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204 · Sep 2020
The End of all Things Human
Battery Sep 2020
a single perambulator idles on the cobbled stone
It's filled with dusty, Fractured bones
yearning, yearning mother earth
cries out for those she gave birth
wishing to envelop her kin once again
From time now, until the end.

mangled gangly trunks spin round,
growing limbs throughout the town
they advance in such peculiar ways
knocking bones from where they lay
so they could rest where Mother meant
vines covered up the corpses, and they wept
yeah. This would be my current mind frame
197 · Oct 2020
Lacy Lingerie
Battery Oct 2020
Baby Baby blue
lacy Lingerie
and a rose of red.
the lingerie is stained
and the rose is just
a hole in your head
The once pink petals on
the floor are wilted,
none left on the bed
Everything is dry,
Like sandpaper
not a tear was shed.
Read it to the beat of any Children's Nursery Rhyme
Battery Sep 2020
Your Love
it is the equivalent
of hate.

Your Hate
it is the equivalent
of a ******.

Your Anger
it is the equivalent
of lust.

so scratch me
bite me
rake your nails down my back.

and then moan
cry out
your legs are shaking.

Maybe I'll bruise you
whip you
and make you beg for mercy.

Don't get me wrong...
I love you.
Need you.
Want you.
I will never let you go.

You cannot escape me
You will not escape me
You shouldn't want to...

I Love how you make feel
And how I make you feel

So say my name,
And I'll never let you leave.
So yeah, this sums up my current *** life. Inspired by Deadwood Jawn's poetry ;)
99 · Oct 2020
In My dream I was....
Battery Oct 2020
Falling Endlessly down the rabbit hole.

Learning the truth,
the truth of things I never wanted to know.

screaming until the world has no breath for me.

All the tears orphans have to spare.

blood from the core dripping slowly down.

I was falling,
Falling endlessly through my own personal hell.

I was dead,

my poor heart was no longer beating,
Silence in my chest.

my empty lungs were no longer trying
Fire in my body

my porcelain limbs were no longer attached
Floating around me

my Brown eyes were no longer seeing.
Rolling back in my skull

Falling Endlessly down the rabbit hole.
Down into hell

Just a little impromptu work
95 · Oct 2020
In the Dark
Battery Oct 2020
Don't swear to God,
he never asked you.
don't you know you
look like a fool?

Jesus Christ, you're
so **** cold
to drive a knife
right through my skull.

Don't leave me alone
in the dark.
Inspired by the lyrics of in the dark by Bring me the Horizon
Battery Oct 2020
                 It Is For Fools
             And I Am A fool
91 · Sep 2020
"I Love you"
Battery Sep 2020




you ******* Lied To Me
85 · Oct 2020
See for yourself
Battery Oct 2020
I'm Sitting here, Waiting...

For what?

For you, silly.

What are you wearing?

You'll have to find out when you get here, baby.

Come on, give me something to work with?

Sorry.... You have to come to see for yourself.
83 · Sep 2020
Never enough/Nuquam Satis
Battery Sep 2020
They say to
;ove yourse;f,
but to do that,
you must ;earn that you are enough.
but what if I am not enough?
What if No one ever ;oves me?
What if?
What if?
What if I am never enough?
Numquam satis

Never Enough

Numquam satis

Never Enough.
Latin use inspired by Deadwood Jawn. every "L" is replaced with a semi-colon (";") for suicide awareness
82 · Sep 2020
Drag the Lake
Battery Sep 2020
Drag the lake
to find my heart
even if it's torn apart

are you sad, is your heart
hard to find
and broke apart?

if it is than what the heck
hang yourself by
your thin neck

slit your wrists
pop some pills
I want your note to give me chills
78 · Sep 2020
Battery Sep 2020
Quomodo potes diligere?
Any takers? Answer the question and win a rhetorical prize.
76 · Sep 2020
Yellow Brick Road
Battery Sep 2020
'm scrolling endlessly
through an MCR album
when really I live
In an Osbourne Vinyl
I'm Old school
though I'm still young
I have a walkman
and know what a VHS is
(I own one)
I'm not Modern Emo
I belong in the '90s
Or maybe the roaring '20s
I don't drink
but I'm depressed
I love corsets
and wear them often
I get weird looks
and keep on jamming
to my Ozzy and my Journey
down this Golden Brick Road
74 · Sep 2020
Battery Sep 2020
White, they say
is a mixture of every

but still represents a void

Black, they say
is a mixture of every

and their name is nothing.
72 · Sep 2020
White Room
Battery Sep 2020
I sit alone up here,
alone with all my fear.
I have no place to go
heavy winds decide to blow.
I can't face them,
the shadows of my mind
I won't face them,
I would rather hide.

