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927 · Aug 2010
Innocent man
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I lie withing my darkened cell
reflecting on my acts
and how wildly they differ
from those things you call the facts

I did not, would not hurt my love
nor cover her face in blood
if you'd shared with us a moment
you'd know I never could

All I know is I came home
and found her lying there
the woman I loved lay dying
and I fell to my knees in despair
Yes we'd fought early that night
but the only thing raised was my voice
Yes I went to a bar and had a few beers
and I walked there and back by choice

I don't know what happened while I was out
or why nobody saw me go
or why folks at the bar don't remember me
maybe they were all watching the show

But when I cam home and saw her there
I fell to my knees right away
picked her up and held her tight
and sorry was all I could say

I was sorry that the last we spoke
were the words of a fight and not love
Not sorry that I'd done her some harm
or like OJ at losing his glove

But it seems that you made up your mind what I meant
because it was easy and simple and neat
just another frustrated husband you said
with a wife he thought he could beat

And thats all it took to sell them you side
don't bother looking too hard for the truth
But what happens when, he does it again
and someone else ends up next to my Ruth

And yet my time is to be served
my sentance handed down
and in this place I am to rot
in despair I am to drown
916 · May 2010
I'll pass
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
To me, open relationships, are ones that have no lies
not where anyone with twenty bucks can get between your thighs

And having things in common means both liking the Habs
not using the same powder since you gave me *****

And being careful means condoms and taking time to think
not trying to keep the noise down or not spilling your drink

So I'm flattered that you think I'm cute, and I have a nice ***
But really honey, you ain't my type, so I think I'll have to pass.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
915 · Oct 2010
Life for the living thereof
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
You will find me tilting at windmills
on a familiar old landscape
Or running and jumping as high as I can
as my shadow I try to escape

Ungrounded in reality
preferring to live in dreams
of what might be but probably wont
tis my lot or so it seems

I believe my future is mine to make
the same way yours is for you,
and if there’s a dream you truly want
then it really can come true

So climb aboard and hold on tight
we can share the journey to its end
shape our future together
go and see what’s round every bend

Better that than sitting here
and waiting for life to arrive
after all it’s a life that’s meant to be lived
not one that we can ever survive
915 · Aug 2010
Sunday mornings
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Sunday mornings are for making love
then drifting back to sleep
lying in each others arms
safe such dreams to keep

a gentle stir
a languid stretch
a loving squeeze and then
Sunday mornings are for making love


914 · Jul 2011
The truth
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
To seek the truth, look in my eyes,
for like my lips they hold no lies.
Within the depths you there will see,
the truth of what you mean to me.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
912 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The old rocking chair
The dog asleep at my feet
The clock ticks softly
Pages turn in near silence
The serenity of books
Another Tanka for
907 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Youth is wasted on the young
you hear the old folk say
truth is they now feel bitter
for not doing more in their day

And yet the young want to be older
such is their pride before their fall
Truth is all of us have got it wrong
as time is wasted by us all.
906 · Jul 2010
Undoing the undervalued man
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The value's not dictated,
by how hard it is for me?

I think finally i get it.
I think finally i see.

Just because I find it easy,
doesn't make it less.

Just means that its a skill,
with which I have been blessed.

For the longest time I struggled,
to know the worth of things I do.

But now I see the value lies,
In how hard it is for you.
906 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I struggle to see the reason
our paths were meant to cross
Initial hopes that gave me joy
now leave me filled me with loss

Surely disappointments lesson
is one I've truly learned
Just take a look inside my heart
to see the scars I've earned

To show me I can love again?
I don't see how it can be that
If so you'd think my path would cross
with one who loved me back

So if you have some insight
or know what its all about
Please speak up and don't be shy
tell me what its all about.
905 · Apr 2010
My "Secret"
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
Such as I want,
so it will be,
for the power to change,
comes only from me.

I believe the things,
that I want will come true,
and if it works for me,
then it'll work for you.

But so many people,
give their power away,
to religions or prophets,
or what marketers say.

When the reality is,
all that you need,
is belief that ideas,
can grow like a seed.

And once your idea,
starts to take shape,
the universe moves,
and shifts to create.

