joy that
Sprouts from
Your heart and
Gets shared with
With everyone
You meet along
Your way in life
They see that light
And hidden goddess
Inside just waiting
To be unleased with
A warm smile and
Embrace of souls
As her energy
Collides and
Embraces with
The universe and
In between
3.0k · Dec 2012
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
The archaic knowledge
The old truths of sages
Long gone and past
Still have a lot of wisdom
Especially in todays times
We live in a world where
People are more disconnected
Than they have ever been
We live with disease and wars
People stealing and killing
Living with hatred and lost
In the cold without a place
To stay and a friendly face
To see for miles and miles
Living in a pavement jungle
Not knowing which way
We are truly going
Just wondering without
Direction or hope
Just floating a long
Without any type
Of mooring to graft to
The sages of old
Talked about the
Of everything in the
Universe and everything
Comes from God and spirit
There is a world beyond the
Physical and the material
That supercedes all
Material thought and
Consciousness just beyond
The veil of knowledge and
Intuition that ultimately springs
From the source of the universe
If we are to move forward we
Must not take the God out of
Equation when it comes to science
Or understanding the universe
Or trying to interpret our world
Or how we even fit into it
If you remove God from the
Universe and the equation
All together you are denying
Existence and everything in it
The old sages used to say that
We shouldn't harm another being
We should respect our planet
Respecting our mother and
Respecting spirit and each other
Respecting  nature and the animals
Respecting the whole of everything
Living in peace and harmony with
Everything and following the order
Of the world instead of trying to
Change or to alter it
We need to get back to this understanding
If we are truly going to move past
The separation we feel with ourselves
And with nature and even with our planet
We somehow think we are separate or
Somehow better than the plants or the
Animals as if somehow they are expandable
Not understanding or seeing the true spirit
That lives and breathes in all living things
If we did we couldn't even do half of the things
We do to our animal brethren on this planet
If we could understand and see the spirit
And the beautiful life and light in us all
We could never do half of the things
We do to each other out of hate and anger
We commit atrocity after atrocity
Thinking that somehow these
People are separate or different
From us they aren't the same
They are lesser than us so
We can treat them however
We want and not have any
Thought about it after
Ultimately even if you try
To justify these actions there
Is no true justification for
The ****** or slaughter
Of people simply based
Off of false fears and prejudices
And anger that boils up inside
No life should ever be forfeit for
Any reason whatsoever
There is no such thing
As a justified death or a
Justified ****** or a
Justified war that ultimately
Kills and destroys everything
In its sight leaving nothing
Behind for any body to
Ultimately take or claim
In the end once they are done
The sages used to say that love
Is the key to the universe and
And that light and love removes
All darkness in the world
Living with universal love
In your heart and being
Able to exude love from
Your breathe and from
Your pores and breathing
In love and light and healing
And passing it to every one
Around you and transmitting
It into the universe as well
Sharing love for the world
Sharing love for the life you live
Sharing love for the people who
Haven't found the light yet
Being able to love your enemies
Because you can see a piece of
Yourself inside of their hearts
And ultimately inside of their souls
Feeling ultimate joy and happiness
At the simple fact of living
Reveling in each moment
Being completely in yourself
Feeling that divine love and
Connection to everything
And feeling the universe
And everything in it
Sitting in your heart and
Being poured out through
Your thoughts and mind
As you float through space
And time sharing love and
Light and healing to as many
People as possible before you
Return to the source again where
You join in the union with the source
And with God and the universe
Where you join the ever lasting
Knowing and truth of the cosmos
Only to return to do it all over again
Bringing as many people to the light
Guiding souls with love and comfort
Guiding them into the ever lasting light
Imbuing Gods love and grace and
Showing the way through example
We need to get back to this universal love
And knowledge so that we know it in our
Hearts and we know it in our minds
There is a lot of hate going around
But there is not as much love
We tend to ostracize certain people
