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Jun 2013 · 710
All in All
Ahmad Cox Jun 2013
All in All

There is


Is contained

In our hearts


Awaits inside
Of our minds

If we know

Where to look

There is beauty
Every where in

Our minds and
In our hearts

All in All

The world
Isnt so bad

When you open

Up and allow that

Healing beauty
And light to

Come out there

Is a universe of

Opportunities to grow

And to learn over
And over again

If we learn how to

Know for ourselves
That everything

We hold is already

Inside of our hearts

All in All

Everything is


May 2013 · 1.1k
Kind and Triumphant
Ahmad Cox May 2013
You can be kind
And triumphant
At the same time
Sometime its the
People that speak
The most have the
Least to say and
Sometimes its the
People that don't
Speak at all that
Might have hidden
Truth and wisdom
In their eyes as they
Peer out and see
The world for what
It truly is and there
Are sometimes in
Life when we have
To understand that
Kindness and love
Is never a weakness
It is true strength
To truly feel and go
Out of your way to
Save or to help
Someone or to show
The love in your heart
To the people that need
It the most and being
Able to have that joy
That comes from
Knowing you can
Have a positive and
Healing influence on
Others and having
That empathy for
Others and truly
Feeling their pain
And wanting to
Give all you have
Too many times
We tend to see
These people as
Being weak and
A lot of times it
Is these people
That are abused
Or their help and
Kindness taken
For granted or
Taken advantage
Of but we need to
Begin to understand
That we need to start
Thinking more with
That inner kindness
And love and giving
If we are truly to
Find that inner joy
There are so many
People in this world
Who are in pain or
Who are sad or who
Need that extra hope
And faith in their
Hearts but they
Don't know where
To begin in their
Search so they find
Everything else to
Heal the pain other
Than looking at the
Heart of the issue
We all need to have
That kindness in our
Lives and feeling like
We are truly loved
And cared for and
Accepting ourselves
And others as well
As learning to give
Freely of what we
Have with each
Other so we can
Feel and receive
The healing hope
Inside of us as we
Reach out of kind
And giving ways
To the people around
Us and learn how to
Truly live in kindness
With others and truly
Living happily and
May 2013 · 771
Greater Love
Ahmad Cox May 2013
It can be very easy to
Have those negative
Thoughts inside of
Our heads and minds

It can be easy to allow
Ourselves to let those
Negative thoughts
And ideas to become

Overwhelming until
We can lose ourselves
In the negativity and
Reacting out of fear

And anger, violence
Even going as far as
Committing murders
All out of hate and

And anger towards
Other people that
Can seem to come
Out of nowhere

We all have those
Negative biases
Inside of us and
Even I am not

Immune to those
Negative thoughts
And biases that can
Creep in without

Warning or thought
We all have things
Or people that drive
Us crazy sometimes

Or annoys us for
Whatever reason
And it can be hard
Not to react a lot

Of times it has
Automatic and
Engrained in our
Minds that we

Often dont stop
To think before
We react which
Can often get us

In trouble the most
When we should
Take the time to
See the actual human

I think we could
All take a lesson
From the buddhists
And allow ourselves

To passively flow
Along like an calm
Observer in the sea
Of life and allowing

Whatever storm or
Chaos that life might
Throw our way to
Pass through us like

The wind and flowing
Off of us like the rain
That pours and soaks
The earth and allowing

Ourselves to embody
That peace and calm
That comes only from
Accepting yourself and

Everyone else around you
And being able to have that
Greater love in your heart
For everyone and everything

And when you get to that
Point where you can react
Instead with unconditional
Love for all things and all

People you will know that
You have reached the point
Where life becomes happy
And you find that pure joy

And love and peace and calm
That we are all looking for
Inside so try and see the good
In everyone and everything