I sit alone in a white room,
alone with misery.
we'd no longer be alone
if you give us your company.
this room is bland
like my thoughts
decorations nonexistent,
like my smile.

I guess I'll be here,
For a while.
71 · Sep 2020
A Man, And A Woman
Battery Sep 2020
A man,
      and also a woman
they stand.
   on the edge of
the world.
      they look not down,
but in
   each other's eyes
for the
is too much to stare towards
   they do not realize
that it
      is nothing to behold
compared to
   the darkness in
their partner's soul.
      they tell each other
that they will be
   in love
      alas, the
pit, it swallows
   them up.
From the inside out
      until they
are nothing but darkness
    and misery.

  There was once,
a man,
  and also a woman.
their love
   was forged from
   the dark bonds
that bound them
   never broke
until they could not breathe.
   and they
were forced
   to look onto
the darkness that was,
   the soul of their lover.
driven to
the lovers, bound together,

   And jumped



              ... into death
not my best, but i did it impromptu
70 · Sep 2020
The Fighter
Battery Sep 2020
The Fighter
Blade of shining steel,
Heart of pure gold.
He always does,
What he is told.

Blood now shed,
Heart now broke.
The Fighter knows,
His life is a joke.

So he writes a note,
saying good-bye.
That it was time for him,
To learn how to fly.
68 · Sep 2020
Not Quite man
Battery Sep 2020
a magical creature, not quite man,
leads me behind a waterfall.
holding my hand securely

a world of the obscure is revealed to me,
as a butterfly lands softly on my forehead
fluttering away when I move

hazy days roll in the meadows beyond the easter horizon
a nonstop stream of harmonious angel song.
as we lay together in paradise.

but not out loud, and in my head,
it dies away slowly,
until only silence remains

as I find myself alone and lost
in a forest of tangled branches and rotten fruit.
you left me and took paradise with you.

where did you go, my lovely?
were you only an incubus
taking my honour before leaving me in hell?
63 · Sep 2020
Pigs eat Anything
Battery Sep 2020
I sit there watching you
a cigarette in-between my lips
you're half gone now
It's started to rain
the moist air carries your stench
you shouldn't have hit me
shouldn't have tried to...
now your time has come
your sentence carried out
I don't feel sorry
you shouldn't have cheated on me
with her.
did she taste better than she looks?
I bet you don't either
Now you are devoured by your own species
Pigs will eat anything.
62 · Sep 2020
A Fight Not Worth Having
Battery Sep 2020
I embrace my shattered glass ticker,
Destroyed beyond mending.

I asked you why,
but your answer is still pending.

my mind is riddled with bullet wounds,
I cannot recall a thing.

Will our verbal battles ever end,
was I just a summer fling?

Now we fight like wounded canines,
biting, scratching and gnawing.

I feel threatened, Under attack.
I fight back with all I've got.

But I have no chance, against you.
You kick my teeth in with your shoe.

This was a fight not worth having.
Yeah. My ex
60 · Sep 2020
Battery Sep 2020


59 · Sep 2020
A Dream And A Wish
Battery Sep 2020
I'm falling down the rabbit hole,
bookshelves and cupboards running.
I'm in a Beatles song with
Orange marmalade skies, stunning.
tumbling wonders dropping latitude,
sticks and dry leaves tunneling
Paint the white roses red,
never waking from this dread.
Flying origami cranes
made of out-dated MAPS.
before I know it, the fall down the Rabbit hole is over,
And I call out to go back.
yepp... Dont know if I have posted this yet or not.
57 · Sep 2020
He Loves Me
Battery Sep 2020
And yet
I know
He Loves me Not
54 · Sep 2020
I Hate
Battery Sep 2020
I hate
   push-up bras

I hate
      the dress I was wearing
that night

I hate
         the sick look in your eys
your smile
  your words

I hate
                your kin
                   your friends

I hate

And my body.

my soul.

my sexuality.

my gender.

my life.

You should not have

     F O R C E D

   yourself onto me.


And I hate you

— The End —