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Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Drinking on the town
Kicked the dirt off the ground
Kicked out of town
*****'s all around
Under me
Probably learning to get over me
Brothel's clearly opened out
To men
Who have to feed mouths
Kicked the dirt off the ground
But there is no sound
Sexually speaking
There was no woman
To ground
And her innocence
"Begging, please, please" she says
I bet that's what she means
Perhaps understanding her
Wasn't enough
But calling her name
Wasn't that tough
Kicked the town off it's feet
The dirt in your shoes
Gives me true grit
And fills my greed
"Your girls come from other towns", I ask
he says "Yes, in deed"
"I gotta ask do they search for meaning"
"Nope, they can't read"
But, boy, can they see
"Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste."-Charles Bukowski
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
The prose of the life that you revel in
Is the very reality that you dream about
Too bad the rest of the world doesn't agree on your alacrity
Maybe, it is better to be dishonest
About love as a serious plea
And accept that some of us looking for others rather than
More in another
Sharing is a possibility only if you are chiming in on the thoughts of the human misery
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Their ****** labor
Told them to be happy
But, they were shortened to being gruntled
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
I used to feel safe
Hiding in precarious dark alleys
Away from the orphanage

Realizing only now
Some friends leave
For better futures and families
In mysterious ways

I used to feel safe
Knowing there is food
That is thrown away
By little men with big pockets
Who just seem to get ahead

Only finding out now
I may have to work as a waitress
Or a cook at an abusive home

I used to feel safe
Thinking about the ****
That gave me birth
And conception to feeling glum
Knowing they'd gone astray

Coming to the conclusion
I had no uncles
And no family friends
Back in the day

I finally feel safe
Knowing there is a place
For attractive women and intelligent men

Little do I know
Intelligence is subjective
And attraction is ******
I get ***** everyday
Never to be praised for my intelligent display
Women will speak up when they can speak up. Don't conform them
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
I was angry
I never thought I'd write books
Before the phone call had come
That said his pellucid charm had gone
And her wishes had died within the heart of literature
I struggle with licensing
My editions need justice
Many a servant served tea
Livid, yes
Genial, no
I kept figuring out the antonyms
Until I realized I wrote a paradoxical ending
At least I got the name right
They told me my fair coy lady
Was Scarlet and her neverending gossip
Was famously spread in columns
Iconic poses and all, laid like the skirts
Genteel among the polo shirts
She was a beauty
I tell ya'
She was star-studded
She was stellar
She is everything that looks good in blue and green
Shells on the sea shoreline
Fail in her compare
I couldn't write the book
Because she was one I was chasing after
Not so sure it was literature
My first love, which kept me shy
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
Of course you were right
People don't **** people
But, I guess you couldn't turn all of us into slops
Could ya try today
And make tomorrow the last one
Or is this goodbye once again
Throw your life into my hands like you have the eye on chance
Chance has no heart it has eye
For the winner who waits all their life to lose
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Life's different takes
But cut from the script
Black white is all it takes
You just have to live it
For it to be colored vividly
To find meaning
Silence is the argument of
Silent movie
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud"-Maya Angelou
Aditya Roy Jun 2020
If recluse was right for my love and trust
Better friendship, would lack no such tryst for us
Your footsteps pass my love's long day, often
Haunting the sin in me to ablution
Hallways and havens of lust we waste
Straddling the columns known by the wholly chaste
Of the college and courtyard, today
With the libraries sleeping away
On the venomous and jealous day

Writers and students
Sitting in bunches,
Like roses gathered
The thorns touched in bloom
Distant from the doom
Dust to dust
Between us
No more tomorrow, halcyon or sorrow
Ashes to ashes
Such prejudice shall never pass today

Today, today
It lurks in the hardships damaged now
Of working class martyrs dying for freedom
Today, today
And countless clusters of sweat and tempers
Each holding their spectacle for a lousy cigarette
The pipes will turn cold
The streets will be filled
Everyone will be wearing the same skin
But, so loved for wearing it

That is how I feel for you, amidst the dissent,
I got sick waiting for the day.
Happy Pride Month, Rimbaud and Verlaine
Aditya Roy Apr 2021
Is it better to love or to die
To be free or drown in the light
I am okay with being kind

Time slips and we get ******
And the sand slips away
From underneath my broken legs

I know the waters take me
My love will grow old
And no one will notice my emaciated body

