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1.0k · Sep 2010
The unknown child
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I wonder if she'd changed her mind
just who it is you'd be?
Would you be gentle like your mother,
or would you look like me.
Would you have grown into a fine young man?
Would your eyes be brown or green?
I sometimes wonder how you would have looked,
this year you would have been prom queen.
I wish that she had told me,
that she'd decided not to go.
Then I wouldn't mourn the child,
the world never got to know.
1.0k · Sep 2010
Only you...
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Only you will do
Only you can be enough
Only you is what I long for
Only you are who I love

No pretense is necessary
No roles need to be played
No facsimile of something else
next to whom I would be laid

For you to me are perfect
just the way you've always been
anyone who wishes different
does not appreciate what they've seen

Only you are what has me smitten
Only you are all  I see
Only you is what I wish for
Only you are meant for me
1.0k · Aug 2010
Happy is...?
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Happy feels like Candy Floss
when you're 6 and at the fair
or like a trip go see grandma
but not until you're there
Its like that perfect cup of tea
with a biscuit on the side
Or the big hill in the winter
and that long toboggan ride
Its walking on the beach
with a lover hand in hand
or finding mermaids tears
hidden in the sand
It's finding money in your pocket
that you didn't know you had
Flirting with a stranger
and being told you're "bad"
Happy can be what you think
what you see or say or do
But the bestest kind of happy
is the kind I get from you
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Last night another soldier
lay down in his cot
and closed his eyes upon the world
a world that he forgot

A world amongst his family
his friends and neighbors too
A world where he's just dad
not some LT's number two

Last night another soldier
stayed awake all night
watching over brothers
hurt and injured from the fight

A night like many other
for this corpsman now deployed
he's face to face with horrors
that no war can e'er avoid

Last night another soldier
went on patrol, did not come back
he fell amidst a firefight
from enemy attack

An enemy he never knew
nor even understood
An enemy he only fought
cos someone thought he should

Last night another soldier
celebrated passing out
tomorrow night this cycle
will repeat, there is no doubt

For each night there are soldiers
who do all of the above
hoping we may know true liberty
freedom, peace, and love
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.0k · Dec 2010
hate vs choice
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Look at all the things you "hate"
did you really have no choice?
Or could it be what you despise
is your own lack of voice?

Our lives are ours to shape and mould
into anything we please
but to merely be a passenger
brings us surely to our knees

We hate the way that this turned out
Or we hate the things we did
So choose a different path next time
stop pouting like a kid

Not everything in life goes well
or turns out how we planned
but all the thing that go astray
carry lessons in their hand

So no more talk hate for you
its just a lesson yet unlearned
next time make a different choice
and walk across the coals unburned
999 · Aug 2010
Into the wild
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Take me to where the eagles nest,
where the salmon come to spawn.
That I may see the wilderness,
and sleep from dusk til dawn.

Where the moon and stars and fireflies,
become my guiding lights.
And natures sounds, not traffic,
are the soundtrack of the night.

Where crickets, frogs and critters,
are the chorus to my day.
And honking horns and sirens,
seem like a lifetime away.

Let me bask in natures majesty,
drink from her rivers and her lakes.
Become a man thats giving back,
and not one that only takes.
998 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
A boy who chases two balloons,
catches neither one.
Pursuing more than you deserve,
will see you left with none.
997 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Should I step aside
and leave you to your choices
is my presence just becoming
one too many voices

No matter what you do
someone will have to lose
someone will be hurt
and someone will be bruised

My concern in this is you
its you that you should put first
if you fail to follow your heart
your pain will be the worst

So however long it takes
and where e're the chips may fall
I will leave you to your choices
and wait for you to call.
997 · Sep 2010
Me and God
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I bumped into God the other day
he was looking pretty sad
I guess he’s kinda dissappointed
bout all the stuff that’s going bad.

