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 Mar 2016 ahmo
 Mar 2016 ahmo
from this
vantage point
the world is
smaller than
we previously
thought, birds fly
alongside us,
cars that roared
before are
we swim
in a sea of blue, 
a view that 
sharpens what
we already knew;
that this world is
a feeling that if
would be taken
in the traffic
jams & hospitals
& we would
see the Earth as a
speck of dust
through a
much bigger
than us
 Mar 2016 ahmo
Irving MacPherson
Money comes from the machine
The machine comes from the bank

Funny money, digital figures
Flying through the air

Debt for everyone
Paying to being alive

You can't have a warehouse
To store your barter hoard

Unless the Machine puts out
And gives you the cash to build a barn

When money doesn't work any more
Things will change, most think for the worst

Imagine being worth billions then
Being worthless, useless to everyone

The Machine will grind to a halt
You can't live in a fairytale for ever
 Mar 2016 ahmo
Liz And Lilacs
You walk with such purpose
in a world where
I can see no purpose.
I wanted to talk you,
to ask how you manage
to appear like you've found meaning
in this monochromatic world.
but i am all shades of the same color
and how could reach beyond my place
to approach someone of so many hues.
"All the world's a prison."
 Mar 2016 ahmo
The Dedpoet
On the 13th of December, 1996,
Tupak Shakur entered Heaven
Free styling to the angels whom
Found the beauty in a language
Lost to them when trying to
Understand mortals.

    The angels, amazed and petrified
    At the realness asked:
    " Who are you? Where did you come from?"
   And he flowed like a prophesy,
   What he spat was street life truth,
    And all the world was a ghetto.
    For a moment the angels were
    Concerned, but then the archangel
    Michael shook his hand and nodded,
    From then on Tupak was the first
    **** Angel.
R.I.P. Tupak
 Mar 2016 ahmo
Ree Bunch
It started with “Hey!”
I was shy and reserved.
You were boisterous and outgoing.
We became instant friends.
You balanced me on life’s balance scale.
Our lives became in synced.

It continued with “I love you, as a friend”
Daily calls ending at 3 am.
Movie nights in our ugliest Pjs.
I became your relationship therapist
And you became my life counselor.
My heart became entangled with yours.

It grew tricky with “I love you”
Your presence made me giddy.
Your smile made my inners swoon.
Hearing about your relationships
Filled me with envy.
A battle arose between my mind and heart.

It fell apart with “I need you”
You put me down easily.
Showing me my place in your life.
I could be everything but not the “one”.
You would never feel the same,
But we could remain best friends.

It ended with “…… “
Our friendship isn’t able to bounce back.
I cry daily knowing I can’t have your love.
I can love you better than any!
Maybe you’ll realize when I’m gone
That with my heart; is where yours belong.
 Mar 2016 ahmo
there are
at least two sides
to every story:
and only one to the truth
 Mar 2016 ahmo
Be gentle
 Mar 2016 ahmo
I'll give you my heart,
I'll give you my soul,
I'll give you my all,
Just be gentle.

My heart has been broken,
once before...
It's a fragile part of me,
Be gentle please.

My soul use to burn bright,
But the flame distinguished,
My soul has renewed its light,
I hope it is not finished.

My body is a temple,
It's been used,
And abused...
My spirit is an example...

So please be gentle,
I'll give you my all,
For you brought me
Back to life.

But please be gentle,
And do not take
That life away...
For I am yours....

Love me til the end,
Hold me close,
Hug me tightly,
Kiss me sweetly,

If not forever,
At least for tonight,
And be gentle,
When you lemme go.
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