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 Mar 2014 Abellakai
Andrew Durst
And the rest
is just
My first 10 word poem.
 Mar 2014 Abellakai
your eyes are like stars,
and i like stars.
that's what i told you
the night at the carnival.
i just wanted you to make me forget your eyes.
you were supposed to make me remember your lips.
or maybe your hands.
why your eyes?

a scarred wrist
entangled in mine.
beautiful, dark eyes
found my own.
a wrecked story
including chapters
of us both
unfurled right before us.
pitiful kisses were displayed
in the shadows.
weak embraces
wrapped me up
and held me tight.
a solid cry
pleaded for me
as i walked away,
 Feb 2014 Abellakai
 Feb 2014 Abellakai
I see through your atoms.
I collect data on your likes
and engage in tactical warfare.
I dedicate my hours to spotting weakness,
then hop-jump-skip over them.
I crawl at the feet of great folks
who approach the world at full.
I become inspired.
Anti-protons and protons.
Nuclear particles that make up
the billions of thoughtful questions I have,
all without a voice.
Or an answer.
I exist in something like a game
but I never learned the rules.
I hopped scotch because its all I know.
I fight against the gravity that I create
and instead I choose to orbit
small moons and elegant stars.  
I crash into lakebeds
and leave everything dead and gone.
I am Man,
or at least some guy,
and that’s a good enough title for me.
 Feb 2014 Abellakai
Bilal Kaci
Silence is the sound you hear when you hit your head
A dog barking in some distant universe
It’s the faint, constant hum of car engines
The crunching snow under your boots
Silence is popping your knuckles
A buzzing street light
Branches scratching in the wind
Yes there is such a thing as silence, even in this sleepless city
You’re just too busy fiddling with your cellphone to appreciate it
© 2014 Bilal Kaci
 Feb 2014 Abellakai
Are we alive?
Who's to say that we are not dead,
that there maybe life in our coming death.
What life is on going
never to end.
So in keeping track of the years of our lives
are we really just waiting to live?
 Feb 2014 Abellakai
To me,
you're the whisper I find in snow.
You're the emphasis on my "T's"  
You sing me stardust.
You scream me the sun.
 Jan 2014 Abellakai
Yaz Dincer
My beautiful reflection.
You make me anxious.

Your eyes. Your mind. Your smile.
My thoughts run a mile.
Why cant you just be mine?

We could share stories and songs.
And moments and memories.
Let our energy flow and mingle,
create great serenity.

So much familiarity,
but still a stranger.
Youve shared so much of yourself
without really sharing anything.

Just by being who you are,
I am falling in love.
Your awkwardness is so sweet,
it makes my palms sweat and my heart fleet.

I don't even know what I say
when I'm with you.
I don't care
cause maybe you arnt even listening too.

I think we think the same things
but dont say it out loud.
Trying to catch the wave of our crazy energy interaction in bloom.

You say youre comfortable with me,
but you clearly arnt.
I can hear your voice trembling
and your beating heart.

I cant sleep
cause your on my mind constantly.
I wonder if i cross yours too

Writing poetry that barely even rhymes,
trying everything to get you off my mind.
 Jan 2014 Abellakai
 Jan 2014 Abellakai
I am guilty of projecting. I will turn you into a goddess
in my mind to deal with the anxiety of
the fact that you might actually like me. I will like you back,
to an extreme; to the point where it's scary,
so that you'll stay away from me.
"Oh yea, watch out for that one. He's crazy."

Vain girls are attracted to it.
They like the way I paint them in my dreams.
As if fulfilling their own of becoming some sort of
Aphrodite. They build their confidence off of my idolatry.
I've seen it go to their heads.
It makes me kind of sick.

I will use you. The fantastical female;
my muse. You inspire my more neurotically infused
writings, and give fire to my self-abuse.

A few times, I've gotten the one I desired. Always through my words.
Forced to deal with discrepancies between fantasies and the truth, I fall apart.
Invariably, they were emotionally damaged;
prone to crying. I'd give them my shoulder and wrestle with the thoughts
that I'd fallen for a girl so much like my mother.
**** you, Freud.

Now I know better, but I can't fight my nature.
So I've embraced it. Taken it to new heights. Turned it into an art form.
Mentally magnified mistress, watch this:
I will take everything you've ever said (which I cannot forget)
and reflect it back at you through my poetic psychotic lens
Freaky, is it not?

But it's also kind of fun.
If you can appreciate the irony,
then I think you might be the one.
"I think you're just in love with the idea of me."
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