And allow that greater love
For humanity and for our
Earth and everything in it
To become all we know
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Ahmad Cox Apr 2013
Center of
Center of
The universe
Center of
Life and earth
Center of
Heaven and mind
Center of
All knowing
Center of
Power and
Light in the
Vast and
World that
Lives in our
Minds eye
We see so
Much in
Our own
Center and
The truth
As we go
Along as
We get
In life as
We move
Along in life
As our souls
Get closer to
That inner
The inner
Of all that
Comes from
Our minds
Into one
As you
Go along
Closer to
The divine
That comes
From love
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
There is a master mind
A hidden intelligence
Behind everything and
Whether we perceive or
Not this spirit or entity is
Here for us to learn and to
Grow and to learn the ways
Of the master if we are able
To learn the masters way in
Life even though it is never
Easy it is always worth it in
The end and it is why we
Continue to struggle and
To learn and to grow and
To do it all over again as
We learn a little more
About ourselves and how
To truly live free with love
And complete openness and
Connection with everything
And everyone that you meet
And understanding that life
Is a lot less complicated than
We make it out to be and we
Can live without fear or hate
Or even anger in our hearts
And we can be truly free and
Full of joy and love if we follow
The master the master will show
Us the way to the master's heart
And promise for a better tomorrow
And a better way to live today right
Now and for eternity as you learn
Your final lesson and depart again
To return to learn the lesson all over
Mar 2013 · 626
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
The universe is art
We all create our
Own beautiful
And unique color
Shape and form to
The wonderful mess
We call this universe
The inner creativity
And inner joy and
Child is calling to
You make sure to
Heed the call as
You begin to feel
The unique and
Beautiful parts
That make up
The whole like
A mosaic of
Internal voices
Trying to be
Noticed and
Heard as they
Cling together
Like a symphony
Of consciousness
Pouring its beautiful
Melody through our
Hearts as our hands
And souls play the
Tune as we write
Our destinies in the
Sand and dance with
Abandon as we praise
The universe and the
Beautiful and unique
Gift and creative art
And spark and life
That flows through
Everything you see
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
Some people
Have a natural
Tendency to see
The world in dual
Forms between the
Positive influences
And the negative
It can be easy to
Be caught in dual
Thinking and not
Seeing the bigger
Picture and the
Beautiful design
And order in our
Lives and in each
Other as well so
That we end up
Deeming certain
People as being
Evil or negative
We all have a
Shadow side
And we all
Have our light
Sides that need
Nourishing and
If we try to have
And imbalance
Of either the dark
Or the light and
Not accepting
Every part of us
We will continue
To live our lives
In duality and
Not being able
To see or to know
The bigger picture
That is right in front
Of our eyes all along
Mar 2013 · 600
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
There is a force
An undeniable
Power and energy
That flows through
Everything on the
Earth and in the
Universe as we
Watch our lives
Roll out in front
Of of us this force
Comes from the
Darkness and
Lights the way
For us when we
Are at our most
Lowest point
Love flows
Through the
Earth and In
We all have
This healing
And loving
Force inside
Of us and
When we
Give in to
This love
And that
Force and
Light that
Your very
Soul and
Every atom
Of the universe
You will come
To understand
The greatest
Force and power
Is love divine
When you give
Yourself over
To this force
Of the universe
You will come
To understand
Everything and
Life will begin
To take on a
Whole new
Beauty and
Hope and
Meaning as
You begin to
See this life
Giving force
And love in
And everyone
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
We Come To Magnify You
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
We come in our joy
We come in our peace
We come in the middle
Of our darkest night
And our deepest turmoil
We magnify you lord
Through our spirit and
Love as we brothers
And sisters join hands
And allow your grace
And love and truth
To be magnified and
Reign upon this world
Let your holy reign take
Over and let your holy
Truth become our own
As we begin to become
More like you day by day
As we join in praise of your
Mighty glory and wonderful
Healing that you give to all
Of your children that seek
Your truth and your name
Give us strength to endure
So that we may magnify
You that much more fully
And allow our light and
Love to show to all of
The brothers and sisters
That are still stuck in the
Dark might know they
Are loved and magnified
By the same lord and spirit
That flows and magnifies
Us all if we can see it and
Feel it and truly know it
In our spirits and souls
We can begin to magnify
And strengthen everyone
Around us we become
Whole together in God
Mar 2013 · 673
Alone With Myself
Ahmad Cox Mar 2013
Alone with myself
In the silence there
Is a calm and
Peace and love
Everlasting love
Flowing from
Every part of
Me as I feel
Your wonderful
And beautiful
Heartbeat inside
Of mine and I
Know you will
Always be there
Shining your
Love and grace
And peace and
Mercy and
Grace and
Mercy to
The heart of
The ones that
Need it the most
Shining your
Healing on
And everyone
As you pour
Our yourself
To me when I
Am alone in
My prayers
I know you
Are there God
I know you
Are there mother
I know you
Are there spirit
I know you
It is your
Love and grace
Peace and strength
That helps me make
It through another
Day as I feel myself
Become one in your
Spirit and one with
Your healing spirit
And love as I feel
Your spirit join
Into me as I sit
Alone with myself
In prayer and in spirit
Feb 2013 · 698
Every Time You Feel Lonely
Ahmad Cox Feb 2013
Every time you
Feel lonely or sad
Or you feel like
Your life doesn't
Make sense and
When it feels like
Things are the
Darkest is when
You must search
For the light and
The love just waiting
Beneath the surface
Its always there if
You know where
To look inside of
Your heart and
Soul and when
You find that
Light that leads
You through the
Storm and through
The trials of life you
Will feel that much
Stronger and whole
Through the lessons
Of life that might
Come your way
If you have faith
You can move
Mountains and
Change the course
Of rivers with your
New found strength
And faith and light
That is flowing in
Your soul as you
Begin to show
And share your
Inner light and
Strength to others
To be the beacon
Of light and faith
To show others the
Way when they feel
Lonely or like life
Isn't fair you can show
Them through your
Own light and experience
There is always a brighter
Way through the storm
And showing and sharing
Your gift of light and healing
To all who are willing to see
Feb 2013 · 615
Dancing in the Moment
Ahmad Cox Feb 2013
Life is like dancing
We dance and twirl
From one moment
To the next as we

