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Nov 2019 · 261
unnamed Nov 2019
I always did like the spark
More than the fire
Nov 2019 · 188
unnamed Nov 2019
I can see it in your eyes
And I can taste it in your lips
I feel it on your wrists
Why are you in such pain?
Nov 2019 · 99
unnamed Nov 2019
She was otherworldly
He saw that now
As silver blood gushed
From the **** in her side
The light left her eyes
And joined the stars
There was nothing he could do
How was he supposed to save the queen of a world he’d only heard her speak of?
How was he meant
To save a dying goddess?
Nov 2019 · 126
unnamed Nov 2019
It was as if I had been ******
Into the depths of the ocean
Not knowing which way
Was up or down
As both my body and mind
Twisted and tumbled
And as darkness crept
Into the edge of my vision
I did the only thing
One could do in
A situation such as mine


Nov 2019 · 89
The Thoughts of a Painter
unnamed Nov 2019
“Someday my stained soul will appeal to someone.”
Nov 2019 · 133
Steal the Stars
unnamed Nov 2019
I could never forgive myself
If I were to take the stars from your eyes
Nov 2019 · 255
Bad Idea
unnamed Nov 2019
It was plain for anyone to see
That you and me
Was a terrible idea
Seems you cannot
Build a relationship
Simply off of love.
Nov 2019 · 146
unnamed Nov 2019
So many people think they want to die
But the truth is
They want to start living
Nov 2019 · 1.1k
unnamed Nov 2019
So this is love
Nov 2019 · 96
unnamed Nov 2019
Why has ******
Become a positive word
Since I met you?
Nov 2019 · 102
Which are We?
unnamed Nov 2019
We tend to think
That our body
Is who we are

But truly
We are simply
A brain

Being slowly
In this body
Nov 2019 · 351
unnamed Nov 2019
Her touch was like *****;
Relieving him of his pain
And dulling his mind
Nov 2019 · 104
unnamed Nov 2019
The snow had began to fall
And he could feel
The soft flakes
Kissing his red cheeks

unnamed Nov 2019
Kisses were stolen among the
Shelves of the  library

The spines of books the only witnesses
to clumsy yet ardent mouths

They watched, standing as silent sentinels
As we fell deeper into the web of each other

Nov 2019 · 216
Love Sick
unnamed Nov 2019
I’m sick doctor.
I’m love sick,
And you’re
The cure
Nov 2019 · 108
unnamed Nov 2019
You were a blazing fire
So ruthlessly extinguished
Nov 2019 · 197
unnamed Nov 2019
Poetry is not about
How many words
You write

But rather
What words
You write

Nov 2019 · 83
Mend Me
unnamed Nov 2019
Her soft lips
Pressed against
My cold ones
As darkness
Was consumed
By light
And I felt
My broken soul
Start to mend
Not fully,
But it’s
Started to
Nov 2019 · 101
The Heart vs The Mind
unnamed Nov 2019
Why does my heart
Keep telling me
To love you
Even though my mind
Doesn’t want to?
In a debate of
heart and mind
Which will you choose?

Nov 2019 · 354
Bad Habits
unnamed Nov 2019
I’ve developed a terrible habit
One that makes my wrists
Burn and bleed
It makes my soul
Yearn and weep
Simply to punish myself
For being me.
Oct 2019 · 138
unnamed Oct 2019
Watching you
Makes me see
That you seem
To be in a hurry
To die
Oct 2019 · 157
Darkest, Dearest
unnamed Oct 2019
I hear you crying sometimes
Muffled cries of agony
When feeling in itself is a crime
During the darkest of nights
When silence is the loudest sound
And black is all that’s in sight
Do not hide your tears
For I will always
Be here for you, my dear
Oct 2019 · 86
unnamed Oct 2019
Oct 2019 · 77
unnamed Oct 2019
How can you
Expect me to breathe

When your presence
Permeates the air around me
Oct 2019 · 172
One and the Same
unnamed Oct 2019
Hate is bred from love
That’s what makes
This world of ours
As miserable
As it is
Oct 2019 · 173
unnamed Oct 2019
I didn’t realize
I had fallen in love
Until I noticed
My eyes straying
From the clouds
And onto you
Oct 2019 · 344
unnamed Oct 2019
Scream into the dark
And tell me, my dear
Which do you dread more
The echo?
Or the answer?