It seems it isn’t working out
the way he had it planned
we’re supposed to love each other
and all things upon this land

we’re supposed to love our neighbours
no matter how they look
not hate and try to **** them
because they read a different book

and we’re all created equal
not one better than the other
and we’re all part of one family
every man here is my brother

we’re supposed to love our children
and teach them right from wrong
not raise them via videos
but take the time to make them strong

but somehow we seem to lose the plot
people, church and state
instead of living peace and love
its all intolerance and hate

So I asked how it feels
to have all this done in his name
at which he looked me in the eye
and said he felt ashamed

churches serving churches
abusing children hiding truth
amassing wealth beyond comparison
then making us pay for the roof

spreading hate and not forgiveness
preach sacrifice practice greed
while enough gold adorns the altars
all the starving for to feed

So I asked him why he told me this
as he crossed me off some list
He said “Because I knew that you would listen,
because you don’t think that I exist”

He explained that he’s in all of us
always has been, always will
that he loves if we go to church
and if we don’t he loves us still

I think I understand it now
its what he says that counts not him
so the values in the message
and the message lies within
996 · Nov 2010
Nobody's friend
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Here's my good friend nobody
he's been around for quite a while
I've never seen him sad
but then I've never seen him smile

But whenever things are ******
and I'm feeling pretty low
he's the only one that shows up
it's like he always seems to know

Likewise when things are going good
he's the only one that's there
the only one that sees the best of me
the only one that seems to care

So I planned a surprise party
in his honour, in his name.
And I sat there in the darkness
but nobody never came.
995 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
As the morning sun arises,
creeping slowly ever higher,
it transforms the glass like waters,
to a true river of fire.

And as the glass is shattered,
by the eastbound fishing fleet,
the good folk of Richibucto,
turn over in their sleep.

But as the day progresses,
this small town comes alive.
People go about their business
like bees around a hive.

And as the day draws to a close
with ice-creams in our hands
we stroll along the boardwark
or walk along the sands

So if you like the quiet life
tranquility not fuss
next time you need a place to go
come drop anchor with us.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
994 · May 2010
Sound vs look
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
If poetry is art, then what form should it take?
Is ignoring things like layout the cause of my mistake.

You see to me a poem should be heard before its seen
Its an audio based art form, using sound to express its theme

So when I write my poems, and lay them on the page
I do so as if they're spoken by an actor on a stage.

Now I see some other poets, who lay it out so pretty
But when I try and read it, its disjointed and bitty

So again I ask my question, if your poems meant to rhyme
should you really break your verses in the middle of a line?

See I don't only write poetry, I like to read it too
so when a layout trips me up, I want to say to you

Why do that your reader, why get them on that train
only to pull the cord and get them off and on again

A poem is a journey, I should sit back and take a ride
not trip and stumble frequently over messages you hide.

So next time you write a poem, with more focus on the look
Go down to library and get a calli-graphy book.
994 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
No light pollution
Celestial nakedness
No noise pollution
Woken by crickets not cars
Pencils, notepads, poetry
987 · Oct 2010
Tell me to wait...
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Tell me to wait and I will
preferring the hope
over taking the pill

Tell me one day you’ll come back
and I will sit here
surviving on hope away from the pack

Tell me you’ll always be mine
and I’ll live on the memories
of dinner and wine

Just tell me one day you’ll pull through
you’ll disband your demons
and go back to just you

Tell me to wait and I will
because being without you
brings a pain I can’t ****
986 · Jun 2010
Teenager tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Laundry hamper full
Yesterday it was empty
Its contents not mine
My sons room must now be clean
Laundry day i guess for me
986 · Jul 2010
Too hot to sleep
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
No covers tonight
The cold side of the pillow
Always keeps me cool
Another Senryu for
979 · Mar 2010
Letting go
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
Each day I wake, open my eyes
The first thing that I do
I breathe in deep, and wrap myself
In memories of you

For at one time, when I would wake
You would be right there
And I would pull you close to me
Our life had not a care

But then things changed tween you and I
You no more could believe
That I could be the man for you
And so you chose to leave

I blame you not for what you did
I know that I was wrong
The choices that I made for us
Caused all to be undone

So now my life's a dusty shelf
and nothing lingers there
But memories of you and I
Your eyes, your skin, your hair.