Spin through space
And time spinning
And colliding into
Each other as our

Hearts and souls
Move to the ever
Present groove of
Life as we dance

Together in the
Cosmic rhythm
Of life and love
Personified through

Our own unique
Dance and voice
As we continue
To sing our own

Melody and we
Sing our own
Beat our song
And our feet

Are moving as
One even as
Crazy as our

Songs and
Dances might
Be they all
Dance to the

Same hidden
Beat hidden
Through the
Universe and

Calling the
Dancer and
The singers
As we sing

Our praise
Of love and
Light through
Our lives as

We exhibit
Gods wonder
And creativity
Through our

Beautiful dance
And song and
Holy rhythm
That flows

Through the
Entire universe
As God plays
With his children

In new and
Loving and
Creative ways
With each of us
Jan 2013 · 759
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
There are some people
That are stuck in life
That don't know how
To get out of the rut of
The rat race if the door
Was sitting right in front
Of their faces and there
Was a sign saying exit here
Or if their very lives and
Existence depended on them
Rejecting the rat race and
Finding the door for
Themselves they would
Rather eat the poison
And die than live
And be free from
The race of the grind
These people I call lifers
They have a "life" plan
Or "life" goals that they
Want to follow and
They have to follow
The road to success
To make it to the top
Buying into the "life"
Or the American dream
That is toxic and deadly
To begin with and will
Ultimately lead to the
Destruction of your
Soul and your mind
And yourself trying
To keep up with the "life
You have to be willing
To let go of the material
And let go of the rat race
And find the truth behind
Life and true happiness
Is to give and to receive
Rather than trying to
Take whatever you can
From whoever you can
Just to support your "life".
Jan 2013 · 569
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
More out of life
More out of love
More out of peace
More out of grace
More out of spirit
More out of Earth
More out of joy
More out of
Those peaceful
Quiet moment in
Your soul when you
Know you are complete
And you are exactly where
You need to be at all times and
When you can feel the Earth and our
Mother and spirit flowing through every
Pour of your existence until you get
To that point in yourself where
You can accept that you
Are able to have
More peace
More grace
You are ready
To be whole
We are all
Craving for
That oneness
With the
We call
In loving
Jan 2013 · 648
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Sometimes we can tear
We can rip off pieces
Of ourselves as we go
Along wounding and
Tearing ourselves as we
Go along the jagged
Twisted roads of life
It can be easy to pick
Up these tears and rips
Leaving scars across
Our bodies and scars
In our minds as we
Move along in life
If they are really deep
They can begin to tear
Over and over again as
We continue to take
Damage and hardships
Never truly healing our
Tears and our wounds
We can just keep
Reopening the same old
Wounds and not knowing
How to get rid of the pain
That keeps building up
Inside that they can't
Control the pain and the
Hurt and the internal scars
That keep breaking and
Bleeding as we try to find
Different ways to bandage
Our own wounds
Unfortunately we often
Choose the wrong things
To try and heal our pain
Or heal our scars and we
Can ultimately end up
Hurting ourselves more
In the process trying to
Stitch ourselves back
Together again from
The mess that our
Lives can easily become
But the only thing that
Can heal any scar is love
Love heals all wounds both
Physical and emotionally
And especially spiritual
It is the only thing in life
That can completely heal
Everything if we allow it
We just have to be willing
To seize and find that inner
Well of love and peace
And healing inside of
Ourselves to truly set
Ourselves free from
The pain and the scars
And all of the restrictions
That come from holding
On to those scars and
Allowing them to build
Over time until the pain
And scars can become
All we will ever know
Jan 2013 · 653
Inner Heart
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
I can feel your heart
And I can feel your
Pain and I can feel
Your sorrow that
Is coming through

But I can also feel
Your joy and your
Light and your
Strength bubbling
Underneath the
Surface of your
Heart and soul

I can feel your
Inner heart and
I know there is
A light you don't
Quite see yet but
Is waiting to unleash
Its beauty and light
All the same inside

All you have to
Do is unlock the
Key inside of yourself
And you will begin to
See slowly but surely
You are much stronger
And much more
Beautiful and whole
Than you could ever
Imagine possible

This is for all of the
People of the world
That are trying to
Find their light and
Their heart at the end
Of the day when it
Seems like your world
Has fallen apart and

When it seems like
The darkness just
Keeps creeping in
And when it feels
Like things just
Keep getting more
Out of hand know

There is that inner
Light and strength
And peace that can
Come from looking
In your inner heart
And seeing the beauty
That lies inside of you
Jan 2013 · 750
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
We put on aliases
Every day when we
Try and pretend
We aren't who we
Truly are inside

We give up a piece of
Ourselves each time we
Try and change ourselves
To fit someone else's mold
Or to fit in to the daily
Grind trying to fit in
And not be noticed

Sometimes it can seem
Easier to just go along
With the flow and
Never challenge your
Part or your alias
And the mask you
Put on everyday
To hide the true you

Ultimately it is better
To be yourself and to
Let go of everything
That tells you it is not
Ok just to be you

You are perfect just
The way you are
Every one has their
Own purpose and
Their own personal
Identity that wants
To shine through

Its when you let
Go of these aliases
And you start being
Yourself that you can
Be free of the trappings
Of the world and begin
To live life freely without
Any boxes or restrictions
To keep you from soaring
Free of the boxes and the
Aliases that control and
Restrict us in the long run
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Divinity is inside
Divinity is God's
Love in your heart
We all carry a piece
Of God's love inside
We all carry that
Divine grace and
Mercy that comes
When we least expect
When we look inside
When we truly search
Ourselves we will find
A little piece of God
And beauty inside of
All of our hearts
We are all searching
For that divinity
We just don't always
Know where to look
We can look everywhere
Instead of looking in
Ourselves and seeing the
Love brewing inside
It can be very easy
To try and rely on
Other people
Or even other
Things to dictate
How we feel or
Try and steal
That divinity and
Peace and love
With fear and hate
And uncertainty
Depression and
Darkness can
Steal our inner
Divinity and light
As well but when
You find that light
Inside of yourself
You will begin to
Glow with God's
Love and peace
And happiness
And whatever
Was hurting or
Whatever was
Causing stress or
Strife in your life
Will melt away
As God's love
And light and
Divinity heals
You from the
Inside out
Letting you
See what God
Sees when he
Looks at you
And says I am
Pleased with all
Of my creations
And I love all
Of my children
Just the same
You are truly
Beautiful in the
Eyes of your
Creator no matter
What the world
Or even you
Might think
We all have that
Inner beauty and
Worth and unique
Glow that is just
Waiting to flow
Jan 2013 · 496
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
There are people
That are broken
So many people
That are hurting
Today in their
Hearts and souls

We are all broken
In our ways as we
Try to heal ourselves
As we move along
In life and death

