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A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Please save me from myself
come and take me by the hand
and steer me toward happiness
that I may understand
the kindness in a lovers smile
how tender is their touch
what it feels like to be truly loved
is that honestly too much?

Perhaps I don’t rank high enough
or there’s some test I never passed
is it not enough to love someone
and to want that love to last?
To say so much with just a look
that words cannot convey
the depth of the emotions
that you rain on me each day

Instead I live life as a moth
against loves light I just collide
blinded by its beauty
yet I cannot get inside
Instead I circle endlessly
like the dog chasing his tail
while my wings grow ever weary
til the day this heart does fail.
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
What if there's no truth
or the truth just sounds like lies
would you recognise it anyway
see through its disguise

Would you trumpet its arrival
play a fanfare in its name
or would you sneak in quietly
like a thief avoiding shame

Have you lost sight of whats important?
In our greatest hour of need,
will you stand up and be counted,
or count the profits from your greed.

What happened to integrity
common sense and pride
Did you give them up by choice
or were they forfeit when you lied

So keep your silver, Judas
it matter not how much you give
The truth of whats behind you
is with what you now must live.
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Who would have ever guessed
our paths would cross again
that a stranger from my past
would turn out to be my friend

That from just one thing in common
we would share so many more
Makes you wonder why us strangers
had never met before

Five years spent together
yet not one moment to recall
you'd think our paths would cross but once
in classroom, library or hall

Perhaps there is a reason
that over twenty years passed
before we got to know each other
and became friends at last.

A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Wireless connections,
sometimes there and sometimes not
Like the connection that we share
sometimes cold and sometimes hot

Sometimes strong and stable
the signal nice and clear
other times its flaky
other times there's fear

What if this connection
is just a temporary thing
Doomed to break and disappear
to leave a painful sting

That's the problem with what cant be seen
like knowing how you feel
Everything is theory
til the connections made for real

A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Take me by the hand
and lead me through your day
that I may better know
how you came to be this way

How you came to have such character
amidst all the things you see
How life can kick you in the guts
yet still you think of me

You think about my happiness
and the goodness of my day
When I think if I was in your shoes
I would up and run away

You inspire me to better things
like no one else before
Your the reason my hearts open
not locked behind some door

You're the woman I admire most
the woman that I love
and no matter how I say it
Thank you never seems enough.
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Today I wrote a list
a list about a friend
a list of all their good points
that seems to have no end

A list of all the ways
they bring happiness to me
A list that I can't show you
because then you too would see

You'd see that maybe just perhaps
they were more than just a friend
because the way in which they touch my life
it really has no end

I could tell you how they make me smile
by just the simplest word
and how they never make me
feel my voice has gone unheard

I could tell you how I think of them
with every miracle I see
and how I would give anything
to have them here with me

Each time my mouth is opened
their name is on my lips
and each time my eyes are closed
my hands are on their hips

Whenever skies are cloudy
they take away the rain
and I wish when they are hurting
that I could take their pain

Could it be they are my greatest friend
and that I in turn am theirs
Or could she be the one true love
the answer to my prayers
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Look over here!
there's a reason to be scared.
Pay no attention to the truth
there's misdirection we've prepared

Forget the facts
national security's at risk
we'll just sidestep what you've read
after all, does it exist?

It's just a game
a little give, a little take
we didn't mean it quite like that
c'mon give us all a break

After all
you have given us your trust
and if think that we're so bad
you should hear what they say of us

Can you blame them?
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