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 Feb 2016 JAM
Braylynn Holt
 Feb 2016 JAM
Braylynn Holt
the mouth of life gaping
for a warm wave of whisps
underlying sun captured
making an accomplice
vines weaving upon her shoulder
pink flowers intertwined with her crimsoned hair
pouring kerosine on the woodened Fire
for that's the warmth she yearned
meadowlarks having vivid conversations
wishing she could fly to the clouds
smelling pines rolling the breeze
watery drop scatters the freckles
fore the day is sad; grimacing
the girl with the crimsoned hair
returns back, for a cup of tea gladly relinquished.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Em Glass
 Feb 2016 JAM
Em Glass
even in sleep you are aggressively alive,
recklessly optimistic.
you twitch and twist against me
and I don't know how your arm
hasn't fallen asleep beneath the back
of my neck like that.
your short-winded lungs slow down,
your breathing gets rough,
even in sleep you are fighting
for air

and you are getting it.
you snore though
 Feb 2016 JAM
My twenties
 Feb 2016 JAM
If you have a pet,
you know that the bond
created between the two of you,
is a connection you never make with a person.
Total and complete trust.
When I clip her toe nails,
check her ears,
and give her a bath,
she knows I am taking care of her.
She leans against me and let's me do what I have to.
When I get home from work
she cheers as she emerges from her cage,
running and wiggling
straight for her bowl; ready for dinner.
She knows I will always come back.
When I'm sad, and crying.
Or so sick I can't leave the bathroom,
she comes around and lays her head in my lap,
and licks my hands and face.
I know she came into my life when I needed it most,
one of the most memorable times of my life.
Death and endings
and broken friendships
fill those paperback walls.
Fear mixed with love
and running and crying,
ink's running as fast as tears fall.

Hope and twists
and unexpected diversions
are twisting my mind back and forth.
Other lives and dreams
and innocent bystanders
are pointless as I matter more.

Why was I chosen?
Why my voice and mind?
Why must my life be broken as I watch the world unwind?
Whose hands on the strings?
Whose story do I tell?
All I know, I must show you, and you must listen well.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Boaz Priestly
Let me take you
into my arms
paint your body into
I will let you
burn your fingertips
into my heart
and you'll never be forgotten
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