Healing ourselves
As we mend our
Hearts and soul
One scar at a time

Fixing what used
To be jagged and
Worn and creating

Something new
Until we are

Whole again.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
The Owls
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
The owls are at play
Tonight as they strike
With cunning precision
And knowledge as they
Claim their prize and
Prey always knowing
With their giant and
Knowing and ancient
Eyes seeing everything
Both physical and
Mystical as they
Peer into the night
As they peer into
The day their eyes
Know the truth of it
All as they soar into
The sky and find
Refuge during the
Day only to come
Out at night to play
In their moonlit
Playground as
They navigate
The Stars and Moon
As she plays with
Her children of the night
When the animals and
The owls come out the
Moon is at her happiest
And she smiles at the
Owls as they owls
Knowingly smile
Back at her as she
Softly illuminates
All to see for their
Eyes to perceive to
Their prize and
Their prey as the
Owls begin their
Dangerous play
And when they are
Done and the Moon
Has set once again
In her beautiful nest
In the sky the owls
Once again retreat to
Their nests on the Earth
To return to play with
The Moon once again
Jan 2013 · 608
The Night is Calling
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
The Night is Calling
The Moon is beckoning
Me under her beautiful
And Ethereal glow calling
All night owls who happen
To stray too far away from
Home on a beautiful night
Like this are ever trapped in
Your light and mesmerized
Like a moth to a flame
Reaching for you and
Feeling your heavenly
Influence and tug on the
Earth like two drunken
Dancers you dance in
Space together circling
Around each other in
A loving embrace that
Will continue to play
Out night after night
Day after day as the
Earth and the Moon
And even the Sun
Begin to play as they
Circle around each other
Day in and day out
Calling to the wayward
Soul who happens upon
Their dance and feels
The ever present tug
And influence of our
Beautiful Moon when
The night is calling and
'The Sun is still deep
Asleep in its bed
Jan 2013 · 594
We are free
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Our hearts are free
We are free when we
Set out to be in our
Souls and hearts

We tend to chain and
Restrict ourselves and
Not seeing our true
Worth and beauty

We tend to lie to
Ourselves and tell
Ourselves of things
That aren't true

We are whole and
Beautiful in our
Own ways and
Our hearts know

The truth to be
Free with our
Hearts and minds
And souls is just there

Waiting below the
Surface and letting
Us know we can
Let go of all of the

Things that burden
Us and keep us from
Seeing ourselves as
We truly are
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
The Birds
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Birds are free
They fly free
On the wind
Flowing free
Upon the winds
And wings of
Change as they
Soar in the sky
We can soar
Like a bird
In the sky
We can be
Like the birds
Floating so free
Floating in the
Sky as our souls
Reach newer heights
Reaching newer
Truths in our selves
And living with
Love and light
Flying free
Upon the wind
Of change and time
Jan 2013 · 503
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Hush child
Quiet your eyes
Salvation is at hand
Even though your
Burdens might seem
Heavy know that the
Light is at the end of
The tunnel and the dark
Days are soon at an end
Trust in the light and in hope
If you have faith through
The storm you will start to
See the hidden beauty
And messages that are
Waiting if you know
Where to look
Salvation is at hand
Every soul long to be
Healed and cherished
We all want to know
That things will be ok
And at the end of the day
We will be loved and
Counted for in this world
We all want to know our
Voices count in the crowd
And we all want to feel
Like our life has a purpose
And a plan but its through
The trials when it can seem
Like our trials and burdens
Can never end and darkness
Can consume our souls and
Cloud everything we see
But its during those times
When we must seek that
Inner salvation and strength
To keep ourselves from
Sinking in the muck of
The day so we can stand
Straight and strong and rise
With each new day with a new
Sense of hope and strength
Emerging with each new day
Jan 2013 · 859
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
Grace and love
Peace and grace
God wants to

Anoint us and
To protect us in
His grace and

Mercy and
Love and mercy

He is always
A prayer away
We just have to

Accept that healing
And power and
Strength that

Comes from
Gods ever
Powerful hand

God has all
The mercy and
Power and grace

To heal all wounds
God is the creator
Of the universe

He created our
Hearts and he
Knows the pain

And the trials
And the terrors
And the fears

God is just
Waiting to
Wash us clean

To anoint us
With his peace
With his spirit

Giving us power
And love and peace
And strength to

Last through the
Storm and to pass
The anointing power

To every one
Who calls your
Name in earnest

God will strive
With you in your
Struggles and your

Trials God wants to
Be there to offer you
That strength

You just have to
Accept it and he
Will give it to all

Children who pray
And call out in the night
God will hear you

Dont worry
Help is surely
On the way

Even when things
Seem darkest God
Will light the way
Jan 2013 · 893
Ahmad Cox Jan 2013
You restore my soul
You life me up lift
Me up until I can't
Get higher reaching
Ever higher and
Quicker and stronger
As we connect in
Love and healing
Passion connecting
Through space
And connecting
Through time
Finding our
Place in the stars
And the heavens
As our souls and
Spirit unite
Let us take flight
As we reach newer
Heights of love
Newer heights of
Passion as we
Continue to restore
And to lift and to
Take each other higher
Dec 2012 · 845
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Its a shame
That people
Have to hurt
In this world