And suddenly one day,
its easy to see,
that all that I have,
was created by me.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
905 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The sound of raindrops
Morning rush hour hissing by
Wakes me from my sleep
I roll over, close my eyes
Beautiful thing retirement
Another Tanka for
903 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
what else but a poem
can take you from this place
to somewhere else in history
somewhere else in space
to a time of greater happiness
or the depths of deep despair
just think of an emotion
there's a poem to take you there
there are no oils and no canvas
yet a picture they do paint
battles of good and evil
portraits of sinners or of saints
they carry messages of wisdom
and hope to those in need
so next time you want to travel
then its poems you should read
899 · Sep 2010
Missing words
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
My thirst it has been slaked
my hunger has been sated
today I feasted on your words
drank all that you created

A drought it was that I had suffered
these past few lonely days
I had lived among the starving
missing your poetic ways

But today the rains came once again
and what a crop they brought
I hope it rains again tomorrow
so others see what I have sought
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
You helped me turn a corner yesterday
To see there truly was another way
I was floundering and lost
wallowing in the cost
But you somehow knew the words you had to say

I had somehow managed to lose myself
But you could see me there in plain sight on the shelf
You knew where I was coming from
convinced me what I thought was wrong
took my shattered heart and nursed it back to health

I wish that I could find the words to show
the gratitude that you already know
I carry you inside my heart
as did right from the start
you're now with me every single place I go

Needless to say I'd gladly do the same for you
after all I know what you are going through
the fact you put that to one side
to convince me I shouldn't hide
is the noblest thing a friend could ever do

And so today is the first day of my new start
A life in which I want to actually take part
I owe so much of it to you
My friend so beautiful and true
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
895 · May 2010
Its just stuff
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I have everything a man could want
and yet nothing that I need
My possessions serve no purpose
than to demonstrate my greed

Should fire break out within my home
or flood waters start to rise
I could walk out empty handed
as of yet I have no prize

Some people have their treasures
that they'd collect from different rooms
But I have no things of value
nothing precious, no heirlooms

But to be with you quite honest
I'm not sure if its good or bad
Does it mean that I am lacking
something I've never had

Or does it mean that maybe
I don't worship gold and rings
and that the people in my life
are the most important things
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
894 · Jun 2010
The tragedy of war...
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
The tragedy of war,
ends not with those who died
for the tragedy continues
in fragile minds who did survive.

For those who's names appear
on brass plaque or marble stone
are the only ones amongst us
for whom war is truly gone

The survivors of mans biggest crime
their wars will have no end
guilt, despair and bitterness
their constant hateful friend

It's hard to feel like hero's
no matter what you say.
when you're torn by guilt
that you're not the one,
in that green field far away.

So I say to leaders of this world
this nightmare should be gone.
Please realize once and for all
that a war is never won.
889 · Dec 2010
Once upon I had a dream
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Once upon I had a dream
I had the perfect life
full of love and laughter
free of stress and free of strife

each day the sun shone brightly
now and then we’d get some rain
enough to feed the trees and plants
and let flowers bloom again

Spring would follow Winter
and Summer sun gave way to Fall
and everything in life fit right
nothing too big, nothing too small

Sometimes we’d talk away the night
and be surprised that it was dawn
then take ourselves at last to bed
tucked under covers nice and warm

we’d lie within each other’s arms
never too hot and ne’er too cold
convinced that this would be our life
from now ‘til we got old

and some days we would just make love
and fall asleep in our embrace
then wake and do it all again
love was a journey, not a race

Once upon I had a dream
life was an overflowing cup
but the day it smashed upon the floor
was the day that I woke up
889 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Its just a word
Four letters on a page
But it can mean so many things
Passion, despair and rage

We use it when we're happy
we use it when we're sad
but to some its more than letters
to some its really bad

They hold back on their emotions
dispensing letters by the ounce
but what they do not realise is
its the sentiment that counts

So if you choose not to say it
and use words like fudge instead
it really doesnt matter
we all knew what you meant
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
889 · May 2010
The relativity of arrogance
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Is there anything so arrogant
as the species we call man
That for reasons of pure profit
interferes with natures plan

So blind we miss the harmony,
the balance thats here on earth.
Instead we change the way things work
to control just what its worth

We change the way that rivers flow
so our hotels can have pools
but we fail to see the value
in keeping open schools

Our priorities seem somewhat warped
twisted and out of sorts
I guess thats to be expected
in the land where money talks

And now the earth is fighting back
against this virus known as man
Global warming is its tool
you see she has a plan.