And when that breath I take no more
the pain at last disposed
a new chapter starts within my life
The old one finally closed.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
978 · Jun 2010
PP # 2
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
If you want to have you poems read
from New York to Lon-don
just go make a submission
978 · Jul 2010
Writers block
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I sit front of an empty page,
dripping quill held in my hand.
Waiting for inspiration,
to decide where the ink will land.
Another poem for
974 · Jun 2010
That first kiss
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
We lay back together in the grass
spotting pictures in the clouds
sharing hopes and dreams
and things seldom said out loud

We talk of how things used to be
'tween the present and the past
and slowly build a deeper bond
that for the rest of time will last

Our words come very easily
nothings forced, no awkward pause
and we talk about most everything
from god to santa claus

As the clouds depart the clearing sky
and we turn onto our sides
we look into each others eyes
and the truth we cannot hide

We came to this place not strangers
but as friends who'd never met
not knowing what this day would be
one to remember, one to forget?

I lay back once more and close my eyes
and start to reminisce
but my story's interrupted
by the softness of your kiss

My eyes begin to open
did you just... I'm not too sure
and I see it deep within your eyes
you kiss me just once more

And it turns out that this moment
is something we both dreamt about
both unknowing and uncertain
of how things might just turn out

So here we are in silence now
free from fears constricting ties
saying all thats left to say
with what lives behind our eyes.
972 · Aug 2010
Feeding the demons
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Poems come and steal my soul
and leave me here to bleed
Never wounding fatally
just taking what they need
An ounce or two of passion
a pound or two of pain
leaving me alone to heal
before harvesting again
Sometimes they give more than they take
with rhymes of which I'm proud
Other times my cries are lost
amidst the madding crowd
Yet my tale is not a sad one
for there is pleasure in this pain
why else would I keep writing
inviting them again?
970 · Oct 2010
Invisible kids
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
I am the kid at school
who gets picked last for soccer
I am the kid at school
who gets shut inside his locker
I am the kid at school
that tries to be a ghost
I am the kid at school
that gets picked on the most
I am the kid at school
off who points are always scored
I am the kid at school
who’s cries you all ignored
I am the kid at school
who’s the **** of every joke
I am the kid at school
who’s spirit you all broke
I am the kid at school
the cause of all your sorrow
Because I’m the kid at school
that won’t be there tomorrow
968 · Aug 2010
Misplaced guilt
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Don't ever think you're all alone
or that everythings your fault
And please don't lock your heart away
inside some kind of vault

Because everything thats happened
happened not only to you
there are others who have played their part
you think the blame might be theirs too?

Can you look into the mirror
and say you did your best
with honesty and integrity
when others did much less

If so then maybe just perhaps
you shoulder too much blame
tell me do the other parties
seem to be doing just the same?

Chances are most prob'ly not
after all they've you for that
you ever think that nows the time
you start to give some back

Don't to this yourself my love
the burden is too great
forgive yourself for what they've done
before it is too late
966 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010

A quiet cabin in the woods,
selling books and cups of joe.
It sounds to me quite perfect.
Just the place I'd like to go.

Wooden windows, shingled roof,
and floors you have to brush.
A place where time moves slower,
where there's never any rush.

A swing out on the back porch.
A rocking chair, or two.
Your little piece of heaven.
Do you think I could come too?

I'd sweep the floors and chop the wood.
Split logs and farm the land.
If that was what it took for me,
to be with you hand in hand.

At night we'd watch the fireflies,
and count stars up in the sky.
Sharing cocoa 'neath a blanket,
and perhaps some homemade pie.

Our life would be a simple one,
of laughter, love and joy.
A perfect new age fairytale,
how you the girl, met me the boy.
965 · May 2010
Visible emotions
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
If we could see emotions,
how different the world might seem,
would the prettiest girl in town,
still be its beauty queen?

Or would pain and vanity,
that she keeps locked inside,
once visible to everyone,
give cause for her to hide?

And would the richest man town,
still live upon the beach?
Or would the pain behind those doors,
keep him within its reach,

and move him to a smaller house,
in a lesser part of town.
Instead of tailored suits,
in depression he'd be bound.

Would we look at others differently
if we could see their pain
and know that we are not alone
and our troubles are the same.
961 · May 2010
On the verge
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
You ever feel you're on the brink,
of something truly great?
You feel success is imminent
like you hardly have to wait?

But then when nothing happens
you start to give up hope
You feel like a climber
running out of rope

And then for no reason at all
the feeling it comes back
But still the dream is unfulfilled
and you don't know what it lacks.