The sun will set on me
And I will finally be hungry for living
I have dissolved into the sea
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
We both lived in the city
Understood each other
Taking time
From one another
Living among other people
Unable to lay
And hold each others hands
We were stuck in the gears
Of our town
For endless years
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
You're like a little child
Under the covers
Scared of the night
If the water hushes the fire
You never cry
If you can laugh at my patience
You need to walk over me
Berceuses put me to sleep
And war gives me what I need
Greed is a lack of a better word
For the greedy
You're mine and I'm yours
So put me to sleep
Little soldier who needs to pay up
Breathing the world's smoke
From the top of a puppet street with a Panzer
A dubious offer is pure like the strings of gold
In this war there is no silver morning
The dues I get are for kicks
As my baby leaves me in my sleep
My eyes crack open like whips
My boss kicks my guts
When the **** cries to the break of light
You need to walk over my dead body
To feel my pain and bloodshed
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Love comes
To those who want
Loves goes
From those who need it
That is the tragedy of life
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
The divine owl loses its wings
From the light, is it nocturnal, told me some birdie
Doesn't it believe in the life of love or giddy talk
Or has become accustomed to the darkness, or clawed its a tree in search of taigus
Or has it become accustomed to becoming a nocturnal owl, has it found the dark or searching for what is light
Just like we all fight in the blind, and reveal our souls
We burn in the bright, but, this nocturnal owl told me it saw the light
The divine owl can take the form of anything
Maybe, even the rain on summer nights, loving with each midnight walk
We could see your divine owl or halcyon feeling, they are awake as that owl
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Bonaparte taivva maistu haishee
Kutsu sumaine kirjailin
Tama kupolisi jaeelloate
Illu immuiti parakeesi
Hyva sinna elpa kesta
Hyva paivva eriystis maotteraktsi
Matkustan junann oppi opisemelala
sinu sodasta rakastan
taollo vaela
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
I set like a
****** sun in the summer
Sleeping when the day is dead
Aditya Roy Nov 2018
Follows you through
Life turns and obstacles
Just wants a walk at the end
At the end of a day
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
The notes lay beside the pile
Like a pavement near the sky
The sun rises on the east side
Like an apartment on the Upper East side on high rise
My desires are many and sensual
When will they make their mark
I live in a time where the stark appetite of a tiger and fish
Like peace and war cannot co exist
But they do so well in the crawling ground of forests
Maybe we can go back to old times
Or we can forgot about the rivers
Have you ever seen the rain fall on the caboose of a banyan tree
The leaves of the pine trees often flutter on a hillside
The spines have become sculpted into architecture
Like the frieze on the Greek columns resources from gold mines
Can we go back to the past
Where we weren't dying or living
Or when we never met
This is where I make my mark and stand my place
Aditya Roy Dec 2018
Roaring through the tumultuous seas
I found my love on the beach
Walking hand in hand
With the most beautiful child
Who belonged to the land
Of fire and crimson
With sun setting there was indecision
The sky was lit up
The night breeze shone amid the spirits
Of the deceased
I looked back at my life
I found a woman that belonged to me
And a man in the child that walked the sands
With courage and innocence
Because ships travel more
Than just move from country
To country  
With a foreign place in the expanse
Of domesticated serenity
There's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it is sent away.
Aditya Roy Jan 2019
Devotion and darkness
Have a thing in common
They become clear in the light
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."-
Aditya Roy May 2020
I want your hand
Your lips
Your suitcase

It's cold outside
Stay inside
Aditya Roy Jun 2020
If I had time
I would take you away
Where the laughs of children
In play, fill the day
How can I have time?
If my mind tells me
I love you and want those children
To be ours
So, don't be sad
You're the best thing I've ever had
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
Flowing across the sunshine
The sunlit stip, the sunset step
My journey followed by wildflowers, paper towels
And hanging faces like wallflowers, looking at me perceptively
Indeed and the ingrates that degraded this community without
Peace in a handful of eternity
Plastic love with the support of strangers taking out the taste of achievement
Plastics and plasticine ***** that form pottery of the jaded times
Like a Xing Empire in it's prime, and the treason of the crouching tiger
Molding into transience like a hidden dragon
Gold touches the surface of the patina so supplementary
Oldness touches the simplicity of advice, like vice and virtue without happiness
Plastic love is like the abode of a plastic bag flying free in the air
Aditya Roy Aug 2020
It has been a month
It still is crazy rain
I know I will tumble down
Like a stumbling stone into grey
Rock into dust, dust into wind
The comets will fly on a lazy day

Like whirling in thunder
Into the ocean
I will never come back again
My mama said
Everything's gonna be alright
As long as you don't cry

I have no indecision
No way to keep this life
Someday I will give up my ways
And then think twice
There are stars that set
On this mystical ride of my life

The sun dies on the other side
The moon has always had a place for me
I search for the truth in misery
Looking at myself, asking me to open my eyes
I will never come back again
As long as I just stay alive

