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Wuji Oct 2012
Whispering in the dark says I don't want it.
Screaming in my head says I can't have it.
The echoing fear loneliness surrounds me,
Knowing that I have nobody slowly kills me.
I have no arms just for me.
Not even my own,
Because they hold someone I love.
They just take my arms home,
I stand here innocently,
Fragmented writing noted on my phone.
Wuji Oct 2012
And I lay here looking at the sky,
Counting all the leaves that are prepared to die.
Yet they all stay up attached to their tree,
Helping it live on as they die from the disease,
Called Winter.

It's called Winter,
Freezes over the warmth.
It's called Winter,
Pauses back and forth.

And now you know you're trapped,
For nature's mid year nap.
Don't you love the taste of the sap,
As you fall down to your knees.

Until then I lay here.
Until then I will lie.
Waiting for the boss to come down,
And tells me that now is the time to die.

The birds are flying over head,
They make Vs in the sky.
Why not make tissues birds,
For all the ones who cry?

I wait here laying down,
Eyes upon the sky.
Waiting for that lucky bird,
To fall from reaching too high.

Or maybe he'll be alright,
Maybe he'll be just fine.
And just **** on me,
I pray that I am such a lucky guy.

Maybe the Winter will let me be,
Until then I look toward the sky.

Now it's getting dark,
Don't have a clue why,
But I see the bright lights over head,
Now I'm ready to die.
It was the first day of Jr. year and I just had to go home and be a kid.
Wuji Oct 2012
I've got that anxiety man,
Faces all around me seem to sag and frown.
Preacher man tells me to look at the sky not ground.
But I want to give the bugs the curusty of eye contact as I walk over them.
Why is their life so simple and mine so unsure?
Bet bugs don't even love they just **** and crawl on.

**** man, I hate all these eyes.
Tip toeing after me like the headlining band.
Not waiting to begin ******* as I head on my way in.
All the clocks say ten but the sun screams it's dawn.
Why aren't I in ******* bed right now...
Can someone shut that bird up!?
Birds in my head.
Wuji Oct 2012
Our society is playing limbo,
That bars drops and drops.
When you hit it you fall,
When you fall you crash.
Now you your broken,
Time for relapse.
Remember back in a time before,
Where ****** were gentle,
And guys could roam.
Skip down hopscotch boulevard,
To end up in a hole,
Below the bar.
Under pavement,
Alone an understatement.
As you try to procrastinate,
Your suffocation.
Died long ago score under par,
Taken out like everyone else,
By that **** bar.
We all fall together yet end up alone.
Wuji Oct 2012
It's too late to care, she's dead.
She killed herself with variability,
And none of you were there,
Quit your *******, all are guilty.
All of them claim to hate a common enemy,
But how can they?
I see blood on every hand dripping,
Hand prints covering the walls.
Self destructive behavior is human,
We know everything breaks.
All fixes are temporary,
But some will fix and fix.
No one fixed her problem,
Now she's gone...
And you care now?

She broke herself,
How can anyone fix that?
Why honor her for beauty,
When there are millions of suicidal rats?
I wish I could have helped.
Wuji Sep 2012
She calls it a **** if it springs on it's own.
He won't grab the flower if we say it has thorns.
She won't chase her dreams if we say wake up.
He'll burn the whole town down till they've had enough.

I bet you'll never realize the pain you gave me,
Secrets submerged within closed smile.
Never wanting more then just a taste,
Spoonful of pleasure but a mind bent on evil.

She calls the doctor when nothings wrong.
He amputates his paper cut with a hacksaw.
She cries and falls into comforting arms.
He hangs there broken from the cross bar.

I bet you'll never realize how no one lives here.
Empty house with dusty rugs on the floor.
A fire was lit a year ago inside it,
And now the butler is kindling the burn.

She never should of came.
He always wants to go.
But they can both agree,
To never trust a stone.
Don't do it man.
Wuji Sep 2012
Can't believe you're on your way upstream,
Against all the odds.
A trout rocketing through the river bed,
Leaving in his wake all doubt.
Fisherman staring longing wishing to escape,
Knee deep already in his own ways.

Shaking his fist,
Seranading them with swears,
Jealously is so honest,
We all know how he feels.

Trout broke away to the love he sought to taste,
Half way there you should have seen his face.
Not fork in the road but a bear in the way,
Killed for life reborn again someday.
Fisherman was satisfied, he was right again,
Cast the rod into the stream since the cycle was still intact.

Whistling to himself,
Face slowly withered away.
Crual smile tattooed to his face,
Which the Reaper will make disappear.
Rain is so settling.
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