Well that's been me for some time now
teetering on the brink
I'm sure when it comes it will be great
but this waiting sure does stink

So come on fate, show your cards
at least give me a clue
if this "something great" will come to pass
or if there's more I need to do.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
960 · Jun 2010
A new life
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
I want to start a new life
is that too much to ask?
One that takes me far away
from mistakes of the past

I want to start a new life
somewhere far away from here
A place where I'll sleep soundly
not lay awake in fear

I want to start a new life
can't be that hard to do
Perhaps we should run away
together me and you

Do you want to start a new life
maybe one with me
Where we're free to be together
and together we'll be free
958 · Jul 2010
Work in real life
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
You go to school and study hard for what?
For a job that saps what little life you've got?
You work all day you work all night
And yet you have not a single right
You go to school and study hard for what?

The first one in and the last to leave so what?
You think you're the best employee that they've got?
The more you give, the more they take
You work for free, the more they make
The first one in and the last to leave so what?

So you've been here now for 30 years, know what?
We can get two kids for half the price is what.
As employee you've been top notch
so we'd like to give you this shittly little watch
Are you glad now that you stayed in school, guess not.
958 · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Why is it when women have troubles
they're straight round their friends for a cry
But when guys feel low
and have taken some blows
we just **** it up and get by.

Is it doing us some kind of favour
or putting ourselves at some risk
will there come a night
after losing this fight
that we'll drown in this deep abyss

What is it that makes us say nothing
makes us keep it all locked up inside
Why is it that men
don't speak to their friends
like its a weakness they're trying to hide

Is it the way that were told as children
that boys and men don't cry
That not to be strong
is totally wrong
Right up till the day we die

None of us are unique in our troubles
and the struggles of life never end
so if you're down in that pit
forget macho *******
grow some ***** go and speak to your friend

Chances are he's been there too, if he isn't there right now
957 · Jun 2010
Lucky in cards...
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
So here I am again
left staring into space
I played the jack of hearts again
and got ******* by an ace

I thought the hand a little shaky
still I played it anyway
they say feint heart ne'r won fair maiden
but just who the hell are "they"

So I think I'll give up playing
forever end my losing streak
I don't think I have the heart left
too many beatings left me weak

I have no winning chips to cash out
no iou's to pay
So I stand up from the table
turn and walk away.

I've rolled the dice too many times
I've gambled and I've lost
and finally I realise
the pain of losing, ain't worth the cost.
957 · Jun 2010
The pain of not knowing
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
If I may ask you honestly,
could you answer to me true?
Could you tell me without doubt,
just what I am to you?

Am I just another friend,
nothing less and nothing more?
Or am I someone you could see,
knocking at your door?

Would we meet for coffee and a chat,
then go our separate ways,
or would we picnic in the park,
and dream away our days?

Do think of me when I'm not there,
the way I think of you?
Or do I never cross your mind,
you've got better things to do.

I wish that I knew all these things,
and then knew what to do.
Right now I'm caught within the web,
of dreams that lead to you..

So just tell me should I struggle,
break free and then move on,
or will you come to rescue me,
now you know where I'm coming from?
957 · Jul 2010
A quick storm
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Blue skies, dark clouds
rain is on the way

Warm rain, warm breeze
lets hope it doesn't stay

Big clouds, black clouds
thunders gonna crash

Bright light, pure white
Lightning starts to flash

Storm breaks, water snakes
in rivers down the lane

Clouds break, breath take
blue skies back again
947 · Mar 2010
Love ME
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
I wish that I was Paris,
Rihanna or Britney,
Then people wouldn't pass me by,
They'd stop to look at me.

If only I was pretty,
then I truly would be free,
And wouldn't only feel some love,
When it got took from me.

I made myself be sick today,
And all those bad thoughts went away,
No longer did I feel so fat,
It wasn't nice to feel like that.

So why is it, I still can't be,
Like the girls in books and on TV,
If I lost just a few more pounds,
My life would have more ups than downs.