Like whirling in thunder
Into the ocean
I will never come back again
My mama said
Everything's gonna be alright
As long as you don't cry
Aditya Roy Jan 2021
No time for crying
I am dusty as a clock
I keep looking ahead
To playing our broken records

The rains come in buckets
She rests her head on my denims
On an empty street as open as the ocean
The sunset keeps chasing us

But what tomorrow brings
That the autumn leaf turns
And winter's worry plagues me
If summer is dead, what is change, life, love
Just saying I wrote in a hurry.
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Look at the time
It’s six and we are approaching
The starlight that heads up high

We are looking at you
It’s nine and we are sleeping like beautiful people
Dead and lifeless, we may be holier than queens too

Poets of the fainting time
Lend us your time
And revive you in the ambition of Popes

Fathers of the falling
Befallen by love, I hope you’re standing
At the abyss of my ruined childhood, burning my creativity

Playing the game if you stop talking, talking about it
Don’t explain, I hurt you myself
Help you up high in only lonesome vacations, that’s it

Father thanks for playing me like the queen of hearts
Aditya Roy Jun 2020
My heart cannot express
What is on my mind
So it just stays silent
When it skips a heartbeat
In your beauty
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
My life is strewn
By frogs that live in mud
And the cricket that has a dead beat
Butterflies on the street
But, the walls don't hear me
Only the people do who are stuck with me
I am just another brick in the wall
But, I'll hear you out
In this vast crowd of lonelier people
Who know loneliness act friendliest
They know true friendship
My memories remind me to not forget the people in them
Ever have that feeling after reading a Frost poem
That your life is consisted of choices
But, the lack of freedom to make the right one
So, you push yourself to make a choice at least
Making sure you don't hurt your feelings
And break someone's heart while playing your part
Aditya Roy May 2019
Heat is the loneliness of being homely in a world of comfort zones and cold hearts.
Take care poets and writers
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
The proper introduction would be friendship
If you take steps towards a life
Then it turns into love
However, heartbreak isn't that uncommon
Neither is a friendship that proper
The wife you left in the praying hall
Semblance there is some reminiscence
Of prizes that you keep in her name
Priceless expulsion of the faces that only look at you doubt
If you'd shut up about it, then, you wouldn't let us into these problems
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
Don't try
If you can't
You aren't my kind of woman

You were beautiful once
Like the autumn breeze
Now the leaves are raked away

By someone who refuses to remember
What he had
The stars pave the way those who try

While, those who don't try
The morning begins
Tomorrow, tomorrow after the night
"Don't try."- Charles Bukowski
Aditya Roy Jun 2019
You stay in my arms
The sobbing stops when
I lift your poor-faced countenance
You're called a ***** girl, and sometimes a leitmotif
Indeed you have been a theme in my life
The guitar cries, and I can hear it weeping
Chains and things don't beat the feeling
Prudence isn't that you can lift up my spirits
Make me feel good in your assiduous inventive
Finding ways to make me cry
The friendship that breaks, you help me
Become broken again
Thanks for being there
When I can't contact my route manager
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Have any luck
With the poems
Charming lines
And hooks

I turned to songwriting
Winding the time
Until I was left biting
My fingers have lost their touch

Scared of my courage
Fearful of my honesty
Without honesty
There is no bravery

I am no young fool now
Who wants to be truthful
If being alive is plough through
Or to do or die

Keep dreaming like
A little tree with a glisten
Keep dreaming like
A loser hoping to win
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
I leave my problems
At the doorstep
Far away from home
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Intoxicated by
Aged, wooden feelings
Of yesterday's
Those fruity notes in Pinot Noir always arouse the senses and stimuli. But it is all in the mind. And when it comes to being unfeeling. You are as strong as the oak that holds inebriation. My lost friend.
Aditya Roy Mar 2021
What is this life?
Where beauty is judged by false eyes
What is the purpose of this unrequited love?
When the most beautiful thing
Is you and you cannot treasure it
Because society doesn't see it
The eye of the beholder is truly blind to the light
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
How do we spread love
If stand the risk of
Spreading fatal contagion
If you are looking out
For others
Do go outside
Because there is trouble
So don't panic
Spread peace
If your heart is troubled
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
Within the room
The lights burnt out
The fires of her eyes
Eerily reminiscent of her

And her voice crackles like a fireplace
Bearing her soul like a torn curtain

Reminds me of emotion
Between there is solace
But, too recall is too much struggle
I have no confidence

His arms bend into malleable steel
O'erhead hangs his ireless face

Some of us sit in awe
O' this weather is perfect
At this comment praise echoes
The quietness is unbecoming

In this hotel, we're both strangers
Paying by the hour and the next

Except we could build symphonies in the sky
Would you prefer if you had a chance at life
Or the land of the free
Looking for freedom in the home of the brave

