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 Feb 2015 Adam Childs
Won't you dare
Step in the storm?
Won't you dare
Cup the hand of fate in yours?

Lead on the way
Amidst corridors of blazing sands
Won't you let the friction carve?
Your hands, your sight and heart?

Brushing against your face,
Peeling off your gentle fate
My friend; won't you dare?
And step in the roaring lair?

For ashes and dust
Is this greyish world
So burn the flame
And light in fumes

Hear the tapping of your feet
And feel your sole melt away
On strange wooden lands
Sprinkled with blazing sand

Catch the pebbles
Struck at you
Let it burden till you grieve,
Or build the castle of your dream

Set ablaze, set ablaze
Set yourself ablaze;
Let yourself combust and scarred
And become the blazing star
My heart will not be denied
Soul, body, and mind
I will not be confined
I'll reach for the sky
This, I will live by

Even after I die
I will be immortal
My words have no goodbyes

**-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Drops of tears
Desolately clinging
To the eyelashes
Holds the melancholy
Befallen tragedy
Oozing from the soul
Reflecting the inner world
Waiting for those hands
To wipe them away
Before it deluges
The whole world


i watch the rain
crystal drops
off the eaves

drops fall
a beaded curtain
silabently hissing
as tho a spirit
from the
softly soughing trees
passes through

like the chest
of an asthmatic child


i will perhaps
paint today
the light is diffused
i guess i'll paint the rain

in blue watercolor


cars go by on my street
lighting up puddles
it's a bit dark yet
the taillights spark
in the bland pavement
sparkling jewels
on the showcase
of asphalt

the garden swoons
with moisture


my nerves singing
humming high voltage wires

as I sit i feel them

ping! ping! ping!

electric guitar strings


like a devotee
i sink
the river

my mind
once smudged
with transgression
against the night
as snow
as light soaks
my robes
of repentance


in deliverance the sky doth weep
i pray The Lord my soul to keep

(C) 5/2/2014
rewritten 2/15/2015
Blue rainy day

Fly away
Believe in your wings
Take into confidence
The winds
Help your soar higher
Bird’s-eye view
Clearer perspective
Higher altitudes
Rarefied air
Do more with less
Now you can fly
Wings give hope
With winds by you
Perch higher
On the highest cliffs
Edge of the world
Never seemed so beautiful
Ready for adventure
It all starts here
 Feb 2015 Adam Childs
 Feb 2015 Adam Childs
clear thumbtacks hold the
few blades of grass
collected from the meadows
of the Magnificent Days.
no baby blanket can wrap up
these times;
no perfume from the 80's
mask such greatness.
driving home at 8:56
in february feels like four-thirteen a.m.
while it's raining
(how strange)
we don't feel like talking,
we don't feel like junk food
but scratchy blankets to tuck
in the snow-less mountains
this time of year.
something has to cover them,
because our society doesn't approve
of ******
or happiness, really
for our smoke detectors
are dead and the mirrors are stained
the rugs are frayed
and our poetry *****.
our candles smell like grandmothers
but that future for us isn't so
far away.
we focus on the water that will burst
past the controlled walls
in a few months;
that's so close (too close) to tell
because we are told
we won't end up being what we thought
we'd wanted at sixteen.
our christmas lights are getting dull
and we don't strive to make people jealous
we just sulk on the loss
of the Magnificent Days,
bright and kind.
is this what it feels like to write a ****** poem in a few minutes
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