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Wuji Sep 2012
Being here before the bible,
I have learned nothing has ever been planned.
Byproducts avoided bullets,
Because all the bandits all have lost an eye.  

Never can put my finger on it,
Newly **** imagines that I wish I knew,
Fogging up the nightmare's window.
Now evaporate back into your nimbus.

I can see past the eyes,
They all think they are invisible.
Like a heated igloo in a blizzard,
Imploding inevitable but still comforting to look at.  

Everywhere I sense the uneasiness,
That stampede of silent elephants.
Eyeballing the problem might just scare it off,
But everything equal can still tip a scale.
Pieces of this puzzle,
Are too interesting not to play with,
Making products through plagiarizing the ideas,
Given to us by our planet.  

But nothing is ever planned.
Wuji Sep 2012
There's the idea,
Get up and leave.
Go on the path of your own choice.
God has got nothing to do with this,
But a hollowed voice always doubts.
I can run for miles,
Shards of glass for shoes,
Forcing me to walk my path,
Not with you but alone.
Run all I want I still need to hide.
Live with the spiders?
The monkeys?
Inside my own mind?
No much too cluttered in there.
Keep moving towards the realization,
That I will end up coming back.
A nature walk to find myself,
Only ended in my last act.

But that's okay,
The show must go on.
And I'm sure it will.
Wuji Sep 2012
Sticking out like a sore thumb,
At least I'm not locked in the masses' fist.
Writing my own tale of oddness day by day,
Building the stories I will tell my grand kids.
This might only be the preface of the plot,
While I climb the raising actions to the ledge.
I will not peek at the end of this book,
But just might burn some holes in the neighbor's hedge.
I live for the reaction of you all,
Hoping to bring smiles and laughter.
Maybe opening your eyes to the way I see life,
So this can be a successful rapture.
Please stare at me in disbelief while I blow your minds,
Beneath this crazy face their more then meets the eye.
And yes,
Most of them rhyme. have purple toes?
Wuji Sep 2012
He's selling,
His story,
For fame and glory.
Letting everyone in,
As his soul pours out.
How can you let then unknown,
Sweep into the darkest part,
Of your heart?
I'd call you a sell out,
But your only spreading the word.
I'd ask for you to shut up,
But you should never take the wings off a bird.
Maybe your just so real now that you appear to be fake,
Specking so calculated,
Singing to be heard,
It makes me mad somehow,
Isn't that absurd?

I am the same way you know,
But of course you know that.
You look up to me as inspiration,
When I am really just a disgusting damp bat.
Reclusive and in hiding,
I hate to show I care.
I could have gone with you to that place,
If I wanted to share.
I rather lock my feelings up,
And scream in a sound proof garage,
Then to share my close thoughts to strangers,
Who don't know who we are.
I don't want fans,
I just want to cool down.
Writing and living,
Making my own sound.
My own secret,
For my very few to enjoy.
Because no one wants to be aware,
That I am just an innocent boy.

If sharing is caring,
Then I guess I don't care for myself at all.
Kinda hypocritical because I post poems on here that could be viewed by millions, but lets face it, my hand writing ***** and this is so organized.
Wuji Sep 2012
Hands to yourself,
What if you break it?
You couldn't fix it,
So leave it alone.
Think you know better?
You don't.
Think you'll heed my warning?
You won't.
Eyes on the prize,
But the claw,
Always opens too soon.
Fumbling over the chances,
That you can be with her.
Naive in every sense,
Keep walking on,
Prepare to be captured,
Even if you are her,
Favorite pawn.
Not even a rook...
Wuji Sep 2012
We are the ones who won't open our eyes,
Fearing that we will turn into cold stone.
The unknown, a dangerous mystery,
That is why we can never truly know.
Out of sight out of mind, can that be true?
No, we will always concisely be sad.
Deep down we all can feel it's just a ruse,
In the distorted nest of all our fears.
If that's not enough, the snake kissed your face,
All the saliva of temptation there.
Wipe it off quickly before you lick your ich,
Too late now the snakes know how much you care.
Medusa can't wait to have a new fool,
Trophy of a scared man, isn't that cool?
You have to open your eyes sooner or later. (Sonnet)
Wuji Sep 2012
Cool breeze,
Release me.
My mind,
Has been so busy.
I've been talking to shadows,
They always have something unheard of to say.
Lip syncing the unimaginable tongue,
Surprises roll out like soldiers,
Armed ready for war.
Taking me on laps,
Over and over again.
But every time,
I never want the lap to end.
Now I feel that cool breeze,
Coming round.
Makes you think,
Why safe and sound?
More like,
Are you happy,
Now that you're living in a box,
Protecting yourself with all your chains and locks?
Now through the keyhole,
The breeze kisses your face.
Best feeling of relief,
When you're locked in a cage.
Somewhere out there,
You know now,
There is a escape.
You know that feeling when a cold breeze hits you? I want to feel like that, forever.
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