I can feel the
World and the
Pain that is in
It but what I

Also feel and
Sense is this
General raise
Of conscience

That is also
Right before
Our eyes

I soar above
The world in
My thoughts
Sending my

Angels out to
Give love to the
World and to
Shine grace and

Mercy and love
To the people of
The Earth that
Could use it the

Most but what
I have also sensed
And even felt inside
Of myself is growing

Its like a quickening
Everything is faster
Speeding towards
An ever more chaotic

World that we seem
To understand less
And less about but
What I have also

Felt and witnessed
Myself is also the
General raise of
Conscience of the

People that see
The truth for
What it is and
Bringing in that

Diving healing
And love and
The true workings

Of God and our
Mother but also
And comprehending

The oneness and the
Unity that is inside
Of our hearts if we
Connect with the

Love and the spirit
That is residing in
Our hearts and
Moving towards

A more connected
And whole future
Where people act
Out of love and

Peace instead of
Hate and anger
And start seeing
The world for

The beautiful
And wonderful
Place it truly
Can become
Dec 2012 · 521
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Love is forever
Love is the key
Love is the thing
That holds the
Universe together
And sets us free
Love is what binds
Us together and
Allows our hearts
To soar and dance
Our hearts long for
Love we all want
To be loved in our
Own way we have
To accept the love
That is in our own
Hearts to let go of
The fear and hate
And depression
That can easily
Come from the
Attacks of the
Mind that we
Have to endure
Life has a way
Teaching us in
Different ways
We all have our
Own journeys
And trials to take
But its that love
That ever lasting
Love that is in
Your heart all
Along that will
Get you through
And help you
To truly love
Yourself so that
You can love
Others as well
Dec 2012 · 518
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
We must be willing
To go inside of our
Minds and go inside

Our hearts if we truly
Want to be free from
The world and its

Constant chatter
And turmoil
We must be

Willing to be
Honest with

And truly seeing
What is inside of
Us to truly set

Ourselves free
Setting free the
Insanity that

Seems to plague
So many people
Today in this world

We are falling
Ever deeper into
The chasm of

Destruction that
We seem to be
Dangling over

We need to go
Inside and truly
Seek the truth

And seek the
Truth and the
Light that is

Already there
In our hearts
And in our

Minds if we
Know how
To look inside
Dec 2012 · 671
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Life just keeps getting louder
The ever present noise and
Scream of the people on
The street like a never ending

Wave of sound that consumes
Us with its ear quacking roar
Making it harder to hear
Ourselves and making it

That much harder to hear
And understand others as
Well because we live in a
Cacophony of people

So loud in their own
Thoughts and so lost
In their own heads that
They can't see our hear

Anyone else in front
Of themselves anymore
Its very easy to get caught
In the loudness and the

Chaotic roar of the world
What we need to do is to
Slow down and listen to
Each other and actually

Be quiet for a change and
Actually listen to ourselves
And listen to the Earth
And listen to each other

Take the time to be still
Take the time to know
Your fellow neighbor
Take the time to find

That inner calm that
Comes from sitting
Inside yourself and
Taking the time to

Truly find out what's
Inside and once you
Do you will find a
Whole new way of

Thinking and a whole
New brighter and better
World than what we have
You just have to be quiet

If you be still and calm
And let the noise of the
Day wash over you like
Water flowing in a river

You will find an inner
Happiness and peace
That you have never
Found before and as

You begin to find that
Peace in yourself you
Can begin to share
That peace with others