Oct 2019 · 175
unnamed Oct 2019
You forgave her
You forgave her
You forgave
Oct 2019 · 94
Left behind
unnamed Oct 2019
I’ve spent so long
Chasing after who
I thought I was
Suppose to be

That I didn’t realize
I left who I was
Oct 2019 · 198
unnamed Oct 2019
She’s not a villain
She’s simply a hero
That’s been wronged
Oct 2019 · 84
The Masks on Our Hearts
unnamed Oct 2019
Sometimes the masks we wear
Aren’t the ones on our faces
But the ones on our heart

Lucky for me
He always had the habit
Of working his way in
Sep 2019 · 309
unnamed Sep 2019
If you don’t see the damage
Then the damage doesn’t really exist
Does it?
Sep 2019 · 83
The Hardest Goodbyes
unnamed Sep 2019
How lucky I am
To have someone
Who makes
Saying goodbye
So hard
unnamed Sep 2019
Can we be best friends in love dear
Can we grow old together?
I wanna be by your side for the years and years to come
Can we fall like feathers
Falling softly for one another
I wanna be here for you through the good and the bad my love

-Abbey Glover
Sep 2019 · 100
unnamed Sep 2019
Should I hang in there
For just one more day?
Sep 2019 · 95
Stand Still
unnamed Sep 2019
When I met you
It felt as if all of time
Except for my heart
Which seemed to
Be speeding up
Sep 2019 · 92
Take Over
unnamed Sep 2019
Sometimes it doesn’t matter
What you know
For what you feel
Seems to take over
Sep 2019 · 113
unnamed Sep 2019
You were the glue that held us-
That held everything together
You kept together
These fragile paper hearts
So when you left


Sep 2019 · 96
Half a Person
unnamed Sep 2019
They tell me that
I don’t need someone
To fix myself

They are wrong
For until I find you
I am still only

Sep 2019 · 112
Cloaked in White
unnamed Sep 2019
She dreamed of a castle
Buried in white
Shining crystals hanging
And ice cold snow
As far as she could see

She ran down the hall
Feet thumping across
Cold stone floors
And threw open
The castle door

Clutching her heart
She fell onto
The stinging ice as
Despair overtook her
As she realized


Sep 2019 · 87
unnamed Sep 2019
You’re strangely endearing in a way
Sep 2019 · 375
Another World
unnamed Sep 2019
She got lost in a good book
And never came back
Sep 2019 · 108
unnamed Sep 2019
Hold on just a little longer
Hold on just a little tighter
Don’t give up on me
Don’t give up on us

For daybreak is sure to come
And with it sunlight
That can pierce through
Even the darkest of nights
Sep 2019 · 334
unnamed Sep 2019
Hello, Goodbye
Together, Alone
Content, Depressed
Alive, Dead

They seem to
Blend together

Was there ever
Really a difference?
Sep 2019 · 110
Map of the mind
unnamed Sep 2019
Go straight
For 2.1 miles
On Content Lane

Turn right on
Stressful Blvd
Careful for bumps!

Take a left onto
Mental Illness Road
It's a steep ride for sure

Now turn onto
Suicidal Lane
Known for accidents

You have reached
Your destination
Sep 2019 · 107
unnamed Sep 2019
And I will
Sep 2019 · 151
unnamed Sep 2019
The sky isn’t the only thing crying tonight
Sep 2019 · 95
Loving You
unnamed Sep 2019
I loved my books
And I loved nature
And of course
I loved no one
Not even myself
And it’s a pity
That I can’t
Seem to stop
Myself from
Loving you
Sep 2019 · 87
I hate it
unnamed Sep 2019
I hate it
I hate how
The people
You love
And know
The people
You loved
And knew
Sep 2019 · 90
unnamed Sep 2019
I let out a sigh of relief
A little dizzy from holding my breath
Breathing sure is a chore around you!
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