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Wuji Oct 2012
Is it a sin if it's under the covers?
Am I bad for enjoying her?
Shes not mine, but I'm hers,
As we lay so closely together.
She says she likes me,
I say I like her.
Both our voices hazy with a resting tone,
Whispering our thoughts on the matter.
Invites me in to stay,
But I'm always kicked out.
Her arms never leave me,
Though I know I must go.
Innocent questions from under the covers,
We both know we can't be lovers.
Not now maybe not ever,
Yet we hold each other so closely together.
Says I'm so good,
Says I'm the best.
Controlling myself,
Inside the straightjacket's vest.
I am her dog,
Started at the foot of her bed.
Made my way so close,
But I know my place.
Keeps saying she's sorry,
I tell her its okay.
You know you are killing me,
But you're one of my best friends.
Lips to her forehead,
I do not dare kiss.
"Sorry sorry sorry..."
If I leave she'll surely begin to miss.
"Would you ask me to prom if you were a senior?"
Of course I would.
But I wouldn't get anywhere,
You belong to someone else.
Someone is walking in,
A tight squeeze goodbye.
She moves in for the kiss,
But I deny.
I hate having all this power over you.
Wuji Oct 2012
No arms,
No love,
No hands to call a cab.
Back home,
Sighing to myself,
I notice one leg is too short,
OCD kicks in,
I eat my legs.
Now it's even,
But what is the point of a body as useless as mine?
So I jumped in the road,
To release the tortured sole inside.
More fragmented poetry from the phone.
Wuji Oct 2012
Pain is such a gain,
Love stitched into skin.
Smiling at that burning touch,
That I adore within in.
Delivered you to your lover's house,
Knowing you'll both have a better time,
Than I stuck inside my home alone,
I accept my own crime.
Your yeses and noes are constantly changing,
But I know that maybes can't be rearranged.
Can I keep this pain for myself,
Or must I move on...?
**** I hate this,
But what do you care?
You have someone always behind you,
I turn around to see that no one cares.
We touch to show our desires,
I think you are just a liar.
How can someone so happy with their partner,
Even glance my way?
I do everything. I withhold everything. I am the product of my own world.
Wuji Oct 2012
How does it feel to have a safety net?
Must me nice to know,
That there are dozens more,
To cushion the blow.
The shock from the fall might be sad,
But the nets will hold you close,
And even closer to their *****.
Now go,

I walk the tightrope,
With no nets beneath.
So wait there,
Stranded sitting down for a moment,
And pretend someone is worried underneath.
Instead of the cold hard ground.
My turn now,
Hope the friends in my head can catch,
Go long.
It is a little unfair.
Wuji Oct 2012
You contact me out of nowhere,
Looking for conversation.
Is your buddy not around?
Do you use me as a replacement?

I suppose I should be grateful,
For being your second choice.
But Dad never cared for slivers,
And neither do I.

Can't put on the shelf,
What you almost got.
Can't brag about what you never had,
There is a reason tears aren't bronze.

Because sliver is even more sad.

You run the whole relay,
To trip and twist your ankle.
You climb the highest mountain,
To slip and die.
You're out in the night for hours hiding,
To find out that no one even tried.
Never will get the gold.
Wuji Oct 2012
Swinging swinging to and fro,
It'll be black before you know.
The systems will die,
Relationships untie,
While stuck in suspension you are just that guy.
Can keep swinging,
Can keep hoping,
That maybe someday,
Someone will come over to play.
Black halfway there,
I'm still alone.
Might have a million contacts,
But no one cares to phone.
Now it's getting dim,
Still no one is with me at home.
Wishing I had someone,
A consent to keep me company.
But now it's black,
And before I know,
Darkness engulfs me,
Do I want a nightlight?
Sure felt like it.
Wuji Oct 2012
You are true,
Not to me,
But to you.
I can smile,
I can understand,
That it is not me,
But another man.
Rather it be one,
Then any other guy,
Happy you asked,
For different gas,
Your tank could try.
True to your word though,
You stick to one comforting enough.
I know you want to,
But let's spare him the pain.
You love each other,
That's not a bond I want to break.
We are still friends,
You two are still lovers.
Although you can rest assured,
I'm always under your covers.
We separate ourselves.
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