Until the peace and love
In your heart continues
To grow as you begin
To let love and peace rule
Dec 2012 · 867
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Even though
Our bodies
Are apart
Our pure
Takes me
Than I
Along as
We soar
As one in bliss
Bliss of spirit
Healing light
Pouring forth
From our
Very souls
As we
In God
In bliss
As we
Kiss the
Along as
Our wings
And souls
Unite as one
I feel you
I know you
Are there
I know you
Are in my
Heart and
I know
That you
Here on
Earth and
I thank God
Every day
That he blessed
Me with you
Dec 2012 · 589
Life Springs Up
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Life spring up from everywhere
You can't stop the flow of life
Life is in the most unexpected
Of places if you know where
To look you will find that life
Is harder to extinguish or to
Control than we might have
Originally anticipated
Everything in the universe
Leans toward life and birth
Just as death and darkness
Can seem to overcome us
Sometimes life is still
Much harder to ****
Or to get rid of than we
Might know or anticipate
We must learn to flow
With life and let life spring
Naturally instead of trying
To recreate life artificially
Learning to trust in nature
And life instead of trying
To control or change it
To suit our whims and needs
I think we will find that if
We just allow nature to take
Its course we will be a lot
Better off than if try and
Control or manipulate it
Dec 2012 · 746
The Tree
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
There is a tree that connects us all
A tree deep in the earth and deep
In our hearts and in our souls
Its branches are made of the
The richest of browns while
The leaves are the most
Luscious green you have
Ever seen while a single
Golden fruit lay there
Just waiting to be plucked
Giving forth life and birth
To every one and everything
The tree of life is written in our
Hearts and written in our souls
Its written in every thing on
The planet and written into
The fabric of our very DNA
We are all connected through
Our mother and the tree
Giving forth the life giving
Fruit that spawned all life
On the planet and everything
Within carries that fruit of life
That was written from the very
Beginning by our father and
Spirit and given to our mother
So that she may bear fruit and
Life on this humble and beautiful
Planet we call planet earth
Dec 2012 · 638
I Believe
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
I believe that people
Aren't as bad as we
Make them to be
I believe that the world
Is more beautiful than
We give it credit for
Our planet is a wonder
To behold full of grace
And power if you know
Where to look
I believe that no one
Should ever have to
Go hungry or have to
Fend for themselves in
The cold while others
Continue to allow
These people to sit
In the cold without
A name or existence
While they continue
To take from them
And keep them down
I believe that we should
Be protecting our children
Instead of abusing them
Children should be protected
They are our precious future
And we should be protecting
Them from the evils of the world
Children are born pure
And innocent and unaware
Of the world and what is in it
We need to be more careful
Of the world we are creating
For the children of today or
Else we will reap the
Consequences of our actions
We are already starting to see
This very thing unfold
In front of our eyes
We need to be more
Aware of the messages
We are sending our children
And be more active in
Protecting them
Instead of allowing
Them to fall
By the wayside
I believe that
We need to come
Together we can't
Do with all of these
Divisions that are
Among us that
Are ultimately
Tearing us apart
Day by Day people
Are being killed
And destroyed
For their differences
And for their
Beliefs and people
Are ostracizing each
Other and leaving
People out in the rain
We have to be willing
To look past our superficial
Differences and understand
The great beauty and
Diversity that is on this
Planet and understanding
That even with all of our
Differences we all have
Our place to share on
This crazy blue ball
We call home
Dec 2012 · 864
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
The spirit is in everything
The spirit breathes through
The universe and beyond
The spirit know your heart
It knows your soul
The spirit lives inside of you
The spirit is you
Once you see this all other
Illusions will start to fade away
Like a cold memory of days
Gone by where you were
Lost and couldn't find
Your way left to the wayside
In bygone days of darkness
And sadness letting the spirit
Warm your heart and soul
Allowing it to consume
Everything that was
Burdening you
Everything that was
Hurting and causing
You pain to be consumed
In its ever lasting flame
And power
This flame lives in all of us
The flame of creation and
The flame of the spirit
We all carry this ancient
Energy that was there from
The beginning and pouring
Into everything giving
Breathe and life to
Everything it touched
Dec 2012 · 614
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Life is apparent
If you want it to be
Life is simple if you
Make it out to be
Life is easy if you
Allow it to be
You just have to
Live life a little
With a little more
Letting go of
Every thing that
Complicates life
Letting go of
Every thing that
Holds you down
And holds you
In place in the world
Letting go of ever thing
That doesn't make you
Happy or brings you joy
Letting go of every thing
That makes you feel
Like you are stuck in the
World or makes you feel
Like you can't do any better
Or complicates your life
Any more than it has to
Living more simply
Is very apparent
Its very easy once you
Know how to let go
Of every thing
That makes life
To begin with.
Dec 2012 · 847
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Our angels in the sky
They watch down on us
Giving us strength and
Protection whenever we
Need it spreading light
And love to the people
You meet and shining
Through you reflecting
Gods love for all of his
Children spreading
Peace and love to all
Who need it and
Reaching out to help
Others find their wings
And to fly as well
Soaring through the
Sky and above all trouble
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
There are castaways
People lost in the cold
People without a place
To go and wondering
Where their next meal
Is going to come from
There are people who
Are lost in their hearts
And in their heads
Stuck in an inner
Darkness that threatens
To consume their
Soul in hatred
And anger
There are people
Who are cast aside
Who are left out
Of society and
Ostracized on
A regular basis
Who can't fight
For themselves
And so they
Get left in
The cracks
Of life not
Any place
Feeling like
They are lost
In the cold
With no way
Out in sight
We could all
Use a life raft
That life saver
That helps us
Float back to
Life and put
Our feet on
Solid ground
Helping us float
Through the hard
Parts and saving
Us when we really
Need it the most
We must be willing
To be that life raft
Or that life saver for
Other people in the
World who are the
Castaways with
No land or hope
In sight just stuck
In a never ending
Rolling sea that
Threatens to drown
Them with each
Passing moment
If we can all extend
Ourselves and be that
Life raft and that
Life preserver for
Someone else
I think you will
Be surprised just
How much life
Will throw you
'Those little lift rafts
In return when you
Need it the most
Dec 2012 · 824
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Bombs are going off
All over the world
People are fighting
Dying every second
Every minute someone
Else passes away because
Of war and hate and pride
Bombs go off in the night
They go off during the day
Snatching life in their wake
Leaving nothing but a hole
In the ground as they wound
The Earth and wound each
Other as bullets fly over head
Not always finding their target
But always leaving damage
Somewhere as the fly along
Carnage and destruction and
Hatred all over the world