Or even judge people and see them as
Somehow different or worst because
Of where they are at in life or even
Because of the position they are in
We need to be able to feel and breathe
That love and light for everything
Being able to truly love ourselves
Loving our position in life
Loving our bodies and everything
That comes with but more than anything
Learning how to love everyone regardless
Of who or what they happen to be no matter
How far they might have fallen there is never
Anyone that doesn't deserve to be healed or
Loved or saved in some way and when we come
To this greatest realization and sharing and feeling
The love we will begin to understand and see just how
Beautiful and wonderful a place we live in and what
A special time it is to be alive and living in peace
And harmony with everyone and everything
And learning how to love in more whole ways
Spreading the love and light through the Earth
Until a wave of love and light sweeps over us
And peace and love become all we know
We just have to get back to those old archaic truths
That the sages knew a along time ago
3.0k · May 2012
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Its exciting
Thinking about my future
Thinking about the possibilities
Welcoming the changes
That are coming in my life
Wanting to move forward
Trying to take one day at a time
As I move closer to my goal
3.0k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
I think that its very arrogant
For some people to believe
That we are somehow better than
Or greater than any other animal
Or any living organism on this planet
We all live and exist just the same
Floating on the same beautiful ball
That we all call home
Everything has a spirit
You can not separate spirit from matter
So to say that animals don't have a soul
Or don't have a spirit
I believe is a very arrogant statement
It denies them the spark and spirit
And ultimately denies the fact that they
Are living breathing beings just like us'
I don't believe that we were put here
To subjugate the fields and the animals
We were meant to live in harmony with
The other living things on this planet
And to live in harmony with ourselves as well
Learning from each other
Existing in harmony with the planet
Not against it
In the effort of trying to tame the wild
We have ultimately destroyed
Our planet in the process
I believe that we need to get back to the natural way
Living in communion with each other
And living in communion with every living thing
That is on this wonderful
Beautiful blue ball
We call Earth
And we all call home
2.9k · Dec 2011
The world as I see it
Ahmad Cox Dec 2011
The world as I see it is a wonderful place
Plenty of chances to learn
Plenty of chances to live
Such wonderful diversity and beauty
That we have to view
It's a wonderful place
If we allow it to be
We just need to think
About the this wonderful world
And how much this wonderful world of ours
Really is all we got
And if we take care of this world
We will be a lot better off
But this world is still wonderful
A majesty to behold
We just have to have a little more  reverence
For our lives
And for this wonderful world we call home
2.7k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Facing uncertainty
Can drive you crazy sometimes
Of how your life will end
Of how the next day will begin
How the day will end
What will happen in the next 5 years
What will happen within the next hour
Even within the next minute
It can be easy to live off of uncertainties
Living in fear
Chasing your own shadow
Come out from your shadow of uncertainty
And live underneath the umbrella of optimism
Embracing each day and each moment
Instead of fearing it
2.6k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
I see the sky above me
I feel the earth beneath me
I see the sun in the sky
And I see the moon
Shining down
I see the stars
Shining bright
To lead our way
When we are lost in the night
We all see the same sky
We all feel the same earth
Underneath our feet
We all look at the same moon
We all feel the same sun
Shining down from above
Giving its life bringing
Glow to us all
Touching us all the same
We all look at the same moon
The stars are there for us all to see
As long as we still feel the same Earth
Underneath our feet
And as long as we feel the same sun
Bearing down on us all the same
As long as the stars still cover
The sky at night
As long as we look at the same moon in the sky
And as long as we still look at the same sky above
We are all connected
We are connected through the Earth
No matter how different we are
Or how different our experiences are
We are all connected by the Earth
We all share the same home
We are all children from the same mother
Giving life and breath to us all
2.5k · Jul 2012
Love like you mean it
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Love like you mean it
