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A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
What if once is all you get
and there’s no second chance
would you change the way
you play the game
Would you so quickly leave the dance

Would you try a little harder
Would you give up just as quick
If you knew
that me and you
Had just one chance and this was it?

Would you speak up in the first place
Would you even play the game
Is the fear of loss
not worth the cost
Thus avoiding fault or blame
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
We don't have to like it
but sometimes life gets in the way
sneaks up and overtakes us
interferes with our day

We may not get the time we want
because life gets in the way
its just the way it is sometimes
it's no biggie, its okay

Perhaps one day there'll come a time
when life cant get in the way
because life is what we'll have together
each and every day
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
When you turn a blind eye
I know you still see
it just means its ok
what he's doing to me

You think of yourself
and what you have to lose
every time he comes home
stinking of *****

Turning your back
gives the ok to do
whatever to me
so he don't do it to you

I hope that its worth it
all the **** that you'd lose
to you let me your son
become bruised and abused

You dont hear the screams
or the cries in the night
or the slaps and the punches
when I put up a fight

But don't worry about me
cos I died long ago
just forgot to lie down
so that no one would know

There's nowhere I can run
and nowhere I can hide
When folks tried to help
you just stood there and lied

Well lie about this
when this poem gets read
the truth will come out
they'll know why I'm dead

They'll know that you knew
and you turned a blind eye
right up to the day
I decided to die

For the longest time now
I've been dead inside
well enough of this ****
I got nothing to hide

I was only a kid
that was destined to lose
so his ***** of a mom
got her smokes and her *****

And her **** of a boyfriend
that twisted old ****
got his pleasure from kids
or as he called me her "runt"

You should know when you read this
fore the razor bit down
that I emailed this poem
to the papers in town

I hope that you find me
and it fills you with pride
try and turn a blind eye
now you've nowhere to hide
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Why is it when women have troubles
they're straight round their friends for a cry
But when guys feel low
and have taken some blows
we just **** it up and get by.

Is it doing us some kind of favour
or putting ourselves at some risk
will there come a night
after losing this fight
that we'll drown in this deep abyss

What is it that makes us say nothing
makes us keep it all locked up inside
Why is it that men
don't speak to their friends
like its a weakness they're trying to hide

Is it the way that were told as children
that boys and men don't cry
That not to be strong
is totally wrong
Right up till the day we die

None of us are unique in our troubles
and the struggles of life never end
so if you're down in that pit
forget macho *******
grow some ***** go and speak to your friend

Chances are he's been there too, if he isn't there right now
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I've never been one for the money
never have been, never will
enough to get by is fine by me
while others pursue their fill

It's not that I lack ambition
although some might disagree
It's purely that financial gain
is not whats important to me

Sure money can help you buy stuff
typically stuff you that don't need
Just to end up trapped by the things that you own
prisoner to the product of greed

I'm no more obsessed with fashion
than I am with the money it costs
I've seen too many people wrapped up in a badge
that they themselves become lost

Jeans and a t-shirt are just as much clothes
as a designer suit and tie
And when you look around
at the folks in the ground
who knows in what clothes they lie

I'm not saying I don't wanna be rich
just rich in a way which matters
If you asked me to choose between money and love
I'd always be taking the latter

A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
There’s many nights I wake up
and lie here and watch you sleep
and memorise each line upon your face
Scan each crease in every sheet
picture your body underneath
and fight the urge your contours for to trace

Other nights I sleep right through
and I’m lying next to you
my arms around you and your head upon my chest
with your leg laid over mine
our two bodies intertwined
at those times it seems my life, well it’s the best

But each morning when I rise
and I get to see those eyes
looking at me from across my coffee cup
it truly makes me feel
that miracles are real
and happen every day the sun comes up

A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
go ahead and do worst
cos there’s nothing left to hurt
there’s no more tears left inside for me to cry

you made your mind up on your own
without picking up the phone
to see if what you’d heard was all a lie

I guess finally we see
just how much you think of me
actually correct that, should be little

you heard what you needed to
and now there’s nothing left to do
but I guess to split it all right down the middle

you know, forget it, have it all
I hope you really have a ball
and all this **** replaces what you lost

say thank you to  your pride
cos you picked the losing side
maybe one day you will see just what it cost
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