The world needs a healing
She is weary of the wounds
That bombs and bullets and
Man inflicts on the Earth and
Even to each other in the
Advancement of war and
Anger and hatred and greed
Propagating death and disease
Destroying the Earth and her
Children as well and leaving
People without a place to stay
Without a home as they wonder
The globe wondering how they
Are going to feed themselves
And their families when they
Have been violently torn away
From everything they know
Because of war and what has
Been claimed that was never
Meant to be taken in the first
Place to begin with and staking
Claim on the land and on the
Hearts and will of the people
That just happen to be there
At the time just trying to live
Their lives their way until
Bombs fly over head and
Death finds them like a
Thief taking everything
They have ever known
Forever changing them
And the world around them
We need a healing and the
Earth needs a rest from all
Of these bombs and wars
And bullets that tear through
Our mother's heart as she
Watches her children destroy
Needlessly for no good reason
Dec 2012 · 2.9k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
The archaic knowledge
The old truths of sages
Long gone and past
Still have a lot of wisdom
Especially in todays times
We live in a world where
People are more disconnected
Than they have ever been
We live with disease and wars
People stealing and killing
Living with hatred and lost
In the cold without a place
To stay and a friendly face
To see for miles and miles
Living in a pavement jungle
Not knowing which way
We are truly going
Just wondering without
Direction or hope
Just floating a long
Without any type
Of mooring to graft to
The sages of old
Talked about the
Of everything in the
Universe and everything
Comes from God and spirit
There is a world beyond the
Physical and the material
That supercedes all
Material thought and
Consciousness just beyond
The veil of knowledge and
Intuition that ultimately springs
From the source of the universe
If we are to move forward we
Must not take the God out of
Equation when it comes to science
Or understanding the universe
Or trying to interpret our world
Or how we even fit into it
If you remove God from the
Universe and the equation
All together you are denying
Existence and everything in it
The old sages used to say that
We shouldn't harm another being
We should respect our planet
Respecting our mother and
Respecting spirit and each other
Respecting  nature and the animals
Respecting the whole of everything
Living in peace and harmony with
Everything and following the order
Of the world instead of trying to
Change or to alter it
We need to get back to this understanding
If we are truly going to move past
The separation we feel with ourselves
And with nature and even with our planet
We somehow think we are separate or
Somehow better than the plants or the
Animals as if somehow they are expandable
Not understanding or seeing the true spirit
That lives and breathes in all living things
If we did we couldn't even do half of the things
We do to our animal brethren on this planet
If we could understand and see the spirit
And the beautiful life and light in us all
We could never do half of the things
We do to each other out of hate and anger
We commit atrocity after atrocity
Thinking that somehow these
People are separate or different
From us they aren't the same
They are lesser than us so
We can treat them however
We want and not have any
Thought about it after
Ultimately even if you try
To justify these actions there
Is no true justification for
The ****** or slaughter
Of people simply based
Off of false fears and prejudices
And anger that boils up inside
No life should ever be forfeit for
Any reason whatsoever
There is no such thing
As a justified death or a
Justified ****** or a
Justified war that ultimately
Kills and destroys everything
In its sight leaving nothing
Behind for any body to
Ultimately take or claim
In the end once they are done
The sages used to say that love
Is the key to the universe and
And that light and love removes
All darkness in the world
Living with universal love
In your heart and being
Able to exude love from
Your breathe and from
Your pores and breathing
In love and light and healing
And passing it to every one
Around you and transmitting
It into the universe as well
Sharing love for the world
Sharing love for the life you live
Sharing love for the people who
Haven't found the light yet
Being able to love your enemies
Because you can see a piece of
Yourself inside of their hearts
And ultimately inside of their souls
Feeling ultimate joy and happiness
At the simple fact of living
Reveling in each moment
Being completely in yourself
Feeling that divine love and
Connection to everything
And feeling the universe
And everything in it
Sitting in your heart and
Being poured out through
Your thoughts and mind
As you float through space
And time sharing love and
Light and healing to as many
People as possible before you
Return to the source again where
You join in the union with the source
And with God and the universe
Where you join the ever lasting
Knowing and truth of the cosmos
Only to return to do it all over again
Bringing as many people to the light
Guiding souls with love and comfort
Guiding them into the ever lasting light
Imbuing Gods love and grace and
Showing the way through example
We need to get back to this universal love
And knowledge so that we know it in our
Hearts and we know it in our minds
There is a lot of hate going around
But there is not as much love
We tend to ostracize certain people
Or even judge people and see them as
Somehow different or worst because
Of where they are at in life or even
Because of the position they are in
We need to be able to feel and breathe
That love and light for everything
Being able to truly love ourselves
Loving our position in life
Loving our bodies and everything
That comes with but more than anything
Learning how to love everyone regardless
Of who or what they happen to be no matter
How far they might have fallen there is never
Anyone that doesn't deserve to be healed or
Loved or saved in some way and when we come
To this greatest realization and sharing and feeling
The love we will begin to understand and see just how
Beautiful and wonderful a place we live in and what
A special time it is to be alive and living in peace
And harmony with everyone and everything
And learning how to love in more whole ways
Spreading the love and light through the Earth
Until a wave of love and light sweeps over us
And peace and love become all we know
We just have to get back to those old archaic truths
That the sages knew a along time ago
Dec 2012 · 516
What is true
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
What is true
What is wrong
What is right
Can be so hard
To distinguish
These days
What I do know
Is that all people
No matter how
Lost they are
No matter how
Far they have
Every one
Is connected
We are all
To each other
We are all
To the Earth
Of what
We are
All beautiful
In our own
We all
Have that
Spark in us
We just have
To accept
And find it
Even if the
World doesn't
See it all the time
Every one has
That light inside
We all have that
Healing light
Inside of us
We just have
To be willing
To understand
Every body is
Loved in their
Own way
Even when
You feel the
Most alone
There is always
Love and light
And healing
Just bubbling
Below the surface
You just have to
Be willing to look
No matter what
People might say
Our nature isn't evil
We aren't somehow
Tainted from birth
Doomed to live
In sin from the
Beginning only
To be saved
Only after
We accept God
We are born pure
Our true nature
Is of God
Our true nature
Tells us we are
We are
We have
A purpose
Our hearts
Know from
The beginning
We just have
To remember
We are stronger
More powerful
More whole and beautiful
Than we could ever
Hope or dream for
We just have to see it
What is true
