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A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
If I stop looking
will there be things I do not see
or will the things for which I search
simply find their way to me

If I stop talking
will my message go unheard
or will the truth of which I speak
be conveyed without a word

If I don't listen
are there things that I will miss
or will all my senses come alive
as if awakened by a kiss

If I just stop
will life around me carry on
will there be those that notice
or wonder where I've gone

But if I live
a life that's strong and true
will there ever come a day
that I will share that life with you?

A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
I used to hear your name
whispered on a summer breeze
now its written on each snowflake
with the coming winter freeze

Where once was warmth and comfort
a chill is now descending
the song we sang together
has gone off key and now is ending

But seasons they march on
and one day it will be spring
Given time I'll find my voice
and again I'll start to sing.
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Sometimes I dream of sleeping
never to awake
would that be a thing so terrible
is that a choice that I could make?

As I face a life of solitude
sometimes resolute and strong
voluntary independence
few even noticing I've gone

I cannot help but wonder
if a never ending sleep
would release me from these memories
allow me finally to weep

Would I finally get closure
feel all my debts were fully paid
would I find the peace I long for
only when in the ground I'm laid
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
I tried so hard to hate you
to lay the blame right at your door
Because then I could move forward
not think about you anymore

Not remember how things used to be
making love neath starry skies
holding hands along the promenade
getting lost within your eyes

But none of those would go away
the fault it all was mine
and so I’m trapped with memories
that I hope will fade with time

And so I come up to a crossroads
in one direction lies the past
in one lies new beginnings
the other dreams that cannot last

Yet now I have to make a choice
so which path should I choose
There’s none on which I really win
and all on which I lose
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
There is space tween you and I
that we may just never bridge
A truth I slowly realise
yet struggle to admit

You tell me that you love me
and you know I feel it too
from here it seems so simple
but not alas to you

In many way we are so close
yet always out of reach
Defences we both put in place
that neither one can breach

Though put in place to keep us safe
from pain and fear and doubt
They have the added side effect
of keeping others out

When finally I crossed your path
and wished to set you free
The gates were locked so long ago
you could not find the key

And so this space tween you and I
remains unto this day
I sit and wait while you decide
if there’s another way
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Got an issue? I can fix it.
Broken heart? I mend those too
But when you’re done and fly away
don’t take a piece of me with you

Just once I’d like someone to fix
the one that’s left behind
The one from way back yesterday
who was honest, true and kind

Who took the time to listen
to all you had to say
on who’s shoulder you shed many tears
in whose heart you live today

You see I have a secret
it’s that I am broken too
but thoughts of me get pushed aside
and replaced by thoughts of you

But if the past repeats itself
I know I’d do it all again
Even if the price for selflessness
is solitude and pain.
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
And no matter how we feel
The world will keep on turning
Some will fill their lives with love
While others fill with yearning

We can choose to live uncertain lives
too scared to take a chance
Or be bold and find our happiness
the music to our dance

No matter how safe we play the game
at some point we all get burned
But the only time it’s a mistake
is when the lesson goes unlearned

So some will end up broken
shattered, cast aside
But the ending you will face
is one thing you alone decide
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