We miss the point when we rant and rave
about a planet in decline.
Its we who are on our way out
the planet will be just fine.

And two hundred million years from now
when to us, the earth will seem old
It will look back on global warming
as the fever that got rid of the cold
885 · Sep 2010
Love can...
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Love can make you deaf
and love can make you blind
love can make you take your friends
and leave them all behind

Love can lift you up
and love can bring you down
love can make you sink or swim
or wish that you had drowned

Love can make you happy
and love can make you blue
in spite of all these pro's and cons
I still fell in love with you
883 · Aug 2010
Paper & Ink
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Are we books upon the same shelf
at this stage of our lives
slightly worn and dogeared
by our ex husbands and wives

Or could we be a little closer
different pages, same book
after all we've lots in common
and not just our outlook

But perhaps we're even closer
maybe words on the same page
Although written many years apart
by a wise and noble sage

And as time it marches onward
and we get to know each other better
it turns out that we're both a part
of exactly the same letter

Which I guess is something we both knew
way back there at the start
when we saw the world in each others eyes
and loved each others hearts
881 · Jul 2010
Innocent mistakes
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Sometimes we accidentally
inadvertently offend
and yet my innocent mistake
with your hurt feelings must contend

I could understand your outrage
if the slight was with intent
but can't you see the wording
was entirely innocent

And yet you choose another course
for which I cannot make amends
choosing not to forgive my ignorance
or go back to being friends

I never for one moment
imagined I could hurt
the one I love with careless words
that made her feel like dirt

Believe me when I tell you
the last thing on my mind
was to say anything to hurt you
or make you feel so maligned

To me it makes no sense at all
to hold on to this so tight
unless something else is going on
that has you spoiling for a fight

And if thats the case then talk to me
don't make out that I don't care
You shut people out long enough
one day they wont be there
880 · Jul 2010
Banka Tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Give us all your cash
For a fee we'll give some back
Or maybe we wont
We'll use it as we see fit
If we get it wrong, you lose.
878 · Jul 2010
Me in real life
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
You've told me in the past
my eye's show the truth in me
I wonder if you saw them now
just what it is you'd see

Would you see the pain I'm feeling
the disappointment and regret
of losing something never held
yet impossible to forget

Would you see right through the veil of tears
thats building up inside
tears I vowed again I'd never shed
tears I want so much to hide

Or would you see what the world sees
mr happy go lucky me
the guy with time for everyone
in a mask they cannot see
875 · Sep 2010
Take me away
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Take me away from this life of mine
even if for just one day
far into the wilderness
so that real life-s far away

Or even better for a weekend
perhaps a long weekend at that
sit with me by the campfire
where we can laugh and sing and chat

Lets forget responsibility
just for the briefest time
tell me about your wildest dreams
and I'll tell you about mine

We'll be nobody's parent
nobody's boss, nobody's child
for once we'll get to be ourselves
something we've not been for a while

Some time without distractions
obligations or demands
just time to be together
watching sunsets hand in hand
874 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
What is life without a risk
but music without the dance
Would you rather learn to tango
than never take a chance

Would you live within your safety net
and never catch a fish
Or have a feast on rod and line
baited with spontaneous wish
873 · May 2010
This feeling
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Loved up, twitterpated,
call it what you will,
there really are no words,
to describe the way i feel.

When I hear her voice,
my spirits start to rise,
but pales in comparison,
when I look into her eyes.

When she's around I feel complete,
like all of me is there,
but when we're not together,
I fall victim to despair.