Love completely
Love wholly
Connecting your heart
Loving life
Loving yourself
Sharing that love
With others around
Love like you mean it
Share yourself
Until love is all you see
2.5k · May 2012
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Life is flowing
Flowing like water
Life is always flowing
Always changing
Molding and morphing
Never constant
Always shaping
And reshaping itself
Forever flowing
Along the great stream of life
Flowing from the beginning
Until the end of time
2.5k · Jul 2012
Ahmad Cox Jul 2012
Its good to be helpful
Its nice to give back
Whenever you can
Sometimes being a little helpful
Can mean the difference
In someone else's day
Sometimes something as simple
As sharing a little time
A little extra energy
Taking that little extra effort
To be a little more helpful
Can have huge effects
For the people
Who are receiving your kindness
And who you are being helpful to
2.5k · Mar 2012
Ahmad Cox Mar 2012
We can often alienate ourselves from each other
Its very easy to close ourselves off
To shield ourselves from each other
To shield us from ourselves
We carry these shields around our hearts
That keep us safe
Keep us separated from each other
That keeps us from connecting with ourselves
Sometimes we have to be willing to remove our shields
To let people in
To let yourself in sometimes
So that you can really get to the hurt
That you have been shielding people from all along
Until you can get to the point in yourself
Where you can heal yourself
To know and love yourself enough
To be able to be open with others
To share your heart freely without fear
To be able to interact with kindness
Trying to offer yourself wherever you can
It's also good
To be able to make yourself strong
So that way you can deal with the rolls and the punches
That inevitably come with living
But if you shield yourself too much
You can cut yourself off from yourself
But most of all from other people
Becoming distant from people
Not being able to trust anyone
Or even trust yourself
2.4k · Dec 2011
Stairway to heaven
Ahmad Cox Dec 2011
The stairway to heaven
Is not that far away
The stairway to heaven
Is already inside
You just have to know where to look
It leads from our hearts
And extends out to others
And into heaven
As we pour out love
Our hearts are connected
Connected by love
Connected by grief
Connected by pain
Connected to God
And heaven above
2.4k · Aug 2012
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Even though
Some people
Might seem
Far away
We are all connected
Connected through
The earth
Connected through
The love you share
We are never truly
Too far away
From anyone
Even if the distance
Is great
We are all connected
In our own ways
2.3k · Nov 2012
Are You Ready For Love?
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
Are you ready for love
Could you really accept it
If it came to you today
Could you accept yourself
Could you love completely
Loving with your whole soul
If love were to come to you
Could you look deep inside
And find the love that is waiting there
Tucked inside your soul
Just waiting to come out
Could you feel and receive love
Could you give it back completely
Without hesitation or regret
if the answer is yes
Don't be afraid to give love
We all need to feel loved
If you are truly ready to receive
Open up your heart and let love in
Love without fear
Allow the love
To settle in your heart
Until love becomes all you know
2.3k · Sep 2012
Ahmad Cox Sep 2012
Holiness is what
I long for
Is what my heart
Cries out for
In the night
My heart
My soul
Wants to be
But the world
Has a way
Of dragging
Me back
Dragging me down
Down to the world
To the muck
And the mire
But even among
The troubles
And the trials
There is still beauty
Even in the storms
Life is holy
Every life
Carries that holy flame
That fire that flows
Every thing is holy
Every thing comes
From God
Every thing
That makes us
Every thing
Thats inside of us
Comes from God
All life is holy
In some way
Every thing breathes
The secret of God
In every second
In every action
God is there
Sharing his love
And holiness
To every one
And every thing
That recognizes him
And accepts the healing
That comes
From accepting
The holiness
Inside yourself
And every one
2.1k · Aug 2012
Rise up
Ahmad Cox Aug 2012
Rise up my friend
The battle is not over
Rise my friend
Take your place
We all can receive
The healing
We all can receive
The grace
We can all take
Our places
Taking our places
In the sun
Rise up
Even when
You are low
There is never
That you can not
Rise up
Have faith
If you do
God will
See his
Rising above the storm
Rising above life
Rising above everything
Rising above the world
Rise my friend
I know you can rise
Rise above it all
So you can
Take your place
In the sun
2.1k · Dec 2011
Facing yourself
Ahmad Cox Dec 2011
Facing yourself can be hard sometimes.