Can be hard
To find when you
Live in a world
Full of illusions
And lies but
Even among
The lies and the
Illusions there is
Truth and beauty
To be found
Every where you
Look if you know
Where to find it
We all are connected
To all the truth
All the knowledge
All the strength
All the healing
That we could
Ever need here
On Earth if we
Know how to
Find it
The truth is in
Our hearts
Its sitting there
We just have to
Look and our
Hearts will
Lead the way
Teaching us
What is right
What is wrong
What is true
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Something is coming.
I can feel it on the wind
A change is upon us
A change is at hand
The storm is coming
I can feel it in the air
A great change is coming
You have to beware
I can feel it coming
People are getting
Caught in the storm
Caught in the first
Winds and rains
Anchor yourself
Keep yourself
Strong my friend
There is still
Along way to go
Before we are fully
Clear of the winds
And the rains
It has only
Just begun
We are in the
Midst of a new
Way of thinking
A new storm of
Ideas and thoughts
All colliding at once
Colliding and coalescing
Into one great mass
A mass of crazy mess
And energy that is
Driving us mad
With its insanity
People are getting
Lost in the mess
Lost in the storm
Lost to the dark
Allowing the
Insanity to take
Over their hearts
Yet there are some
Who are also reaching
Higher heights
New ways of thinking
New ways of loving
Creating higher
Connections with
Themselves and the Earth
Creating more open
And loving connections
With every one around
Spreading the love
And getting deeper
Flying higher
Than they ever
Have before
You must get
Yourself ready
The storm is upon us
The storm is here
The storm is now
We still have a long
Way for the storm to stop
But once it does
We will see a calm
A break in the storm
In the clouds like
We have never seen
A new light
A brand new
A stronger
Way of
Than we ever
Some people
Will inevitably
Get caught up
In the initial storm
Getting caught in
The mess and
The muck and mire
But if you can stay
Strong and survive
You will sail above
The storm
Flying into
Newer heights
Than you ever
Thought possible
Dec 2012 · 619
Good Love
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Good love
Will last you
All your life
Good love
Will last you
Till the end of time
Love everlasting
Feeling that
Good love
In your soul
That Good love
That can bring
You to your knees
That Good love
That can break
Your soul
Make you
Want to be better
Dec 2012 · 639
The natural way
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Nature is beautiful
There is a hidden order
A hidden purpose
Of everything that we see
We need to get back to
And understand the beauty
And the majesty that nature
Has to offer every one of us
Our mother loves all of her children
She bathes us in her love
We are all children of the earth
You just have to look in your heart
You will find all the truth you are
Looking for inside of her smile
Everything we need to learn
Everything we could possibly learn
We can learn from our mother
Studying the beauty and the strength
She puts on display ever day
From the most majestic of trees
To the most humblest of ants
Everything can teach a lesson
A hidden fountain of knowledge
If you know where to look
We need to get back to trusting
In our mother's knowledge
Learning with our mother
Instead of trying to change her
She is perfect as she is
If we learn this we will truly
Be free to live in harmony
In harmony with ourselves
And with our mother as well
Dec 2012 · 5.1k
Everything Will Be Ok
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Everything will be ok
Rest your weary head
Everything will be ok
Lay yourself to bed
Lay yourself down
Let go the worries
Of the world
Just let the day
Wash over you
Letting all of
Your worries
Pass with the day
Know that you
Are loved
Even as crazy
As life might be
Even as crazy
As life can get
At times just know
Everything will Be Ok
There is truly rest
For the weary
There is rest in the storm
There is calm that can come
In the most unexpected of
Places open your heart
All you have to do
Is let go of the pain
Allow it to wash off
Washing yourself
Clean of the day
Washing yourself
Clean of life
Knowing and
That we are all loved
And we deserve to be loved
We are all beautiful
In our own ways
Once you accept
That everything
Truly happens
For a reason
And when you
Start to see it for
Yourself life takes
On a whole new
Purpose and meaning
You can start to see
The beauty and the
Complexity of life
And understand and
See the light at the end
Of the tunnel and seeing
Just how much your
Life has direction
Even when things
Seem there craziest
Just remember
Everything will be ok
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Fairies are real
They live wild
In the glens
And in our
Hearts as well
Teaching us
What it means
To revel in joy
If a fairy appears
Don't be alarmed
Fairies can often
Be very good charms
Spreading love
And joy and happiness
To anyone who can see
All you have to do
Is look inside
Find that inner joy
That inner sense
Of play and fun
Finding that
Inner child inside
If you look in
Your heart
And you look
You might be
Lucky to see
A fairy for
A fairy is
A wonderful
Friend to be had
Cherish the fairies
In your life
If you do
You will find
An inner well
Of fun and joy
And happy
And you will
Have enough
Love and Joy
To go around
Dec 2012 · 586
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
How beautiful you are
You are the master
Of transformation
Bringing on a new life
Bringing joy and
Inspiration to
Everyone who sees
You fly in the sky
So ethereal and so free
Flying above the
Trials of life
Teaching us
What it truly means
To transform and
To emerge
Our whole
Selves in the
Process of life
Reaching for
Newer heights
Newer joy
From moment
To moment
Living for
Physical death
To be reborn
Into the ethereal
Taking flight
On your wings
Of strength
And of hope
Teaching us
What strength
And transformation
Truly looks like
In such a small
And fragile creature
Fly little butterfly
Fly free on the winds
Of change as you
Fly into the sky
Ever higher and
More free than
You have ever been
Dec 2012 · 6.5k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
Little hummingbird
I see you fly
Magical and free
Your flight
Is a true mystery
You fly and zip
Truly magical
Is your flight
A miracle wrapped up
In a little package
You hum along
Buzzing through life
Reminding us
Of what it means
To fly and to soar
And to zip along life
You are beautiful
Little hummingbird
Show us your grace
And your spirit
And your joy
At a glance you
Are there
Then just
As soon
As you come
You disappear
As miraculous
And mysterious
As you entered
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
Ahmad Cox Dec 2012
In life
We can
Not knowing
Which way
We are going
Feeling lost
Not knowing
If we should go
Right or left
Making decisions
In general
Having a hard
Time even
Not knowing
Being stuck in
Fear of knowing
That they might
Not know
What is going on
You have to learn
To trust in the moment
Trust that things
Will turn out ok
Trust in the chaos
Taking time
To learn from
Every experience
Even if life might
Seem uncertain
Even though fear
Can grip our hearts
In hesitation and
We have to be
Willing to step
As long
As you
Are moving
That extra
To soar
To fly
Living life
In the moment
Instead of
Living in fear
And hesitation
Ahmad Cox Nov 2012
Marian is the
Princess of the fairies
Spreading her love
On gossamer wings

Helping those
With broken wings
Teaching them
To fly once again

She is the healer
Of hearts
Helping those
Who have lost
Their way

Carefully gliding
Them back again
As she extends
Her heart to others

Showing what
It is to truly love
With each new heart
She touches with

Her unbridled joy
And grace
And wisdom
Helping all Fairies

Big or small
Find their way
Teaching them
How to soar and fly
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