I have no words to describe this,
and I don't know what to do,
because I've never been affected,
the way I am with you.
870 · Sep 2010
The first time
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Treat me gently for I am fragile,
vulnerable and nervous too
It's been a while since I've been here
and now here I am with you

                                        I'm so very glad you said that
                                        for I too am full of nerves
                                        what if he doesn't like my body
                                        what if he doesn't like my curves

My stomach's full of butterflies
my mouth and throat are dry
more anxious than ever before
a little scared a little shy

                                        My head is full of doubts
                                        doubts I think you'll have of me
                                        I want so much for this to happen
                                        I'm scared you won't like what you see

But I want so much to be with you
for you the be one
to feel myself within your arms
I pray not to come undone

                                        I want to feel your hands upon me
                                        I want to linger in your kiss
                                        I want to give you everything I am
                                        and bask within its bliss

So now we both know that were frightened
and now that we both understand
lets turn the lights down just a little
come over here and take my hand
The verses alternate here between what he said and what she said
869 · Aug 2010
Crappy ever after
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Life isn't happy endings
and the streets aren't paved with gold
and fortune favours the other guy
no matter if he's brave or bold

While we all dream of fairy tales
and once upon a times
its my sad duty to tell the truth
in this disappointing rhyme

Ladies if you kiss a frog
you'll just get frog goop on your lips
there'll be no dashing prince
broad of shoulder, thin of hips

And gentlemen I kid you not
there is no sleeping beauty
the only girls who sleep all day
are those who work night duty

(and trust me, you don't wanna be waking them up)

No magic lamp, or secret word
will help you change your lot
so **** it up my buttercups
what you have is all you've got.
864 · Aug 2010
Stepping aside
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If you never planned to catch me
why did you ever let me fall
Even when you saw it happening
why did you say nothing at all

I'm sure that it felt good for you
to have your ego stroked
But look at what its made of me
a fool who's hearts been broke

So next time someone starts falling
speak up and save them pain
don't just stand right there and watch it
before you step aside again.
862 · Aug 2010
If you knew
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If you knew that this ship,
was just about to sail,
would you be inclined, to climb aboard,
and lean over the rail?

And if you knew you had the time,
before you had to choose,
would it make deciding easier,
knowing that you could not lose?

But if you knew that time,
for us was running out,
would you at last commit,
and cast off any doubt?

If you knew that this was right,
just as you know that that is wrong,
would it make you more impatient,
to change the path you're on?

If you knew what I was thinking,
would you understand?
Would you give me signs of hope,
or let go of my hand?
861 · Sep 2010
It rained today
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
My world rained today
both inside and out
as the sky became so black
with it came the doubt

No silver linings anywhere
just darkness all around
I started sinking deeper
with every drop that hit the ground

I look outside its raining still
no blue skies or end in sight
and oil lamps around me burn
casting shadows with their light

and in this murky gloom
i attempt to shed my fears
desperation loneliness
bitterness and tears

as twilight starts to beckon
the sun now out of sight
I close my eyes in search of sleep
seeking solace through the night.
861 · Nov 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
If I stop looking
will there be things I do not see
or will the things for which I search
simply find their way to me

If I stop talking
will my message go unheard
or will the truth of which I speak
be conveyed without a word

If I don't listen
are there things that I will miss
or will all my senses come alive
as if awakened by a kiss

If I just stop
will life around me carry on
will there be those that notice
or wonder where I've gone

But if I live
a life that's strong and true
will there ever come a day
that I will share that life with you?

860 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Monday morning 2am
and still I cannot sleep
every time I close my eyes
into my thoughts you creep

Where once they would be happy
now loss is all I feel
Its like March was just a fairytale
and none of it was real

Since then I've had my sleepless night
but in the past I watched you dream
Did those six months to you mean nothing
sometimes thats how it seems

I'll close my eyes again now
swallow hard and breath real deep
try and ride the memories
beyond the pain to fitful sleep
858 · Sep 2010
The ghost of love gone by
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Every time I close my eyes
I'm haunted by your face
by memories of you and I
a better time, a better place

And now and then when I forget myself
I'm haunted by your smile
as you creep into my thoughts
and linger for a while

Haunted, taunted every night
by the memory of what I lost
too scared to try again one day
unable to meet the cost
853 · Apr 2010
What he said.
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
Who me?
No I've lived here all along.
Well I leave here kinda early,
and my days are kinda long.

My name?
oh its Andy, sorry, didn't catch yours,
oh really like the singer,
oh, yeah, writer, of course.