But now I cannot see so good,
My body has betrayed,
A life I just wanted to live,
But sadly threw away.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Take me by the hand
and lead me through your day
that I may better know
how you came to be this way

How you came to have such character
amidst all the things you see
How life can kick you in the guts
yet still you think of me

You think about my happiness
and the goodness of my day
When I think if I was in your shoes
I would up and run away

You inspire me to better things
like no one else before
Your the reason my hearts open
not locked behind some door

You're the woman I admire most
the woman that I love
and no matter how I say it
Thank you never seems enough.
946 · Aug 2010
Getting to know you
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I see you there,
yet I can't speak.
Cos to look in your eyes,
just makes me weak.
My tongue gets so tied,
and the words disappear,
the ones that I want,
to whisper in your ear.
The ones that would tell you,
just how I feel,
not the ones I make up,
but the ones that are real.
And yet when I see you,
I turn walk away.
So you have no idea,
I'm too frightened to say,
that you're all I think of,
and how I fantasize,
that one day you'll sit there,
and look in my eyes.
And holding my hand,
you'll make me feel strong,
and give me the courage,
to know right from wrong.
All the doubts in myself,
that are holding me back,
the feelings of inad-
aquecy and lack.

On the bus on the way home,
and sat in the park.
I dream of a meeting,
with you and a spark,
that goes off between us,
and you feel it too.
It would certainly make this,
easier to do.

But the chances of that,
are incredibly low.
To meet you,
I dont even know where to go.
So I sit on the bench,
in the park and I write.
Dreaming that one day,
one day you just might,
happen to be ,
in a place we can meet.
Maybe here in the park,
or out there on the street.
That I'll have courage to speak,
and together we're drawn.
So we'll talk to each other,
and romance is born.

We'll find a small cafe,
drink coffee and tea.
I'll ask about you,
and you'll ask about me.
And we'll be there all day,
or as long as it takes,
surrounded by teacups,
coffee and cakes.
And time will fly by,
like you wouldn't even know.
and the man at the counter,
will ask us to go.
He's already stayed open,
that little bit late,
but now it's nine thirty,
and he closes at eight.
With a wink of his eye,
says he knows where we are,
at the start of a journey,
he hopes will go far.
So as we walk out together,
into the night,
I look in your eyes,
and ask we might,
continue tomorrow,
this thing that we do.
Where you ask about me,
and I ask about you.
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Natures ebb and flow.
Mankinds arrogance destroys.
The balance is gone.
944 · Jul 2010
Poets retreat
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Who wants to come and join me
on a poetry retreat
We'll get to hang out somewhere cool
while putting up our feet

Perhaps in an old hunting lodge
or cabins by the sea
or maybe a French Chateau
underneath the Fleur de Lys

There'll be no one there but poets
folks like you and me
Who come to share ideas
and practice poetry

Perhaps there'll be a workshop
a recital maybe two
Where we take turns reading our poems
one from me then one from you

And when the weekends over
we'll part from our new friends
full of inspiration
may our passion never end.
943 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
You say you pick your battles
I say you run away
You say that its not worth it
So what is this game you play?

A year from now you'll be back
complaining nothings changed
Forgetting how you walked away
and left things still the same

You've been fighting the same battle now
for going on two years
because you choose to walk away
when she turns on the tears

It's not about you being mean
or cruel, even unfair
It's about your right to be happy too
You don't lose that just cos you care

It's time you stood your ground my friend
and finally saw it through
before this fight thats going on
gets the best of you
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
936 · Jul 2010
Becalmed - Tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The clearest blue sky
Not perfect, but pretty close
Scarred with wisps of cloud
Yachts languish in the doldrums
As time itself takes time out
936 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
In a little under a hundred years we've had so many wars.
Men, women and children sacrificed for someones cause.

And truly just what has been gained, versus what was lost?
Can we say that it was worth it, can we justify the cost?

In nineteen thirty nine we had the war to end all wars.
Since then there've been so many, like we've hardly even paused

And what is it we fight for? Do we fight for right or wrong?
Or do we fight to get resources that we feel to us belong?

Now sure there are some victims, of persecutions, genocides
but unless there's oil or riches there, the strongest close their eyes.

We forget that we're not perfect, but thanks to Gandhi and Dr King
We changed our stars from where you are, and now know everything.

I cannot help but wonder though, if they were alive today,
would they see us a failure, shake their heads and walk away?

In a little under a hundred years we've learned not much at all,
except in war lies profit, and to some it seems a ball.

Because if you have stuff we want, and wont do as we say,
then we just roll our armies in and blow you all away.

Or if you do things differently, even as we once did,
then we will "liberate" you, then sell you to the highest bid.

See we want you to be like us, cos were so freakin smart,
sure we got people starving but an unmade bed is art.