It can be hard to really look at yourself
And truly be honest about what you see
There are a lot of things about ourselves
That we would rather not admit
And that we would rather not face
We can spend our whole lives hiding from ourselves
And trying to hide parts of ourselves
That are laying inside
Let yourself out
Let yourself go
And face yourself
And face what you see in the mirror
You can't be afraid of your own shadow
You have to embrace yourself
Every part of yourself
And embrace yourself
As the wonderful
Yet confused
And hurt
And pained person you are
Face yourself
Don't be afraid
To truly look inside
You might just like what you see
2.1k · Nov 2012
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
Pleasing the world
Can seem easy sometimes
It can feel easy sometimes
To give in to world
Giving in to the pleasure
And the whims of every one else
Not being yourself and fighting the norm
It can be easier to try and fit in
Try to be normal in this crazy world
But ultimately what is normal
Isn't whats best
You have to be willing
To be yourself
Bucking the mold
Learning to please yourself
And your own individuality
Rather than trying to please
The world and everyone else
2.1k · Apr 2012
Solid Ground
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
I am on solid ground
My feet are moving forward
Walking and moving
Advancing toward
An ever approaching future
2.0k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Sometimes we can get caught
Recycling old feelings
Getting caught in old ways of doing things
Not allowing ourselves to move forward
Recycling the same habits
Over and over again
2.0k · Jun 2017
Rhythm of Love
Ahmad Cox Jun 2017
The rhythm of love
Is all over your face
It is a feeling that
Is hard to mistake
Our souls rise
Even soar as we
Fly tonight in our
Love as the rhythm
Takes the beat I know
The beat will last forever
As our dreams of love
Take flight as we fly
Even higher not wanting
To come down as our
Hearts lead the beat
We feel the rhythm of love
It is hard to replace
As we feel our love
And feel the beat
We know that the
Beat will last forever
Loosely based off of a song.
2.0k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Ecstasy in the moment
Love divine poured out
Living each moment
As if it were your last
Connecting with yourself
Feeling the love
Caring kindness
Sharing that with others
Ecstasy divine
Living in the moment
Love inside
Flowing from your heart
Flowing from your mind
Flowing out in waves
Connecting you to yourself
Connecting you to others
In wondrous and beautiful ways.
2.0k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Sometimes I wonder
If I am going crazy
There are sometimes
When I wonder
If I am truly insane
And if everyone else around me
Is actually sane
It seems more often than not
The things and the ideas that I express
Don't really seem to follow
The general rules
I know that there are some people
Who seem to agree with what I say sometimes
But a lot of what I think
Is just a jumbled mess of words
Coming together in my poetry
Sometimes I wonder
If I am going out of my mind
But then again maybe everyone is crazy
And I am the one that is insane
But they say that the true sign of insanity
Is not being able to realize you are insane in the first place
I was feeling in a silly mood when I wrote this poem.
1.9k · Nov 2012
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
We need to surrender
Surrender to life
Surrender to our
Surrender completely
Living in the moment
Surrender to the love
Surrender to joy
Find it in your soul
Surrender today
We all need to release
We need to let go
Surrender the pain
surrender the doubts
Surrender those moments
That take you away from peace
Surrender to grace
Give in to the mercy
Surrender it all
At the end of the day
There is peace in your soul
Never let it go
As much as the world
And the day
And life
Can make you
Surrender to the pain
Give in to the peace
That inner calm
1.9k · May 2012
Conquering your heart
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Conquering ourselves
Can be hard sometimes
It can he hard
To really take control
Taking control of ourselves
Conquering our minds
Conquering our hearts
I think some times
It is not so much
About controlling
Or conquering ourselves
But understanding
That sometimes we have to let go
Just letting things flow
Giving up your sense of control
And just letting life
Naturally go
Where it wants to
1.7k · May 2012
Let your hair down
Ahmad Cox May 2012
Let your hair down
Laugh a little
Its ok to let go a little
Life is a lot simpler
If you let your hair down
Relax a little
Life doesn't always have
To be so serious
Learn to laugh
And to dance
And feel the joy
Springing up
From every moment
Smile a little more
Its ok
You don't
Have to be afraid
Let your guard down
And just be happy
1.7k · Apr 2012
Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
People can be a headache sometimes
Sometimes I just want to smack some people
There are some people out there
That I makes me question
If people really have any good sense anymore
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