Soaked? Yeah me too.
When I left it didn't look bad,
and of course when the suns out,
you can, always, get a cab.

No not that far just a block or two,
that bank on 4th and 9...
Oh really? Round the corner?
Yeah, no I eat there all time.

Well, no, you're always busy,
but yeah I've seen you there.
I tend to just grab take out though,
go to the park and get some air.

Well whenever I like really,
there is no special time.
Around two? Yeah I'd like that.
Lets just hope the weathers fine.

Ok then, til tomorrow.
No really not at all...
I would have said something eventually.
Just, not here in the hall.

No please don't be embarrassed,
I'm really glad you did.
Saved me getting tongue tied,
and feeling like a kid.
catch the other side of the conversation in What she said
852 · Aug 2010
My angel?
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Is it sheer coincidence
that in a moment of despair
I let out a cry for help
and you are standing there

Is it sheer coincidence
is that all that it can be
that fate and other forces
brought you here to me

I dont belieive in lady luck
she left me long ago
and yet from out of nowhere
suddenly you show

Could you be an angel
sent to take my hand
sent to guide me home
that I might understand
850 · Dec 2010
Save me
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Please save me from myself
come and take me by the hand
and steer me toward happiness
that I may understand
the kindness in a lovers smile
how tender is their touch
what it feels like to be truly loved
is that honestly too much?

Perhaps I don’t rank high enough
or there’s some test I never passed
is it not enough to love someone
and to want that love to last?
To say so much with just a look
that words cannot convey
the depth of the emotions
that you rain on me each day

Instead I live life as a moth
against loves light I just collide
blinded by its beauty
yet I cannot get inside
Instead I circle endlessly
like the dog chasing his tail
while my wings grow ever weary
til the day this heart does fail.
848 · Mar 2010
untitled anit-war
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
All it took was a suit in DC with a word,
on the back of a lie that everyone heard.
We were sold on the threat of mass destruction,
a war just to fuel our massive consumption.
"We're giving these people democracy no less"
but when we stand up and raise our voice in protest,
for our brothers and sisters that die over there,
it gets spun in our face to make out we dont care.

Whilst Wall Street and senators sit home and get rich,
my brother was killed by a bomb in a ditch.
Why do we let those with nothing to lose,
be the ones who decide, be the ones who choose,
what happens to children other than their own,
who go off to fight but dont always come home?
The world is in chaos and everyone's right,
but can't even agree on the cause of the fight.

So we sit here at home by the phone and TV,
just waiting to hear and just waiting to see,
a glimpse of our loved ones so far far away,
or their voice telling us they survived one more day.
Fear not my brothers who leave home shores,
to fly round the world and fight in their wars,
you are as much in our thoughts as you always have been,
long before yellow ribbons and magnets were seen.

One day you'll be home and back in our lives,
our brothers and sisters and husbands and wives.
But sadly not all will come home alive,
in caskets with flags on dead heroes arrive.
And I pray for justice for those that we've lost,
that someone will answer for this terrible cost,
that one day war will be a thing of the past.
Let the world live in peace, and a peace that will last.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
847 · May 2010
To whom it may concern
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
How does it feel to read this
and know that its all about you.

When you recognize the moments
what does it make you want to do?

Do you feel somehow betrayed
like your secrets have been shared

Or does it fill you with a certain warmth
to see how much I cared

Does it make you smile to yourself
because you know who its about

Or are truly terrified
in case someone finds out

Fear not for I will tell no one
it is my secret too

The only ones who know the truth
of this tale are me and you
847 · Aug 2010
A dish best served cold
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I can't believe you looked me in the eyes,
while you ****** me in with promises and lies.
Told me stories, never true,
about the things that made you you.
And all the while you crafted your disguise.

Just what was it made me **** an easy mark?
Was it personal for you or just a lark?
You played it very cool,
while making me the perfect fool.
You're a ***** who's bite is way worse than her bark.

But you know what, now its over I ain't sad
You'll see revenge it tastes so sweet I'm almost glad
See I've been driven by a cause
and thats to see that you get yours
And if you don't like the taste, too ******' bad!
846 · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
why do you haunt me so?
Why is it I can't turn you off,
or ask you please to go?