I'm sorry that I can't bring you peace
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
My letters to you weep
Lay burned in the fireplace
Sad as my glances, the jokes burn in a popping fire
My tears could douse the flames like a chimney sweep
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
If you keep thinking over the same drugs
I'm afraid
We're have reduced your dosage
An electric shock in the next 2 hours
A buzz should keep you gliding for two minutes
Without the knowledge of how the clock ticks after 12, past midnight
While inmates are sleeping, peacefully, I'm sure you're you are wandering about at 2 in the morning
I am certain you are wandering, and precociously searching for the right escape as your search ends in velleity
Since you already know the answer
To leaving this institution without reprieve and any spontaneous knowledge
So, don't do drugs or they will **** you first.
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
I am sure you would leave me in the snow
You wouldn't think I was too unkind
I am not too low
I am sure you have your reasons
I am not that warm
You would think I'm meaningless like rain
That's the cause of progress of the pain
You change your process
When you think about an inhibition inside
I have my own curious disposition
If you want to bestow forgiveness
It is all up to you
If they tie you up and let you loose
You can kick the dust and live it up
Their fights are a cause for exhibition
My story curls in my mind
Ties knots in your stomach
Much like snow stuck on your highway home
My love will heal your body
And send sunshine to your heart
But, it will poison your soul
And the heat will eat from inside
Like a star with insidious intent
Leaving us in oblivion
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
Looks like we are a conservative party
Stuck with progressive ideals
Turns out women can divorce older men
Making younger men happy, trembling limbs
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Why do we love
When we are afraid
The answer is psychological
That's when you want
A contradiction
A restriction on your *******
A diction on cocktail waitresses
Professor, how would like some pretty green
You say nothing
But hope silence solves violence
Why do we twist when we make love
Shouting slow
Punching low
Kicking too
Like fishes on rushing ships
Lost amid a sun that dips
Stormy seas don't promise
I cancelled my ticket
To my ride back home
Young girl, I am sure
Your room looks **** pretty
From the secret garden
Where we shared kisses
Do you miss me?
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
If I could walk in shadows
I would hide my untoward steps
In the sands of forgotten time
If I could **** myself quickly
I would by asking for a slow death
That everyone would cease to remember my gift
Or desire it even
If I could hide in a waterfall
I would stride as rivers do
To an eminent downfall
Like an imminent dictator being put to rest
If you want life's things to come to you
Fight for it till your last breath dries
Into a simple word of woe
I have hinged from a dozen blue oceans
I have thousand miles on me like a man in a graveyard
But, I am no more closer to being alive
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
How much time have we left
To go south with abandon
There is no sun on the horizon
Only oceans that flow

What does a shoemaker make
Is it enough to walk with the rich
Or is he poor enough to work
For an eternity devoted to servitude

When does the rain become a storm
Is it when the purple sky hurts
As well as the
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
The set in the stuff of the moribund
The sand of the rise of the tides
These memories come out in strange shapes
Offering mirages in the vivid sun
Looks like your idea of the image is all that stays
It's derived from the dealing of thirst for different shapes
And question mark only comes when you reach a full stop to your journey
Did you die tentatively, or were you always desolate and alone?
Draped in your own shadows, billowing?
That's the curtain call.
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
We feel lost
Because we aren't confident in our
Our aspirations
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
I am travelling
The city
I am wandering
I can look at myself
In the puddles
And say it's a dream
I am not scared
Oh, the winter is nippy
So, are the pretty ladies
So, I packed and split
For the city
I am restless and drunk
Because I haven't loved
For a long time
Can dream for long
But, this love feels so wrong
Let's be friends forever
Or shed our sorrows
This love can be so right
We can be in this city
I am just a dreamer
Like you
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
I'm hiding from the light
Because I am scared of my shadow
Give me the night
Rising from the window
Rising ahead of me when you live and I die
The show is never over for the starving one
Who can't sleep hungry or being well fed
Because he has been taught to be angry
So why should I write about love
When many never see it
Is it because they miss it
We write about love because it sustains intellect
Aditya Roy Jan 2024
Someday, I'll look at those moments
When every secret revealed
With it a fiery passion
That had festered in silence

While the memories were lost
Held together by these words
Carved neatly in the corner of your heart
They live on

Boundless as the tides of time
When a violent heartbeat
Causes a dull ache
The blood will sometimes course its way

Into your heart and soul
Intertwining with my being
Soft and slow as a gentle breeze
Every time you dream of me

-John Lennon
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Lying across the hall
Sleeping across the floor
The hall
The phone

Break my bruises
Breathless and prepossessing
In my dreams, my message
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