"My Bed" was bought by Charles Saatchi for £150,000 in 1999.
£150,000 would feed 3200 children in Ghana for a year.
£150,000 would provide over 6800 prosthetics for children who have lost limbs as a result of landmines or unexploded munitions.
In a little under a hundred years, it would seem we have learned nothing.
935 · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Is the pain of not knowing
worse than the pain of choice
Does hurt more to say nothing
than it would to raise your voice

To share yourself between two places
means a heart thats torn in two
It also means that nobody
will get the best of you

For the best of you is many things
far too many here to list
and to spread yourself too thinly
means that many will be missed

You can certainly love two people
just not two people the same way
so the choice to make becomes
which kind of love you want to stay

I think either is a lucky man
no matter which you choose
but choose is something you must do
else everyone will lose.
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Why do we choose to talk in riddles
and hide behind the rhymes
Conveying cryptic messages
confuses me at times

Sometimes I wish the phone would ring
that it was something you would do
saying listen to this honey
cos this is meant for you

Then there would be no ambiguity
no mixed messages or missed cues
You should know you can say anything
nothings at risk, nothing to lose

I would listen to all you had to say
answer honestly and true
Be impartial whenever possible
and confess when unable to

Lets not hint in rhymes no longer
lets be blunt, and show our hands
pick up the phone and dial the number
toss the coin see where it lands
935 · Oct 2010
For you
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
There is not a day goes by
that you don't cross my mind
A vision from my past
that I cannot leave behind

Every time I close my eyes
its your face I see
Every dream I have
is one of you and me

I long to hear your voice again
to gaze upon your face
To look into your eyes once more
to feel your embrace

There's no such thing as never
no change I wouldn't make
if it would give a life in which
by your side each day I'd wake
934 · Sep 2010
When time is on your side
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Time passes at its slowest
when your soul is at its lowest
and at times it seems as if it has stood still

But when your soul is happy
time it passes pretty snappy
you couldn't slow it down with all your will

but every once in a little while
on the clock face is a smile
and the perfect day just never seems to end

having a picnic in the park
lighting candles after dark
fun and love and laughters perfect blend
932 · Sep 2010
Better off out of it
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
go ahead and do worst
cos there’s nothing left to hurt
there’s no more tears left inside for me to cry

you made your mind up on your own
without picking up the phone
to see if what you’d heard was all a lie

I guess finally we see
just how much you think of me
actually correct that, should be little

you heard what you needed to
and now there’s nothing left to do
but I guess to split it all right down the middle

you know, forget it, have it all
I hope you really have a ball
and all this **** replaces what you lost

say thank you to  your pride
cos you picked the losing side
maybe one day you will see just what it cost
932 · Oct 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
On the edge of a nervous breakdown,
staring into the pit.
Unsure of which way to turn;
whether or not to commit.

Commit to the life I have,
or abandon hope for good.
Vision cloaked in darkness,
head bowed beneath the hood.

Drawn toward its anarchy,
seduced by lesson learned.
Restrained by one last hope,
heart and soul and fingers burned.

Chilling thoughts consume me,
fighting desires to be free.
If no choice is ever made by fate,
is this all that it will be?
932 · Jul 2010
Life is good - Tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Lazy afternoon.
Everyone is sound asleep.
Music softly plays.
Gentle breeze explores the house,
while birds sing among the trees.
932 · Sep 2010
What if there's no God?
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
What if there's no God?
What if there's no plan
and everything thats come to pass
is all the fault of man

We act just like a virus
consuming more than most
soiling what we leave behind
no consideration for our host

And what if we're an ant farm
on some super beings desk
an experiment in pestilence
earths limits sent to test

We like to think of higher  powers
it gives us someone else to blame
but if we knew 'twas really down to us
would we do things just the same?
929 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Is it my lot in life
to want that which cannot be
to want things others deem too difficult
but yet seem simple unto me

Is it that I'm too willing
or unthinking in my haste
that I see little point in waiting
or have less time to waste

For everyone thats in my life
who came along and chose to stay
I wish I'd known them longer
even if just one more day

for when I shuffle off my mortal coils
and the time comes to depart
you'll find you cannot add time at the end
only at the start
929 · Jul 2010
Vivaldi's haiku
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Winter went, Spring sprung
Summers never long enough
Autumn comes too soon
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