Why do you override my strength,
make me follow where you lead,
then stay around to watch the aftermath,
make me weep and see me bleed?

Sometimes I pray you would abandon me.
Without feeling there's no pain.
Would numbness really be so bad,
that I would want you back again?

What happened to the other times,
when you were great to have around?
Why do you now seem so intent,
on seeing this soul drowned?

If thats your plan then leave me now,
because I want to leave no doubt.
The feeling thats I've had of late,
I can surely do without.
846 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Not all heroes are perfect
suave and debonair
with bulging chests and six packs
square jaws and perfect hair

Sometimes they say the wrong thing
make the simplest of mistakes
thats just how it is in real life
cos real heroes are not fakes

They're not knights in shining armor
who ride a pure white steed
that come galloping to your rescue
in your hour of desperate need

Most of the time they're everyman
they may even be your friend
you'll know it when it hits the fan
and they stay until the end

They help you clean up after parties
they try to do whats best for you
and if they ever get things wrong
remember they're just human too.
842 · Jul 2010
The inkwell
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
For years I saved my tears
in a small glass well
From every tearful high
and every trip to hell

From every deep depression
and rare moment of rage
When I need to write I dip my pen
and spread them on this page

The ink can be the darkest black
to meet a poems needs
or vibrant golden colours
for more uplifting reads

If you understand the concept
of what this poem is about
Perhaps you can tell me what to do
if the ink ever runs out.
840 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Remember how it used to be,
when we would go outside,
and hang out with folks in person?
But now we stay inside.

We used to write each other letters,
with paper, pen and ink.
Once delivered you would read it,
then write back with what you think.

And remember in the old days,
when you could just be "out"?
And things could wait for your return,
there was never any doubt.

But now if we're unreachable,
then something must be wrong.
'Cos everything is urgent,
our time to us does not belong.

Well I don't know bout the rest of you,
but I miss the olden days.
They used to be less stressful,
better in many ways.

So I think I'll turn my cellphone off,
and shut my Facebook down.
Write letters to those friends of mine
who don't live in this town

But I think my plan might hit a snag
there's something that I lack
I don't know where these people live
and they probl'y wont write back

So I guess I have a choice to make
tell me, what would you do?
Would you give your address to me,
so I could write to you?
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
838 · May 2010
Human wrongs
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
So you want to take away their rights
its all over the news
but before you check that ballot box
tell me which one would you lose?

You see theres a new rule in this game
if we take away their rights
we have to give up one of ours
we too have to sacrifice

Oh its not fair I hear you cry
and isn't that the truth
you really should have thought it out
before you stepped into that booth

Just because you don't agree
with what someone has to say
does it really justify
taking free speech away?

How can we claim were civilized
if this we choose to do
All men were supposed to be equal
now we're more equal than you?
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
838 · Sep 2010
Black & White
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Don't you wish that life was easy
that things were black or white
all our choices would be simple
one choice is wrong the others right

But never seems to work that way
or maybe its just me
so many shades of grey
the path so very hard to see

But it boils down to this.
Do you want it yes or no?
If you do then go and get it
If you don't then let it go
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I will think of you my love
before they take me down
I will think of you my love
to help me smile and not frown

I will think of you my love
as they lead me away
I will think of you my love
throughout this my last day

I will think of you my love
as they lead me up the stairs
I will think of you my love
as the hangman he prepares

I will think of you my love
neath hood before the knot
I think of you my love
till my life ends with the drop

And when I've been pronounced
and my soul flies free above
know that for eternity
I will think of you my love
837 · Nov 2010
Logic gone awry
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Which is better,
loving and losing
or avoiding the pain,
avoiding the bruising

missing out on the moments
the memories to keep
by saving the tears
thus not having to weep

to extinguish the fire
before it starts burning
in a bid to escape and
put an end to the yearning

What if self preservation
is not worth the cost
as what could have been
can now only be lost
837 · May 2010
Friday night dreams
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I cannot wait for Friday night
when its time to fall asleep
as I lay there naked in my bed
into my dreams you'll creep

This happens to me every night
but Friday nights the best
'cause my dreams of you,
wont get disturbed
by alarms or other pests
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
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