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 Apr 2015 Deon
what can i be
 Apr 2015 Deon
i can be
your stranger
your lover
your sinner
your lullaby
your hell
your heaven
your friend
your family
your memory
your heartbreak
your flaw

but the thing is
im *yours
Like a ribbon of sunlit emeralde caligraphy
In arabic I held it close to my eyes.  Only a few
lines in black ink but all I could see was how
Green the grass is.  I cannot remember the

Words only that they were true not why.

For Stanley Godluski
 Apr 2015 Deon
Lucy Tonic
My situation is funky
But not on the groovy side
I have the power to **** you
Or open up your third eye

I grow in ****
I thrive in it
I'm no newborn
Been around since Genesis

They used my shape for warfare
But symbolism landed with a thud
They consumed me with flowers in their hair
Cause even the lotus grows in mud

I am incomprehensible
I am ancient
I'm not on the fence, I'm no vegetable
I'm not yours for the taking

Eve said I should only exist in autumn
Before the harsh winds blow from winter's call
Adam said humans don't know **** about me
But without me, they wouldn't exist at all

Does this ring any bells?
Does this sound any alarms?
(I am the disease and I am the cure
I'm the duality between your arms)
 Apr 2015 Deon
Olan Douglas Webb
Oh, if I cannot see you.
If I think for a moment
that I have not your heart
I am stricken to my death.
Oh, the grave would be such
a kind and merciful place
without your heart beating for me.
Oh, my life, and heart and soul
are not my own.
Maybe I am a foolish and silly man.
It no longer matters.
Oh, I am yours forever
for either bliss or woe.
You cast me under your spell
and caught me in your net.
Oh, how you could ever hurt me
with a pain sharper then the sharpest sword.
Oh, how sharper than a serpents tooth
would be my life without your love.
I can only throw myself upon your mercy
and be like a beggar man
with my bowl for alms before me
for even the smallest sign of your love.
Oh, I am hopelessly chained to your heart.
You are the most lovely creature
who ever took breath.
Oh, I fear you!
That you would take the hope
of your love from me.
And Oh, how I long for you
as some dying man longs
for a drink of water.
Oh, how the touch of your skin
is sacred to me.
Oh, you are the entire world to me!
You are the rising and setting of my sun.
Oh, I have never had the tongue
to tell of the lovely creature you are.
Through out all the days of time and eternity
no creature has ever lived as lovely as you.
Oh, without you let my body
return to the dust from which it came.
Without you life would only be
bitter taste and a bitter sight.
Oh, you are like some rare exotic creature
come from a far off exotic and romantic land.
Oh, I fall down before you
and place all my selfish pride at your feet.
Oh, I will kiss your feet
and wash them with my tears.
 Apr 2015 Deon
 Apr 2015 Deon
blood boiling
causes chills along my back
hairs rise along lanky arms
skin pale, eyes swollen and red
eyebrows furrowed, permanent expressions of hate and anger create wrinkles matching the set dad has
he's blind to the fact he's creating them on his little girl
pain is associated with the secretion of substance P, and is relieved by the secretion of endorphins
anger is associated to the spewing of your words and the sternness of authoritarian disciplines, and is relieved in a year, with college dorms and distance of 453 miles
or relieved in an instant by running away
 Apr 2015 Deon
Violin Heart
 Apr 2015 Deon
She is blue raspberry slushee tongue
Meets feminist rant.

She is Moon Pie wrapper personified.
She is purple lipstick stains on wine glasses
Filled to the brim with cranberry juice.
She is three cats, one bed.

She is a scratch in your favorite record during your favorite song.
She is bubblegum bubble pop,
She is the definition of hypochondriac.

Curiosity didn’t **** her,
She killed curiosity.

She is dry heaving into the toilet bowl,
Claw marks on the inside of her stomach.
She is naproxen sodium
Swirling down throat,
Gagging up bullet sized pills.

She is the other side of unrequited.

She is no ones favorite poem.
She is her own favorite poem.

She is perpetual headache.
She is screaming for justice.
She is the jersey devil episode of the X-Files,
In other words,
She is a hot mess.

She is nature walks cut short due to laziness.
She is laziness.
She is lay in bed all day,
Drown in the sheets.
She is too many books, not enough time.

She is funeral song at a wedding.
She is dethorned rose, declawed cat.
She is waking the dead.

She is a renaissance painting come to life.
Botticelli would cry if he saw her,
His Venus,
Splashing in the water.

She is Jezebel mourning Ahab.
She is Jezebel being eaten alive.

She is ankle deep dimple.
She is never could quite get the words out.
She is lip bite, blood drip.
She is covered in bruises and she likes it.

She is listerine flavored whiskey,
She is a shot glass of formaldehyde.

She is an oak tree,
Thats what her sister tells her.

She is the x on the back of an 18 year olds hand.
She is conspiracy theory.
She is playing possum.

She is change the subject.
She is cry when being yelled at,
Cry when no one is looking,
Cry when everyone is looking,
Cry because theres nothing else to do.

She is leather jacket in july.
She is crop top and mini skirt.
She is lullaby.
She is dancing to the Law and Order theme song.
She is 8,000 tweets.

She is see how long she can go without talking.
She is goes so long without talking
That now she can’t talk.
She is novocaine needle pock mark.

She is her own mythology,
Her own god.
She is fire breathing dragon.
She is knocking on god’s door
Until blood erupts from her knuckles.
She is asking why.
She is Persephone feasting on pomegranate seeds.

She is two siblings in the hospital.
She is “call if you don’t feel right”.
She is disassociative personality disorder,
At least thats what she’s convinced she is.

She is anxious laughter,
Anxious smile.
She is sewing her lips shut.

She is only 11 Instagram likes.
She is learning to love herself with the lights on.
She is sleep to much,
Sleep too little.
She is curl on cheekbone.
She is protruding rib bone.
She is hip bones cutting glass.

She is Lilith saying no.
She is leading the serpent to the garden.

She is vegetarian on moral grounds.
She is not telling her doctor she is a vegetarian
Because what if its bad for her?

She is fate and destiny making out under the bleachers.
She is making nooses out of ****** strings.
She is choke on your own saliva.
She is burnt tongue tip.
She is puking in the parking lot of her dentist’s office.
She is a 1997 themed mixtape.

She is a stanza curving like a lovers back.
She is chapped lips.
She is brick through the window.
She is suffocating on suburban ideals.

She is Anne Sextons ***** bottle.
She is Maya Angelou’s silence.
She is Lucien Carr’s ****** knife.
She is Sylvia Plath’s last manuscript before
She stuck her head in the oven.

She is three am,
Get out of bed.
She is snow in september.

She is poetry.
She is poet.
She is music in fingertips,
Songs molded from simile.
She is metaphor flavored kisses
And a witchcraft tongue.

She is a girl crafted of stories.
A collection of make believe.
She is breathing passion.
She is daughter of nothing,
Lover of everything.
She is afraid of scorpions.
She is the venom.

She is a violin heart screeching out its last note.
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