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A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I need a kick in the ***
to get me on my way
I need a kick in the ***
so I don't waste another day
I need a kick in the ***
to make me see the light
I need a kick in the ***
to make sure I get it right
I need a kick in the ***
to be all I can be
So line up ladies and gents
to kick the *** of me
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Is there a place that one can go
to truly be alone
to escape the hustle of our lives
and traffics monotone
Is there a place where I can sit
notepad and pen in hand
And capture the true nature
of this majestic land.
My needs are very simple
just somewhere to rest my head
with a simple little woodstove
and a comfortable bed
I have no need of music
for nature plays my song
I will fall asleep to crickets
and awake to sparrows throng
I will read alone by candlelight
the poems of the day
And think of friends I left behind
who would love to live this way
But for now all this is just a dream
that one day may come true
And it seems a little closer
no that its been shared with you
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Summers nearly over now
and Fall will soon be here
the days are getting shorter
the skies are not so clear

But as blues and greens retreat
from the palette of our day
replaced by red's and golden yellows
a most magnificent display

And like so many things in life
Fall too will one day end
and into the frigid winter
our lives will soon descend

But for now we have a little time
before summers truly done
so lets lie beneath the blue skies
and bask in summer sun
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I still get the looks
as I stroll down the racks
and look through the books
while avoiding the hacks
and I hear what they say
when they think I cant hear
about moving away
and not staying round here
But my skin is quite thick
I'm not easily moved
which you'd think they would know
else I'm just being rude
For daring to stay
in town such as this
where the rumor mill rules
and the truth takes a ****
Just because someone said
no that don't make it right
no matter who's dead
or who died in the night
I know what they think
but quite frankly don't care
cos its always me here
and them over there
I'm an outsider you see
someone from "away"
so the locals are right
no matter what I might say
They don't care about truth
they don't care about right
all they want is some gossip
bout what happened that night
But **** em I say
and I know it sounds blunt
but truth is they're gonna
believe what they want
and as tragic and sad
as the truth just might be
they'd have no one to blame
especially me
So I still get the looks
as I stroll down the rack
while I deal with my loss
and wait for life to come back
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Happy feels like Candy Floss
when you're 6 and at the fair
or like a trip go see grandma
but not until you're there
Its like that perfect cup of tea
with a biscuit on the side
Or the big hill in the winter
and that long toboggan ride
Its walking on the beach
with a lover hand in hand
or finding mermaids tears
hidden in the sand
It's finding money in your pocket
that you didn't know you had
Flirting with a stranger
and being told you're "bad"
Happy can be what you think
what you see or say or do
But the bestest kind of happy
is the kind I get from you
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Monday morning 2am
and still I cannot sleep
every time I close my eyes
into my thoughts you creep

Where once they would be happy
now loss is all I feel
Its like March was just a fairytale
and none of it was real

Since then I've had my sleepless night
but in the past I watched you dream
Did those six months to you mean nothing
sometimes thats how it seems

I'll close my eyes again now
swallow hard and breath real deep
try and ride the memories
beyond the pain to fitful sleep
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If I asked would you meet me
in that old familiar place
once more to hear your voice
once more to see you face

Or would it be too much for you
to see me once again
to hear the difference in my voice
in my eyes to see the pain

I doubt you'd even answer
and perhaps that would be best
If your plan is to forget
and lay the past to rest.
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