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 Jul 2013 Aggie Fredette
Sitting alone all day
Wishing my self away
Watching the day and night go by faster than the speed of light

As ι notice my scars are faded
And ι realise ι made it
Being all alone like a castaway lost at sea
ι felt like ι'м not loved
ι let myself lose control .
Everything comes before me ,
Everyone besides me
Always left out .
Looking in from the outside

ι began to see the light at the end of the
ι get rid of all my doubt
By drowning my self in
Unnecessary guilt

So ι cry just a little ,
Than ι dry my eyes .
Cause ι'м no longer a little girl anymore

So now ι'м fully alive .
As ι watch all my complaints shrink to nothing
And ι lie there afraid of all my somethings .
Afraid of the past
As much as my future

But this is wheRe it all ends
ι always dreamt about this moment
Waiting to feel loved instead of hurt

Fell to pieces and picking them up on my own
Anxiety's got me shaking
Faking what's real
Torn to the bone
A heart harder than stone
Humanity's so overrated
My tests have been turned in and graded
I got an F in humanity
An A in insanity
Because morals are things I have traded

I traded my morals because I don't need them
Although I used to eat, sleep, drink, and bleed them
Without morals and feelings this pain I can bear
Sometimes it's almost like I'm not even there
And now I put down my thoughts so you can all read them

Escape and suppression are two different things
If suppress is to hum then escape is to sing
Those who suppress are told they can leave
Those who escape leave many to grieve
The mourners dress in black and the church bells will ring

To be rid of this madness you must be rid of your life
Be rid of your parents, your children, your wife
Yeah they might miss you but you wont feel sad
You don't feel anything, remember, you're mad
The only thing you may feel is the embrace of a knife

There is nothing else past the threshold of death
Not the pain of regret not your sweet lover's breath
So there's no need to worry
And certainly don't hurry
Because the last thing you know will be death

By reading these words you may not find pleasure
But maybe these ideas will stick with you forever
The reaper has come
My emotions are numb
The executioner will now pull the lever

But before I go and before I die
I have one last thing to say and that is
What would you rather
me do for death?
Jump oceans and climb sandstorms
or take one last sweet breath?

What would you rather
me do to survive?
Rip off my eyeballs
or watch you take strides?

What would you rather
me to be, happy or sad?
Because right about now
I feel simply mad.

And you are the cause
of my destructive self.
Whether you like it or not,
your picture's off my shelf.
The screams from
trenches and deafening
blows of mental
bombs attack all
attention, such conflicts
Darkness after lighting
Silence after thunder

Nothing compared to
Heartbreak after you
 Jul 2013 Aggie Fredette
There's a bomb in my head
That is about to explode
It was there when I went to bed
Still there at the morning commode

There's a bomb in my head
That will end it all
It will make me dead
It will make me fall

There's a bomb in my head
That can help me sleep
Put me in a coffin bed
And burry me deep

There's a bomb in my head
I won't let it hurt you
It will make me dead
It will make you feel blue

There's a bomb in my head
That can't stop my flow
It makes me dread
But will is stop me? No!
 Jun 2013 Aggie Fredette
Every night
When we're whispering in bed
You get sleepy
And ask if I don't mind you drifting off
And I know you'd stay up if I said I did

And every night
When I say I don't mind
You say goodnight
And call me your prince
Then I say sweet dreams and hold your hand

Every morning
I wake up
Kiss your head and make you coffee
And you wake up to me saying "I love you"
Then you drag me into the kitchen where we make breakfast

And every morning
I make a mess of our ingredients
Because I'm distracted by your eyes and I'm a terrible cook
And you laugh at me, then burn the scrambled eggs
And I still love you anyway

Even though the eggs are my favorite
I start chugging Red Bull
From the moment I get up
Popping B12 vitamins
Like they were candy drops

Chase it down with Mountain Dew
Love the way it sparkles green
Also doesn't hurt to have
A little caffeine in between

After my mid-morning snack
Of chocolate covered coffee beans
And after the unfortunate incident
With that screaming elevator scene

I head off to Starbucks
Where it is that I do lunch
You know it doesn't hurt to have
A little afternoon pick me up

I head back to the office
Where we have our last meeting
But not before I get into
One more screaming elevator scene

When I finally do get home
And the cat jumps in my lap
We snooze in my recliner
Cause we both love to relax
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